Get Points Ledger Explode info

Retrieves the points ledger explode info for customer/ user group.

Response Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
eventLogIdIntegerA unique identifier for the event.
eventNameStringThe name of the event, in this case, "GenericEvent".
eventDetailsObjectContains details about the event.
eventDetails.eventDisplayNameStringDisplay name of the event, e.g., "CupSeries2024".
eventDetails.tillIdIntegerID of the till where the event was recorded.
eventDetails.displayNameStringName to display for the event, e.g., "CUP SERIES CHECK-IN".
pointsEarnedObjectContains details of points earned in the event.
pointsEarned.regularArrayArray of regular points earned (empty in this case).
pointsEarned.promoArrayArray of promotional points earned during the event. ID of the promotion, e.g., 8166. name of the promotion, e.g., "CupSeriesatClashColiseumBuschLightTrack_4Feb-5Feb". ID of the loyalty program associated with the promotion, e.g., 1155. name of the loyalty program, e.g., "NASCAR LoyaltyDefaultProgram". value of the points earned from the promotion, e.g., 200.0. start date of the promotion, e.g., "2024-02-04 00:00:00.0". end date of the promotion, e.g., "2024-03-05 23:59:59.0".
pointsEarned.promisedArrayArray of promised points (empty in this case).
behavioralEventMetadataObjectMetadata about the behavioral event associated with the check-in.
behavioralEventMetadata.labelStringThe label for the behavioral event, e.g., "CUP SERIES CHECK-IN".
behavioralEventMetadata.fieldsArrayAn array of fields related to the event's metadata.
behavioralEventMetadata. fields.fieldNameStringThe name of the field, e.g., "activity_date".
behavioralEventMetadata. fields.fieldTypeStringThe type of the field, e.g., "DATE".
behavioralEventMetadata. fields.attributes. isRequired.valueTypeStringThe type of value for the isRequired attribute for the event, e.g., "BOOLEAN". This is configured during the creation of the event.
behavioralEventMetadata.fields. attributes.isRequired.valueStringThe value indicating if the field is required, e.g., "false".
behavioralEventMetadata.fields. attributes.isUniqueKeyField.valueTypeStringThe type of value for the isUniqueKeyField attribute, e.g., "BOOLEAN". This is configured during the creation of the event .
behavioralEventMetadata.fields. attributes.isUniqueKeyField.valueStringThe value indicating if the field is a unique key, e.g., "false".
eventReferenceIdStringThe event request ID. This is generated when the event is sent. This helps to trace the event.
uniqueIdStringA unique identifier for this specific event instance, e.g., "70375599-a144-4065-8db5-a6abd061ddf7". This can be the same as requestId or can be hash of the payload when the isUniqueKeyField is enabled.
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