Upsert target communication

This API helps in both updating and inserting the target communication based on the given "target id" and "target group id".


Make sure you have the appropriate access control configured. For more information, see access group documentation.

API endpoint



The two path parameters targetGroupId and targetId are mandatory fields.

Body parameters

activePass true to make the communication active.
channelIdUnique ID of the channel through which the communication needs to be sent.
communicationTypeType of the communication. Values: START, FINISH, CHANGE, REMINDER.
messageTemplateContent that should go in the message.
senderSender ID from which the communication needs to go.
subjectTemplateSubject line of the template.

Response parameters

dataArray containing details of communication.
data[].idUnique identifier of the communication.
data[].attributionContains metadata about the creation and last update of the communication.
data[].attribution.createdOnTimestamp indicating when the communication was created.
data[].attribution.lastUpdatedOnTimestamp indicating the last update made to the communication.
data[].attribution.lastUpdatedByDetails of the entity or user that last updated the communication.
data[].attribution.lastUpdatedBy.idUnique identifier of the last updater.
data[].attribution.lastUpdatedBy.codeCode related to the last updater.
data[].attribution.lastUpdatedBy.descriptionA description related to the last updater.
data[].attribution.lastUpdatedBy.nameName of the last updater.
data[].attribution.lastUpdatedBy.typeType of the last updater.
data[].attribution.createdByDetails of the entity or user that created the communication.
data[].attribution.createdBy.idUnique identifier of the creator.
data[].attribution.createdBy.codeCode related to the creator.
data[].attribution.createdBy.descriptionA description related to the creator.
data[].attribution.createdBy.nameName of the creator.
data[].attribution.createdBy.typeType of the creator.
data[].targetIdIdentifier of the target for the communication.
data[].targetGroupIdIdentifier of the target group for the communication.
data[].communicationTypeType of the communication.
data[].channelIdUnique ID of the channel through which the communication is sent.
data[].subjectTemplateSubject line of the template for the communication.
data[].messageTemplateContent/message template of the communication.
data[].senderSender ID from which the communication is sent.
data[].offsetDaysNumber of days offset.
data[].activeBoolean indicating if the communication is active.
errorsContains any errors related to the response.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!