This table captures the milestone event of customers, such as the start date of the milestone target, client/ org to which the milestone belongs, and identifier of the milestone.
Databricks Table Name: target_milestone_trigger_communications
Milestones Entity Relationship Diagram
Zoom in the table for more clarity. Click the table title to view its details.
Target Milestone Trigger Communications auto_update_time: bigint client_id: bigint dim_event_date_id: bigint dim_latest_updated_date_id: bigint dim_latest_updated_time_id: bigint dim_milestone_id: bigint dim_user_target_id: bigint PK id: bigint year: int date LK date_id: int day_of_month: int week_of_year: int month: string year: int quarter: string week_number: int week_start_date: string week_end_date: string day_of_week: string month_no: int month_no_of_year: int month_of_year: string day_of_week_no: int quarter_no: int yearly_quarter_no: int date: string Date Time LK time_id: bigint time: string hour_of_day: int minute_of_day: int day_shift: string day_shift_no: int hour_range: string Time Milestones milestone_id: int org_config_id: int auto_update_milestone: bigint LK id: bigint name: string User Target recurring_cycles: bigint frequency: bigint target_entity: string enrollment_type: string targetRuleIsActive: bigint end_date: string target_type: string target_cycle_start_date: bigint targetGroupCreatedOn: bigint evaluation_type: string targetGroupIsActive: bigint target_rule_name: string target_group_name: string target_rule_id: bigint user_id: bigint target_value: bigint period_name: string entityType: string target_group_id: bigint start_date: string LK user_target_id: bigint preferred_till_id: bigint period_id: bigint entityIds: string targetRuleCreatedOn: bigint frequency_type: string Milestone User Target Target Milestone Trigger Communications Legend
PK Primary Key
LK Linking Key
Milestones Fact Table
Column Name Data Type Description Linked Table auto_update_time bigint Date and time when the corresponding record in the milestone table available at the source was last updated. It is in the Unix timestamp format. _ client_id bigint Unique identifier for the client or organization. _ dim_event_date_id bigint Start date of the milestone. date dim_latest_updated_date_id bigint Date when the data corresponding to this event/ row is changed in the source table. date dim_latest_updated_time_id bigint Time when the data corresponding to this event/ row is changed in the source table. time dim_milestone_id bigint Identifier for the milestone. milestone dim_user_target_id bigint Identifier for the user target. user_target id bigint Unique identifier and primary key for the table. _ year integer Year of the milestone. _