Attribute - Target Based

Attribute: targetAchieved.

Profile : currentEvent & Event in workflow: Target Completed
Attribute : Target Achieved (targetAchieved)
Type : Integer(int)
Meaning : Provides the numeric value of the actual achievement of the customer for the given target.
Sub-Attribute: NA
Syntax: currentTxn.targetAchieved(“Target Name”)

Example: Write a rule to check if the target value achieved for a VNBrand4 is greater than the defined value of the VNBrand5 Target.
Rule: Condition1 > condition 2
Profile: current Event
Attribute: target achieved
Target Name: VNTeamPilotBrand
Profile: current Event
Attribute: target achieved
Target Name: VNTeamPilotBrand
Rule: currentEvent.targetAchieved("VNBrand4")>currentEvent.targetDefined("VNBrand5")