Issue single coupon

This API allows you to issue a series of coupons to a customer, enabling them to redeem the coupons.


  • Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
  • Default access group

Resource information

Rate limitNA
Batch supportNA

API endpoint example

Body parameter

ParameterData TypeDescription
seriesId*IntegerValid coupon series ID. The issue coupon is linked with create coupon series.
customer*ObjectObject containing customer details.
customer.idIntegerThe unique identifier for the customer.
customer.mobileStringThe mobile number of the customer.
customer.externalIdStringAn external identifier for the customer.
customer.emailStringThe email address of the customer.




Any one among the customer identifiers is mandatory.

Response parameter

ParameterData TypeDescription
codeStringThe unique coupon code generated. This code is used for redeeming the coupon.
seriesIdIntegerThe unique identifier for the coupon series.
descriptionStringDescription of the coupon.
discountCodeStringThis code is defined during the creation of the coupon series and is used as a POS identifier on member care. This will be used by the cashier at the Point of sale machine.
validTillStringExpiry date and time of the coupon. This is created during the creation of coupon series.
discountTypeStringSpecifies the type of discount provided by the coupon. This is created during the creation of coupon series.
discountValueIntegerThe value of the discount. This is created during the creation of coupon series.
discountUptoIntegerThe maximum value up to which the discount can be applied. This is created during the creation of coupon series.
discountOnStringThe aspect on which the discount is applied. This is created during the creation of coupon series.
detailedInfoStringAdditional information about the coupon. This is created during the creation of coupon series.
customerObjectObject containing customer details.
customer.idIntegerThe unique identifier of the customer.
customer.profilesObjectObject containing profile details of the customer
customer.profiles.firstNameStringThe first name of the customer.
customer.profiles.lastNameStringThe last name of the customer.
customer.profiles.fieldsObjectAdditional fields related to the profile.
customer.profiles.allFieldsObjectAll fields related to the profile.
customer.profiles.identifiersObjectObject containing the details of customer identifiers.
customer.profiles.identifiers.typeStringType of identifier. Supported values: mobile, externalId.
customer.profiles.identifiers.valueStringValue of the identifier.
customer.profiles.commChannelsObjetObject containing the details of the mode of communication with the customer.
customer.profiles.userIdIntegerThe unique identifier of the customer.
customer.profiles.accountIdStringAccount ID associated with the customer.
customer.profiles.autoUpdateTimeStringThe time when the event was automatically updated.
customer.profiles.identifiersAllObjectThe object containing identifier objects of the profile.
customer.profiles.identifiersAll.typeStringType of identifier. Supported values: mobile, externalId.
customer.profiles.identifiersAll.valueStringValue of the identifier.
redemptionCountIntegerNumber of times the coupon has been redeemed.
idIntegerID generated for the issued coupon.
warningsArray of StringsThe array of warning messages related to the coupon.
    "code": "ICJE1X12P6",
    "seriesId": 544770,
    "description": "Festival coupon",
    "discountCode": "erg123",
    "validTill": "2026-05-09T00:00:00Z",
    "discountType": "ABS",
    "discountValue": 500.0,
    "discountUpto": 0.0,
    "discountOn": "BILL",
    "detailedInfo": "Evil coupon",
    "customer": {
        "id": 555567088,
        "profiles": [
                "firstName": "Abijith",
                "lastName": "Guptha",
                "fields": {},
                "allFields": {},
                "identifiers": [
                        "type": "mobile",
                        "value": "11223569865"
                        "type": "externalId",
                        "value": "000003873472"
                "commChannels": [],
                "userId": 555567088,
                "accountId": "",
                "autoUpdateTime": "2024-06-25T06:51:13Z",
                "identifiersAll": [
                        "type": "mobile",
                        "value": "11223569865"
                        "type": "externalId",
                        "value": "000003873472"
    "redemptionCount": 0,
    "id": 0,
    "warnings": []
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!