Reward Tracking with Status and Custom Fields in Reward Fulfillment
You can utilize the standard field "Status" and add custom fields in the issueReward API to include additional metadata related to reward issuance for tracking purposes. This is especially useful for tracking rewards fulfilled outside the Capillary system.
Key Features:
Standard Field - STATUS:
A new ENUM field called STATUS is now available in the issueReward call to track the current status of reward fulfillment (e.g., received, in-progress, pending, denied, completed).
This field is optional and validated against predefined values.
Custom Fields:
Issue Reward call now supports custom fields with data types such as String, Integer, Date, and Boolean.
Custom fields are unique at the organization level, with options for default values and case sensitivity.
A max of 10 custom fields can be passed in the issue Reward call
Integration with Other APIs:
The newly introduced fields are supported by the getPurchasedRewards API and membercare API, ensuring consistent data representation across platforms.
Enhanced Metadata Handling : Improved tracking of reward fulfillment statuses and additional metadata to streamline operations.
Improved Customer Interactions :Real-time updates and detailed information available on partner portals and mobile apps, enhancing customer satisfaction.
Steps to follow for fulfillment status:
Define the predefined values for fulfillment statuses using this API: Create Fulfillment Status.
Update the predefined values for fulfillment statuses using this API: Update Fulfillment Status.
Retrieve the predefined values for fulfillment statuses using this API: Get Fulfillment Status.
Issue Reward Call:
Use these fulfillment statuses in the issueReward call (single or bulk). Here, it will be validated against predefined values.
Update the fulfillment status using the update txn API: Update txn API
Retrieve Fulfillment Status:
Call the purchased rewards for user API or txn level API to see the value of the fulfillment status of the reward.
Steps to follow for txn custom fields:
Create custom fields with scope as ISSUE_REWARD using this API: Create custom field
Update custom fields with scope as ISSUE_REWARD using this API: Update custom field
Retrieve custom fields with scope as ISSUE_REWARD using this API: Get custom field
Issue Reward Call:
Use these custom fields in the issueReward call (single or bulk)
Update the custom fields using the update txn API: Update txn API
Retrieve txn custom fields:
Call the purchased rewards for user API or txn level API to see the value of the txn custom fields of the reward.
Using the IssueReward API to pass fulfillment status and txn custom fields:
Passing STATUS and Custom Fields:
Include the STATUS field and any txn custom fields in the issueReward call.
Bulk Issue:
STATUS and custom fields can also be passed in bulk issue calls.
Ensure that the STATUS and custom fields are included for each reward in the bulk call.
Issue reward APIs
Example Use Case:
Fulfillment Process:
A reward partner logs into the partner portal and sees a list of rewards with a pending STATUS.
Upon receiving a fulfillment request, the partner updates the STATUS to confirmed.
Additional metadata such as ticket number or order ID can be entered.
Once fulfillment is complete, the STATUS is updated to completed.
Customer View:
End customers can view the STATUS of their rewards and any additional information on their mobile app, providing transparency and enhancing their experience.
By following these steps, reward partners and brands can effectively use the new STATUS and custom fields to manage reward fulfillment and provide a better experience for end customers.
Updated 5 months ago