post https://{host}/v2/api_gateway/v2/request-workflow/ISSUE-BADGE
This API endpoint allows for the initiation of enrolling customers for badges.
For detailed information about our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer documentation in API overview and step-by-step guide on making your first API call in Make your first API call .
API endpoint example
- Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
- Default access group
- Maker request access (CanMakeRequest). Contact admin for access.
Resource information
URI | /api_gateway/v2/request-workflow/ISSUE-BADGE |
HTTP Method | POST |
Pagination | No |
Batch support | No |
Rate limit information | None |
Header information
X-CAP-API-AUTH-ORG-ID | Organization ID |
X-CAP-UI-AUTH-TOKEN | A JSON Web Token (JWT) is used for intouch user authentication. CanMakeRequest access is required to generate this token. |
Request body parameters
Parameter (Parameters marked * are mandatory) | Type | Description |
entityInfo* | Object | Information about the entity (till, store, zone, concept) |
- tillId* | String | The unique identifier for the till associated with the transaction. |
- storeId* | String | The unique identifier for the store where the transaction occurs. |
- zoneId* | String | The unique identifier for the zone or area the store is associated with. |
- conceptId* | String | The unique identifier for the concept or branding associated with the store. |
payload | Object | The Intouch payload for the Issue Badge Workflow is a structured set of data that facilitates the enrolling of the customers for badges. This payload contains specific information required to execute this operation. |
- IntouchAPITask-Payload | Object | Information about the Intouch API task |
- hostname* | String | Hostname for the API endpoint. Example - <> |
- path* | String | /api_gateway/v1/badges/badgeMeta/customer/issueBulk . The path denotes the endpoint within the API that manages to enrol customers for badge. |
- method* | String | POST. The HTTP method used for the request |
\pathParams | Object | This field is reserved for any dynamic parameters that may be included in the API endpoint URL. Note: In this workflow, pathParams may not be utilized, as the necessary information is typically provided in the request body. |
\queryParams* | Object | Additional parameters that can be appended to the API request URL for further customization. *Note:** In this workflow, query parameters may not be utilized, as the necessary information is typically provided in the request body. |
\body* | Object | The body of the request containing payload data. For more information on the body parameters, refer to the Enrol badge API documentation . |
-ownerType | Enum | The module for which the badge is being issued. Supported values: LOYALTY/REFERRAL_CAMPAIGNS/JOURNEYS/AUDIENCE_CAMPAIGNS/ REWARDS_CATALOG/ GOODWILL_MODULE/ MILESTONES. |
-referenceId | String | Enter a unique identifier to identify the owner (ownerType). |
-customers | Number | Array of customer identifiers associated with the badge |
-requestId | Number | Enter a unique identifier to identify the request. |
-badgeMetaId | String | Unique identifier ("id") generated during the creation of the badge. |
source* | String | Specifies the source of goodwill point allocation eg “API”. |
\headers* | Object | Headers provide additional context and information about the request. |
- Authorization | String | Contains the authentication credentials needed to access the Intouch API. |
- content-type | String | The content type of the request (application/JSON in this case). This field specifies that the payload is in JSON format, ensuring that the data is properly interpreted by the API. |
-X-CAP-API-AUTH-ORG-ID | Number | Organisation ID |
"entityInfo": {
"tillId" : "50682289",
"storeId": "50682288",
"zoneId": "50682286",
"conceptId": "50678331"
"IntouchAPITask-Payload" : {
"hostname" : "",
"path": "/api_gateway/v1/badges/badgeMeta/customer/issueBulk",
"method": "POST",
"pathParams" : {
"triggeredBy": {
"ownerType": "Goodwill_Module",
"referenceId": "134"
"customers": [113460811],
"requestId": "e7requestd62c5ec5d115a2859228cefd9ee8cgh",
"badgeMetaId": "658de01c823d1b70aabcfaae"
"Authorization": "Basic YWIxMjQ6MjVkNTVhZDI4M2FhNDAwYWY0NjRjNzZkNzEzYzA3YWQ=",
"content-type": "application/json"
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
requestId | String | Unique identifier for the request. |
userId | Integer | Identifier for the user making the request. |
userName | String | Email or username of the user making the request. |
requestType | String | Type of request being made (e.g., "customer-status-change"). |
state | String | Current state of the request (e.g., "AdminTask"). |
startTime | DateTime | Timestamp marking the start of the request. |
endTime | DateTime/Null | Timestamp marking the end of the request, if applicable. |
IntouchAPITask-Payload | Object | Object containing specifics of the API call to change customer status. |
hostname | String | The base URL of the API endpoint. |
path | String | Specific path to the API endpoint for changing customer status. |
method | String | HTTP method used for the request. |
pathParams | Object | Path parameters for the API call, if any (empty in this case). |
queryParams | Object | Query parameters for the API call, detailing aspects like source and identifier. |
body | Object | Body of the API call, containing the reason for the status change and the new label. |
headers | Object | Headers for the API call, including Authorization and Content-Type. |
ValidateMakerAccess_Output | Boolean | Indicates whether maker access validation was successful. |
ValidatePayload_Output | Boolean | Indicates whether payload validation was successful. |
"data": {
"requestId": "23e06c3e-a5c3-11ee-9a63-9ab214749657",
"userId": 232134,
"userName": "",
"requestType": "issue-badge",
"state": "AdminTask",
"startTime": "2023-12-29T02:23:23",
"endTime": null,
"details": {
"IntouchAPITask-Payload": {
"hostname": "",
"path": "/api_gateway/v1/badges/badgeMeta/customer/issueBulk",
"method": "POST",
"pathParams": {},
"body": {
"triggeredBy": {
"ownerType": "Goodwill_Module",
"referenceId": "134"
"customers": [
"requestId": "e7requestd62c5ec5d115a2859228cefd9ee8cgh",
"badgeMetaId": "658de01c823d1b70aabcfaae"
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Basic YWIxMjQ6MjVkNTVhZDI4M2FhNDAwYWY0NjRjNzZkNzEzYzA3YWQ=",
"content-type": "application/json"
"ValidateMakerAccess_Output": true,
"ValidatePayload_Output": true