API status codes

This page provides you information regarding the errors and warnings that might occur during API calls.

API responses are generated at the request level and item level.

  • Request Level Responses: These response codes are generated at the request level (for an entire request).
  • Item Level Responses: These response codes are generated at individual items of a request.

For instance, assume that a batch API call is made to add multiple transactions. The entire request will have a status (successful, failed or partial success)and each transaction item will have its own response code element. You can see API level response in the element and item level in the element.

Request level response codes



There are two types of failure cases - Errors and Warnings. Errors occur when the main activity fails - it could be due to internal error or incorrect input. Warnings occur when the primary activity is succeeded, but the secondary activity/activities failed.

200Global request success.
201One or more requests have failed due to errors.
400Invalid input. Please check request body parameters or input xml/json.
Invalid path parameter.
Error with range passed or array in indexing.
401Authentication failed. Please check username and password.
403V2 is not enabled for the org.
Mandatory field is missing. Field {x} is mandatory.
404Incorrect resource or resource not found.
405The operation is not supported for the resource.
415Unsupported media type.
461Search Engine is busy or unable to respond. Please try after some time.
500Requests have failed due to errors.
521Multiple actions are running for the same customer. Please try after some time.
1060Batch limit size exceeded.
1062Invalid test and control status.
1064Invalid org ID passed.
503Authorization status is unavailable. Make sure that your API resource has appropriate access control permissions.
403Access denied. Make sure that your API resource has appropriate access control permissions.

Item level response codes

Each entity has a different set of response codes. Item-level response codes for each entity are provided in the respective entity section.