Goodwill Requests Fact Table

A goodwill request involves the allocation of goodwill points or coupons to a customer for various reasons. This table records the generation of goodwill requests. It captures the event details such as the number of goodwill points that have been approved, loyalty program against which the goodwill points have been allocated, date and time when the request was made.

Databricks Table Name: goodwill_requests

Goodwill Requests - Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Zoom in the table for more clarity. Click the table title to view its details.

Goodwill Requestallocated_pointsapproval_commentsapproved_valuecommentsdim_event_program_iddim_event_user_iddim_event_zone_till_iddim_latest_updated_date_iddim_latest_updated_time_iddim_points_category_iddim_request_created_date_iddim_request_updated_date_idPKevent_idgoodwill_points_log_notesgoodwill_points_log_statusgoodwill_points_logs_idgoodwill_request_statusgoodwill_typegpl_auto_update_timegr_auto_update_timeis_one_step_changepoints_event_idreasonrequest_assoc_idrequest_auto_update_timerequest_statusrequest_typeyearProgrampoints_currency_ratio: integerauto_update_time: stringredeemable_point_category_id: integerLKprogram_id: integeris_active: stringprogram_name: stringis_default: stringdescription: stringProgramusersauto_update_merged_customer: bigintauto_update_loyalty: bigintfraud_status: stringtest_control_bucket: stringis_merged_customer: stringsubscription_status_email_bulk: stringfirst_name: stringslab_name: stringsubscription_status_wechat_bulk: stringemail: stringlast_name: stringmerged_user_id: bigintLKuser_id: bigintsubscription_status_wechat_trans: stringsubscription_status_sms_bulk: stringndnc_status: stringsubscription_status_email_trans: stringtest_control_status: stringauto_update_fraud_user: bigintis_inactive: stringsource: stringslab_number: intauto_update_users: bigintregistered_till_id: bigintauto_update_customer_enrollment: bigintslab_expiry_date: stringcustomer_external_id: stringsubscription_status_sms_trans: stringmobile: stringloyalty_type: stringauto_update_ndnc_status: bigintUsersZone_tillsstore_country: stringexternal_id_1: stringstore: stringauto_update_till_parent: bigintarea: stringstore_name: stringstore_city: stringstore_state: stringtill: stringauto_update_till_store_relation: bigintis_ffc_enabled: stringLKtill_id: biginttype: stringtill_description: stringauto_update_till: bigintstore_channel: stringexternal_id: stringis_billable: stringstore_id: bigintis_active: stringauto_update_store: bigintstore_description: stringlatitude: stringtimezone: stringexternal_id_2: stringtill_name: stringzone_name: stringZone TillsdateLKdate_id: intday_of_month: intweek_of_year: intmonth: stringyear: intquarter: stringweek_number: intweek_start_date: stringweek_end_date: stringday_of_week: stringmonth_no: intmonth_no_of_year: intmonth_of_year: stringday_of_week_no: intquarter_no: intyearly_quarter_no: intdate: stringDatePoints CategoryLKcategory_id: bigintredeemtion_type: stringauto_update_program: bigintcategory_type: stringauto_update_points_category: bigintPoints CategoryGoodwill RequestsTimeLKtime_id: biginttime: stringhour_of_day: intminute_of_day: intday_shift: stringday_shift_no: inthour_range: stringTime


PK   Primary Key

LK   Linking Key

Fact Table
Dimension Table

Goodwill Requests Facts Table

Column NameData TypeDescriptionLinked TableAvailability for Export in the Goodwill Requests Template
allocated_pointsdoubleTotal number of goodwill points issued to the customer._Yes; Measure Name: Allocated Points
approval_commentsstringComments added by the approver for the goodwill point allocation request._Yes; Measure Name: Approval Comments
approved_valuestringValue of the points that has been approved._Yes; Measure Name: Approved Value
commentsstringAny remarks related to the goodwill points, added by the user._Yes; Measure Name: Comments
dim_event_program_idbigintGives the loyalty program name against which the goodwill points have been allocated.programYes; Dimension Name: Event Program
dim_event_user_idbigintIdentifies the user associated with the event. It is an internally assigned value by Capillary for user identification.usersYes; Dimension Name: User Id
dim_event_zone_till_idbigintIdentifier assigned to the point-of-sale (POS) terminal within a store. It distinguishes one checkout location from another within the same store.zone_tillYes; Dimension Name: Store Hierarchy
dim_latest_updated_date_idbigintDate when the data corresponding to this event/ row is changed in the source table.dateYes; Dimension Name: Date
dim_latest_updated_time_idbigintTime when the data corresponding to this event/ row is changed in the source table.timeYes; Dimension Name: Date
dim_points_category_idbigintGives the category name against which the goodwill points have been allocated. Possible values are - Regular points, Trackers, Promised points, Alternate currencies, and External trigger based points.points_categoryYes; Dimension Name: Points Category
dim_request_created_date_idbigintDate when the goodwill request was created.dateYes; Dimension Name: Date
dim_request_updated_date_idbigintDate when the goodwill request was updated.dateYes; Dimension Name: Date
event_idbigintUnique identifier for the Goodwill points table. It is the primary key for this table._Yes; Measure Name: Event Id
goodwill_points_log_notesstringAdditional information about goodwill points._Yes; Measure Name: GoodWill Points log notes
goodwill_points_log_statusbigintStatus indicator for the goodwill points log._Yes; Measure Name: GoodWill Points Log Status
goodwill_points_logs_idbigintUnique identifier for each entry in the goodwill points log._Yes; Measure Name: Goodwill Points Logs Id
goodwill_request_statusstringStatus of the goodwill request associated with the points. Whether is the status is approved or not._Yes; Measure Name: Goodwill Request Status
goodwill_typestringType or category of the goodwill points. Possible values are - Coupon, and Points._Yes; Measure Name: Goodwill Type
gpl_auto_update_timebigintTime when the goodwill points logs table available at the source was last updated. It is in the Unix timestamp format._Yes; Measure Name: Gpl Auto Update Time
gr_auto_update_timebigintTime when the goodwill request table available at the source was last updated. It is in the Unix timestamp format._Yes; Measure Name: Gr Auto Update Time
is_one_step_changebigintIndicates if one step issual of goodwill points is active or not. In one step issual, goodwill points are issued instantly without requiring additional approval steps._Yes; Measure Name: Is One Step Change
points_event_idbigintRefers to the points fact table event id._Yes; Measure Name: Points event Id
reasonstringReason for the goodwill request._Yes; Measure Name: Reason
request_assoc_idbigintAssociated ID for the goodwill request._Yes; Measure Name: Request Assoc Id
request_auto_update_timebigintTime when the goodwill request table available at the source was last updated. It is in the Unix timestamp format._Yes; Measure Name: Request Auto Update Time
request_statusstringStatus of the request. Possible values are - Pending, Approved, and Rejected._Yes; Measure Name: Request Status
request_typestringType of the request._Yes; Measure Name: Request Type
yearintegerYear when the goodwill points are issued._Yes; Dimension Name: Year