The Points template is based on the fact - Points.

  • With this template you can export the data of points related events such as points issual, and points deduction (redeemed, expired, and returned) including source details.
  • You will get only the detailed break up of deducted points but not the summarized one.
  • The template will have the filters “redeemable” and “not applicable (deducted)”, applied by default.

*Note: Points that are redeemed will be tagged to a transaction only if both the transaction and points redemption occurs within the span of +/- 15 minutes

Measures in Point Template

allocated_pointsThis is points awarded on a particular event. Can be on bill level, lineitem level or customer level
auto_update_time_paDate and time when the Points Awarded table is recently updated (Unix timestamp)
auto_update_time_pabpDate and time when the Points Awarded Bill Promotion table is recently updated (Unix timestamp)
auto_update_time_pacpDate and time when the Points Awarded Customer Promotion table is recently updated (Unix timestamp)
auto_update_time_palDate and time when the Points Awarded Line item table is recently updated (Unix timestamp)
auto_update_time_palpDate and time when the Points Awarded Line item Promotion table is recently updated (Unix timestamp)
auto_update_time_pdDate and time when the Points Deductions table is recently updated (Unix timestamp)
awarded_ref_idThe reference id of the awarded points that were deducted
bill_idLoyalty log id or bill id is a unique identifier for a transaction for which the points are awarded or redeemed.
It is populated ( primarily for transactional point award entries)from PA, PAL, PALP, PABP tables on the source side. This id has reference to the particular bill where points are awarded or redeemed.
PA - Points Awarded
PAL - Points Awarded Line Items
PALP-Points Awarded Line Item Promotion
PABP -Points Awarded Bill Promotion
bill_numberThe system-generated bill number for which the points are awarded or redeemed.
bill_number is populated if there is a valid bill_id populated in source loyalty side or else empty or null is populated as bill_number
deducted_pointsNumber of redeemed, returned, or expired points which are deducted from the total points
event_idIt is the id of the event occurrence and is populated from PA, PAL, PALP, PABP, PACP and PD tables on the source side.
PA - Points Awarded
PAL - Points Awarded Line Items
PALP-Points Awarded Lineitem Promotion
PABP -Points Awarded Bill Promotion
PACP -Points Awarded customer Promotion
PD - Points Deducted
Redemption Bill IdLoyalty log ID or bill ID for which the points are redeemed. The billing ID is generated by Capillary's system.
Bill Lineitem IdIt is the id against each line item where points are awarded.
Redemption Bill NumberBill number for which the points are redeemed.
deduction_currency_valueHolds the currency value of the deducted points.
Deduction Summary idDeducted points related to a single event are grouped using a deduction summary ID for analysis.

Dimensions in Point Template

Dimension NameDescription
DateEvent date
points_promotionContains the promotion name against which the points were allocated/redeemed/expired (the event type)
Refers to the id column of points_promotions table ,
TimeMeasures the timestamp when the event has occurred , it captures upto minutes and seconds is not captured.
UserUser identifier for the user to whom points have been allocated. This is an integer set internally by capillary.
User SegmentsThe segment to which the user belongs
points_event_typeSpecifies if the points were awarded or deducted
Store HierarchyThe store where event occurred
Concept HierarchyThe concept where the event occurred
OU HierarchyThe OU where the event occurred
deduction_typeIt gives us information about the type of deduction

More details here : Points Deducted Scenarios
awarded_dateIt is the date when points are awarded to the customer.
awarded_zone_tillCaptures the till_id of the zone where points were awarded.
latest_updated_dateDate when the records were last updated.
latest_updated_timeTime when the records were last updated
categoryIt tells the type of points which are awarded/deducted.

More details here : points_category
awarded_expiry_dateIt is the date when the points expire if left unused.
Awarded ProgramIt is the Loyalty program id.
Event ProgramIt gives us information about the loyalty program for which the data is shown.

More details here : program