Campaigns & coupons based filters

Coupon Redemption

Lets you filter customers based on the number of coupons redeemed in given period.

Redemption Count*You can get the customers based on coupon redemption count in a specific duration.

You can select the points range using the operators Greater than equal, Less than equal, Equals, and In the range of.
Duration*Lets you fetch customers with coupon redemption count for a specific period.

You can choose duration either by Specific dates or Relative days.
CampaignLets you filter customers who redeemed coupons of a specific campaign.

Click +/- Fields > Select Campaigns > Type your preferred campaign name in the available box and check the campaign to select (you can select multiple campaigns) > Click Select.
Discount CodeLets you filter customers who redeemed a specific coupon.

Click +/- Fields > Select Discount Code> Type your preferred coupon code in the available box and check the code to select (you can select multiple coupon codes) > Click Select.
Store HierarchyThis option lets you filter customers by store(s) at which the activity is done. You can also select stores by zones and concepts.

You can select the registered customer by using the hierarchy as a store, zone, and concept.

Contacted Customers

Lets you fetch customers who were targeted for an outbound campaign in a given duration. You can also get customers that are targeted for a campaign through a specific channel with a particular message delivery status, such as received, sent, read, and sending.

Campaign*Lets you fetch customers who were contacted in a specific campaign, select the campaign name from the drop-down list. For example, you can include customers who were contacted for the campaign.
DurationLets you fetch customers who were contacted in a specific campaign during the specific period.

You can choose duration either by Specific dates or Relative days.
ChannelLets you get customers contacted through a specific channel such as SMS, Email, iOS app, Android app, and so on.
Audience GroupLets you get customers who were contacted in a specific campaign and belong to the selected audience group. For example, you can get the customers who were contacted in sms_demo (campaign name) and belong to the demo group1 (audience group name).
Delivery StatusLets you filter further by delivery status such as sent, received, not delivered, and so on.

Maximum Number of Messages

Lets you fetch customers who received a specific number of messages during a specific period.

Received messages count*You can get the customers based on the received messages count in a specific duration.

You can select the points range using the operators Greater than equal, Less than equal, Equals, and In the range of.
Duration*Lets you get customers based on messages received count in a specific duration.

You can choose duration either by Specific dates or Relative days.

About to Expire Coupons

Coupons are issued to customers through the Campaigns or Loyalty module. These coupons have a fixed validity. You can get the list of customers whose coupons are expiring in a specific period.

Number of expiring coupons*You can get the customers based on the number of expiring coupons in a specific duration.

You can select the points range using the operators Greater than equal, Less than equal, Equals, and In the range of.
Duration*Lets you get customers based on the number of expiring coupons in a specific duration.

You can choose duration either by Specific dates or Relative days.

Timeline Contacted Customers

Lets you get customers that were contacted through Timeline Campaigns. You can further filter data by duration, communication channel, delivery status, milestones, and timeline.

Campaign*You can select the campaign(s) from which you want to fetch the customer list.

You can either include or exclude a given condition.
DurationLets you get customers that were contacted through Timeline Campaigns.

You can choose duration either by Specific dates or Relative days.
ChannelYou can further filter customers who were contacted through a specific communication channel(s) such as SMS, email, WeChat, Android app, and iOS app. You can select one or more channels.
Delivery StatusLets you filter further by delivery status, such as sent, received, not delivered, and so on.
MilestoneYou can get customers of your preferred milestones on selected timelines.
TimelineYou can get customers on a specific timeline. You will see the list of timelines of the selected campaigns. Select the timelines that you want to apply.

Responded Customers

This filter lets you build a group with customers that have responded to a campaign. For more specific results, you can further filter by date, audience group, store/concept, product, day, and hour.


  • Responded customers are recipients who shopped during the campaign period.
Campaign*You can get customers who responded to a specific campaign(s).
For example, you can include customers who have responded to the campaign sms_demo (campaign name).
DateThis lets you filter customers who responded (transacted) in a specific period.

You can choose duration either by Specific dates or Relative days.
Audience GroupThis option lets you filter only those customers who belong to the selected audience group(s).
Store HierarchyThis option lets you filter customers by store(s) at which the activity is done. You can also select stores by zones and concepts.

You can select the registered customer by using the hierarchy as a store, zone, and concept.
ProductSelect products that you want to include. For example, customers who purchased products from the Electronics category.

You can select products by Parent category, category, size of the product, product name, or Item code. For details on how to configure each option, see [Product filter].
DayThis filter lets you get customers who responded to the campaign on the specific day(s) of a week during the campaign.
To learn more, see here. (link)
HourThis filter lets you get customers who responded to the campaign during the campaign period only in the selected time range (from 00 to 23 hours) in a day.

To learn more, see here. (link)

Coupon Issued

This filter lets you build a group with customers to whom coupons were issued during a specific period. For more specific results, you can use advanced filter options such as campaign discount code and store hierarchy.

Coupon Issued*Lets you get the customers to whom a specific number of coupons were issued.

You can select the points range using the operators Greater than equal, Less than equal, Equals, and In the range of ((this also considers the minimum and the maximum number of issued coupons mentioned)
During*This filter enables you to further filter customers to whom coupons were issued in a specific duration.

You can choose duration either by Specific dates or Relative days.
CampaignThis filter lets further filter coupons from a specific campaign.

For example, you can get customers who received more than 2 coupons (greater than equal to) from demo_campaign (campaign name) before September 27, 2021.
Discount CodeThis lets you further filter only those customers to whom n coupons were issued with discount code(s), during a selected period.
For example, you can get customers to whom (greater than or equal to) 10 coupons were issued before September 27, 2020, with the discount code demo_code (value of the discount code).
Store HierarchyThis option lets you filter customers by store(s) at which the activity is done. You can also select stores by zones and concepts.

You can select the registered customer by using the hierarchy as a store, zone, and concept.