Add Request

Lets you submit requests for customer identifier changes. It could be either mobile number, email ID, or external ID.

Requests, when submitted, will be in pending status by default. Capillary back-end team verifies the request and could either approves or rejects it. The request/add API allows you to directly process a request by passing a query param client_auto_approve=true.

If client_auto_approve=true, the request will be created in pending status by default and then processed automatically.

However, requests can be approved automatically based on the following configs set on Member Care.

CI_EMAIL_AUTO_APPROVEApproves email id change requests automatically
CI_MOBILE_AUTO_APPROVEApproves mobile number change requests automatically
CI_EXTID_AUTO_APPROVEApproves external id change requests automatically
CI_ADDRESS_AUTO_APPROVEApproves registered address change requests automatically


The param client_auto_approve overrides all the server side configurations mentioned in the table above. However, it is recommended not to use the param unless it is highly necessary.

Request Body Parameters (for Identifier change)

mobile/email/external_id/id*stringPass any of the identifiers of the customer with the identifier value.
reference_id*longUnique reference id for the request
typeenumType of request. Value: CHANGE_IDENTIFIER, TRANSACTION_UPDATE,
base_typeenumIdentifier that you want to update. Value: MOBILE, EMAIL, EXTERNAL_ID.
RETRO for transaction update.
old_valuestringThe current value of the customer identifier.
new_valuestringThe new value of the customer identifier.

Request Body Parameters (for retro transaction)

typeenumType of request. Value: TRANSACTION_UPDATE.
base_typeenumBase transaction type. Value: RETRO.
old_typeenumCurrent transaction type. Value: NOT_INTERESTED.
new_typeenumNew transaction type. Value: REGULAR.
reasonstringReason for issuing goodwill points/coupons. Applicable only for goodwill response
commentsstringSmall description on why goodwill points/coupons issued
transaction_idstringTransaction ID of the not-interested transaction that you want to update.
misc_infostringAdditional information regarding the current retro conversion.

Request Body Parameters (for mobile number reallocation)

typeenumType of request. Value: GOODWILL.
base_typeenumSub-type of the request. Value: POINTS for goodwill points issual, COUPONS for goodwill coupon issual.
series_idlongOffer ID from which coupon has to be issued. Ensure that the offer is consumed by Member Care module (Goodwill Adjustment Settings > Coupon). Applicable only for base_type as COUPONS.
pointsintNumber of points to issue. Applicable only for base_type as POINTS.

Request Body Parameters (for merge accounts)

target_customerobjDetails of the survivor account - the account that will continue to remain after merging.
typeenumPass CHANGE_IDENTIFIER for merge requests.
base_typeenumSub-type of the request. Value: MERGE.

Request Body Parameters (for goodwill requests)

typeenumType of request. Value: GOODWILL.
base_typeenumSub-type of the request. Value: POINTS.

Request Body Parameters (for group goodwill requests)

typeenumType of request. Value: GOODWILL.
base_typeenumSub-type of the request. Value: POINTS.
identifier_valuestringGroup id

Response Parameters

reference_idstringUnique reference ID of the request.
idlongUnique ID generated for the request.
statusenumCurrent status of the request. Values: PENDING, APPROVED, REJECTED.
customerobjDetails of the customer details associated to the request.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!