Update fulfilment status and transaction custom fields for issued rewards

This API is used to update fulfilment status and transaction custom fields for issued rewards



  • For detailed information about our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer documentation in API overview and step-by-step guide on making your first API call in Make your first API call .


  • Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
  • Default access group

Resource information

Batch supportNo
Rate limit informationNone

API endpoint example


Request path parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
skip_validationStringA validation code is used to redeem points for the transaction. You can set skip_validation to true in the configuration to bypass the validation code for points redemption.

Request body parameters

transactionsarrayDetails about the transaction.
id*integerUnique id of the transaction to fetch.
customerId*integerUnique id for the customer associated with the transaction.
rewardId*integerUnique id for the reward associated with the transaction.
transactionCustomFieldsobjectCustom transaction fields enhance the ability to track and manage reward points beyond what standard fields offer, meeting specific needs and requirements. The supported data types are String, Integer, Date, and Boolean. Default limit for transaction custom field is 20.

Consider the following scenarios:
Scenario 1: A brand partners with a third-party vendor to deliver their product. This requires additional tracking, such as vendor ID, handling instructions, and delivery date. To manage this information, create custom fields for vendor_ID, handling_instructions, and delivery_date and include the fields with their respective values in thetransactionCustomFieldobject.
Scenario 2: A brand wants to store extra information about a transaction's status, such as internal status codes and notes that standard fields don't capture. Create custom fields for internal_status_code and notes and add the fields with their corresponding values to the transactionCustomField object.
Refer Reward Tracking with status and Custom Fields for more information.
fulfillmentDetailsobjectThe fulfillmentDetails object tracks the status of each transaction's fulfillment process and provides information about the current state of reward fulfillment. Consider the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: A customer places an order for a reward. To track the order through its various stages, create statuses such as "Order received," "Processing," "Shipped," and "Delivered." Include these statuses as values in the fulfillmentDetails object to provide real-time tracking information to the customer.

Scenario 2: A customer reports an issue with a reward they received or requests a return. Update the fulfillmentDetails object with statuses such as "Returned," "Refund processed," or "Issue resolved." This approach helps manage and track returns or complaints more effectively.
statusstringCurrent status of the fulfillment process. Status can be created from Create fulfillment status.
    "transactions": [
            "transactionId": 3482445,
            "customerId": 85076836,
            "rewardId": 177657,
            "transactionCustomFields": {
                "Partner_Order_Id" : "6565454987656",
                "Date" : "10/09/2024",
                "Time" : "evening",
                "Seat_Section" : "Orchestra",
                "Seat_Row" : "Q",
                "Seat_Number" : "205",
                "Paypal_Order_Id" : "45678",
                "Paypal_amout" : "30$"
            "fulfillmentDetails": {
                "status": "Confirmed"

Response parameters

transactionsDetails about the transaction.
idUnique id of the transaction to fetch.
customerIdUnique id for the customer associated with the transaction.
rewardIdUnique id for the reward associated with the transaction.
fulfillmentDetailsDetails about the fulfillment status.
idUnique id of the fulfillment details
statusCurrent status of the fulfillment process.
    "transactions": [
            "transactionId": 3482445,
            "rewardId": 177657,
            "customerId": 85076836,
            "fulfillmentDetails": {
                "id": 9,
                "status": "Confirmed"
            "transactionCustomFields": {
                "Partner_Order_Id": "6565454987656",
                "Date": "10/09/2024",
                "Time": "evening",
                "Seat_Section": "Orchestra",
                "Seat_Row": "Q",
                "Seat_Number": "205",
                "Paypal_Order_Id": "45678",
                "Paypal_amout": "30$"
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