Attributes - discount & discPercentage


Profile: CurrentLineItem (Current Line Item)
Attribute: discount
Data Type: Integer/Big Decimal
Sub-Attribute: NA
Operator: <,>,<=,>=,==
Description: Discount at line-item level, Absolute Value of the discount.
Example: != 0

Example: Write an expression to check if the current Line Item level discoun value is greater than 300.
Rule: > 300

discPercentage (Line Item Level Discount Percentage)

Profile: CurrentLineItem (Current Line Item)
Attribute: discPercentage
Data Type: integer
Sub-Attribute: NA
Operators -> =,<=,>=,>,<
Description: lineitem discount % = (discount/amount * 100)
Discount value needs to be passed in api request payloadThe description specified for the line-item in the inventory, passed in the payloads.
Syntax: currentLineItem.discountPercentage[OPERATORS][VALUE]

Example: Write a condition to check if the line Item discount is greater than 15.
Rule: currentLineitem.discPercentage>15