Tracker Value Standard Export Template

The Tracker Value template is based on the fact Points.

Lets you export tracker values generated through the Loyalty Engine to update slabs and perform other activities. You will get bills by entry but not cummilative bills.

You can use this template to export:

  • tracker value at a bill or line-item level, and
  • all tracker bills of the specified duration irrespective of the slab


  • You cannot export the current tracker value

To know more about trackers and configurations, see Trackers


Allocated PointsNumber of points allocated
Auto Update Time PADate and time when the Points Awarded table is recently updated (Unix timestamp)
Auto Update Time PABPDate and time when the Points Awarded Bill Promotion table is recently updated (Unix timestamp)
Auto Update Time PACPDate and time when the Points Awarded Customer Promotion table is recently updated (Unix timestamp)
Auto Update Time PALDate and time when the Points Awarded Lineitem table is recently updated (Unix timestamp)
Auto Update Time PALPDate and time when the Points Awarded Lineitem Promotion table is recently updated (Unix timestamp)
Auto Update Time PDDate and time when the Points Deductions table is recently updated (Unix timestamp)
Awarded Ref IdThe reference id of the source from where the points are awarded
Bill IdLoyalty log id or bill id for which the points are awarded or redeemed
Bill NumberBill number for which the points are awarded or redeemed
Event IdUnique id of each event entry of the corresponding table
Deducted PointsNumber of redeemed, returned or expired points


latest_updated_date, latest_updated_time, awarded_date, awarded_expiry_date,awarded_points_promotion, awarded_zone_till, category, deduction_type, Date, Time, User, User Segments,Store Hierarchy, Concept Hierarchy, expiry_date, expiry_time, points_awarded_type, points_event_type,points_promotion