Get coupon details

This API retrieves the details of one or more coupons by coupon codes or IDs, or get coupons issued to specific customers.



For detailed information about our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer documentation in API overview and step-by-step guide on making your first API call in Make your first API call .


  • Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
  • Default access group

Resource information

Batch supportNo
Rate limit informationNone

API endpoint example

Request Query parameter

issuedToIds*IntegerFetch coupons issued to specific customers. Pass customer IDs to fetch.
couponIdsIntegerFetch coupon details by coupon IDs.
couponCodesStringFetch coupon details by coupon codes.
coupon_code_caseEnumThis parameter helps to retrieve the coupon code in the desired letter cases. By default, the system automatically converts the coupon code to upper case. The query itself is not case sensitive. Supported Values:
LOWER: Converts the coupon code to lower case.
UPPER: Converts the coupon codes to upper case.
AS_IT_IS: It ensure that the coupon code is retrieved exactly as it was created or provided, without altering the letter case. For instance, if the code is "abAB123," it should be retrieved and displayed as "abAB123," maintaining its original formatting.

Response parameter

codeThe unique code associated with the coupon.
seriesIdThe ID of the series the coupon belongs to.
descriptionA brief description of the coupon.
discountCodeCode indicating the type of discount.
validTillThe expiry time displayed here can be different if time is defined along with the expiry date of the coupon. For more details, refer to the documentation about the difference in the displayed and actual coupon expiry time.
discountTypeThe type of discount.
discountValueThe value of the discount provided by the coupon.
discountUptoThe maximum value up to which discount can be applied.
discountOnWhat the discount is applied on.
detailedInfoDetailed information about the coupon.
    "data": [
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            "discountCode": "NO_VALUE",
            "validTill": "2021-05-31T00:00:00Z",
            "discountType": "ABS",
            "discountValue": 100.0,
            "discountUpto": 0.0,
            "discountOn": "BILL",
            "detailedInfo": "Test Marvel"
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            "seriesId": 84093,
            "description": "Test Marvel",
            "discountCode": "NO_VALUE",
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            "discountType": "ABS",
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            "detailedInfo": "Test Marvel"
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            "description": "Test Marvel",
            "discountCode": "NO_VALUE",
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            "discountType": "ABS",
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            "detailedInfo": "Test Marvel"
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            "description": "Welcome ",
            "discountCode": "NO_VALUE",
            "validTill": "2119-09-09T00:00:00Z",
            "discountType": "PERC",
            "discountValue": 15.0,
            "discountUpto": 0.0,
            "discountOn": "BILL",
            "detailedInfo": "Welcome "
    "warnings": [],
    "errors": []
    "data": [
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            "seriesId": 68579,
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            "validTill": "2024-10-31T00:00:00Z",
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    "warnings": [],
    "errors": []
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!