Communications (v1)

Communications represent personalized messages (SMSs/emails) sent to the loyalty customers. Messages such as transaction notifications, birthday wishes, anniversary wishes can be sent through communications APIs.

The communications entity stores personalized messages, and message templates, To send messages the communication gate way should be enabled for your organization with enough message credits.

The communications entity allows you to perform the following tasks:

  • Fetch details of a specific email/SMS by message id
  • Send personalized emails/SMSs
  • Retrieve details of a specific email/sms template
  • Create new SMS/email templates or update existing templates

Status Codes

Success Codes

4100Message sent successfully
Message fetched successfully
Template added/updated successfully
4200Email sent successfully / Email fetched successfully

Error Codes

4101Unable to send message
4201Unable to send email
4102Unable to find/retrieve SMS
4202Unable to find/retrieve email
4203Invalid template type passed
4204Template not found
4205Unable to update the template
4206Invalid template id passed
4207No template is available with the given parameters
4208Invalid email id