Get all available rewards for user

This API gives all the details for the reward purchased such as Reward ID, Metadata, Intouch points, Programs/tiers, Reward restrictions/limits, and Catalog promotions applied.



For detailed information about our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer documentation in API overview and step-by-step guide on making your first API call in Make your first API call .


  • Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
  • Default access group

Resource information

Batch supportNo
Rate limit informationNone

API endpoint example

Request query parameters

ParametersData TypeDescription
UserId*LongUser ID of the customer. Ex: 177071561
includeExpiredBooleanPass includeExpired as true to retrieve expired reward details.
groupNameStringEnter the group name to fetch all the rewards associated with the group.
sortOnGroupsBooleanPass sortOnGroups as true to sort rewards based on groups.

Request path parameters

ParametersData TypeDescription
Brand Name*StringName of the brand. Ex: Bukl

Response parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
successBooleanIndicates whether the request was successful or not.
codeIntegerThe status code of the response.
messageStringA message describing the result of the request.
rewardListList of ObjectsA list of reward objects containing information about each reward.
idIntegerThe unique identifier of the reward.
nameStringThe name of the reward.
descriptionStringA description of the reward.
imageIdStringThe unique identifier of the reward's image.
imageUrlStringThe URL of the reward's image.
thumbnailIdStringThe unique identifier of the reward's thumbnail image.
thumbnailUrlStringThe URL of the reward's thumbnail image.
termAndConditionsIdStringThe unique identifier of the reward's terms and conditions.
termAndConditionsUrlStringThe URL of the reward's terms and conditions.
tierStringThe tier associated with the reward.
labelStringThe label associated with the reward.
priorityIntegerThe priority of the reward.
intouchPointsIntegerThe number of intouch points associated with the reward.
groupStringThe group to which the reward belongs.
startTimeDateTimeThe start time of the reward.
endTimeDateTimeThe end time of the reward.
expiredBooleanIndicates whether the reward has expired or not.
startedBooleanIndicates whether the reward has started or not.
programIdStringThe unique identifier of the loyalty program associated with the reward.
categoryListList of ObjectsA list of categories associated with the reward, with each category containing its name and enabled status.
customFieldsObjectCustom fields associated with the reward.
loyalty program criteriaList of ObjectsCriteria for the loyalty program associated with the reward, including loyalty program ID, tier IDs, and partner program IDs.
restrictionsObjectRestrictions applied to the reward, including customer level and reward level restrictions.
groupNameStringName of the group.
groupRankIntegerRank of the group.
rewardRankIntegerRank of the reward.
paymentConfigsObjectThe paymentConfigs object includes the type of payment mode used to purchase the reward. The ID is the unique identifier for the payment mode configuration used.
paymentModeEnumThe type of payment mode supported to redeem the reward. Supported values: POINTS, FREE, CASH, POINTS_CASH, CONV_RATIO.
rewardRevenueDetailsObjectThe list containing the comission percentages for each participant
brandCommissionFloatCommission percentage the brand receives.
endCustomerCommissionFloatCommission percentage the end customer recieves.
idIntegerUnique identifier for the payment configuration
    "status": {
        "success": true,
        "code": 200,
        "message": "User Reward fetched successfully"
    "rewardList": [
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            "description": "Redeem existing Reward Points on travel booking. Redeem 10,000 points and get 10% OFF on your next flight booking ",
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Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!