Attributes - Registration Date
Profile : currentCustomer
Attribute : joinDate
Type : Date
Meaning : Registration date of a customer.
Output:The basic range of date operations serve to resolve the date attribute into a boolean outcome. You will commonly be combining multiple attributes in date operations, since you will be comparing dates
Sub-Attributes : dateDiff, day, dayOfMonth, daysDiff, daysDiffFromString, isAfter, isHourBetween, isTimeBetween, isValid, isWeekday, isWeekend, month, and year.
Operators : isNull - checks if the the date is Null i.e. it was not passed from source and isNotNull - checks if the the date is NOT Null i.e. some value was passed from source
Syntax : currentCustomer.joinDate.[Sub-Attribute][Operator][VALUE]
Profile | Attribute | Sub-Attribute | Description and Example |
currentCustomer | joinDate | datediff | dateDiff - absolute difference between 2 dates e.g. currentCustomer.joinDate.dateDiff( |
currentCustomer | joinDate | day | day - day of the week, week starts on Sunday as 1 e.g. Terrific Tuesdays would be )==3 |
currentCustomer | joinDate | isWeekday | isWeekday - checks if the date is a weekday e.g. currentCustomer.joinDate.isWeekday( ) |
currentCustomer | joinDate | isWeekend | isWeekend - checks if the date is a weekend e.g. currentCustomer.joinDate.isWeekend( ) |
currentCustomer | joinDate | isValid | isValid - simply checks if a valid date is present in that field e.g. currentCustomer.joinDate.isValid( ) |
currentCustomer | joinDate | isAfter | isAfter - checks if the attribute occurs after a defined date-time e.g. currentCustomer.joinDate.isAfter(YYYY,MM,DD,HH,MM,SS) |
currentCustomer | joinDate | isHourBetween | isHourBetween - scenarios like happy hours. hour in 24 hour format e.g. currentCustomer.joinDate.isHourBetween(HH,HH) |
currentCustomer | joinDate | isTimeBetween | isTimeBetween - similar to happy hours, but when minutes also matter e.g. currentCustomer.joinDate.isTimeBetween(HH,MM,HH,MM) |
currentCustomer | joinDate | dayOfMonth | dayOfMonth - date of the month e.g. For offers on the first 5 days of each month |
currentCustomer | joinDate | daysDiff | daysDiff - same as dateDiff, but ignores the year. Useful for anniversary type promotions. |
currentCustomer | joinDate | daysDiffFromString | daysDiffFromString - same as daysDiff, but when you want to use an attribute that could be saved as a string |
currentCustomer | joinDate | minutesDiff | minutesDiff - absolute difference similar to dateDiff, but looks at minutes |
currentCustomer | joinDate | Month | month - month number is returned |
currentCustomer | joinDate | Year | year - returns the year from the date e.g. currentCustomer.joinDate.year( )>=1981 |
Updated 8 months ago