Request (V1)

Request entity contains APIs corresponding to submitting and retrieving requests. In Capillary APIs, requests are of two types - Change Identifier and Goodwill. Request APIs allow you to change customer identifiers, merge customer accounts, issue Goodwill points/coupons, and retrieve details of submitted requests.

  • Change Identifier: Requests corresponding to identifier change, accounts merge, and mobile reallocation
  • Goodwill: Requests corresponding to goodwill points and coupons

Status Codes

Success Codes

9000Change Identifier request added successfully.
Request retrieved successfully.
Goodwill request added successfully.
Retro request added successfully.
Request updated successfully.
Retro request approved successfully.

Error Codes

201Some requests have failed due to errors
1001Customer not registered. Mobile number provided is invalid.
1002Invalid Email
1627Transaction already marked retro
1629Client signature is mandatory for this action
9001Request retrieve unsuccessful
Requested new email ID is invalid
9002Requested new email already exists
9003Requested new External ID already exists
9005Requested new mobile already exists
9006Request Type is invalid
9055Request has been queued earlier
9007Target customer is not Existing or Invalid
9008Request Base Type is invalid
9009Request add failed due to internal error. Please try again later
9011User is not registered
9012Old value is invalid
9013Request not found
9018Request for Merge already exists for the victim in pending or processing state
9019No customer identifiers passed
9021Requested On date is in future
9022Customer is not registered for Loyalty Program
9023Survivor is already merged to another user as victim
9024New value is invalid
9026Request for Merge already exists for the survivor in pending or processing state
9027Victim is already merged to another user
9028Request already exists for same new value
9029Survivor and victim are same
9031Old value is same as new value
9035Identifier reallocation request already exists in pending state for the customer
9040Request change type not supported
9041Invalid identifiers count
9042Customer not found for given identifiers
9043No request identifiers found
9046Requested new mobile is invalid
9047Requested new external_id is invalid
9049Invalid identifiers
9050Request not found
9051Same user cannot request and approve
9052Invalid request status
9057Invalid transaction old_type specified
9058Invalid transaction new_type specified
9051Invalid transaction ID
9053Registration is too much older than transaction time
9052Transaction is too old to mark as retro
9056Same user cannot request and approve
9059Transaction amount beyond auto-approval limit
9060Retro transactions are not permitted as per org-configs