

Liquid for personalization

Creatives now support Liquid, a prominent templating language that allows users to format dynamic content based on tags. With Liquid, users can format strings to capitalize, uppercase, lowercase, etc., or format date, time, and currency. Users can also use conditional logic, such as an if/else condition, to render different content for each customer.

You can find more information here.

Event context tags on messages

You can now use entry event attributes as tags within messages in journeys. To add these tags, go to messages within a journey, and under Add Label; you will find the Entry Event section, within which there would be specific profiles where you can select an attribute to be used in the message.

Please note that these tags are only visible on journeys when choosing an event as an entry trigger. Also, each entry event would have a dynamic set of tags that would be visible to the user.

You can find more information here.

Event context on journey blocks

We now have entry event context available at various blocks, such as decision splits and wait blocks. You can use the entry event attributes on your wait steps to wait.

To use this, select Based on entry trigger event in the Wait Type drop-down. You can wait until the Exact Date, a Specific Time Before the Date, or a Specific Time After the Date. Once selected, you can choose the attribute you want to wait on.

You can find more information here.

Enabled Org Tags

We now support organization-level tags that can be used in messages to format or render dynamic content. This is beneficial in the Connected Orgs setup, where the journeys with messages can be created on the parent org, and it can render the tags from child orgs.

Please note that org custom fields can currently be created via an API where you set the value.

Once done, these tags will appear under Organization Custom Fields when you click on Add Label

You can find more information here.

Advanced Journey settings

With this release, we have overhauled Advanced journey settings. We have now introduced three sections:

Entry Settings:

This section allows you to set how frequently users can re-enter a journey.

Communication Settings:

This section currently allows you to override unsubscribe status for sending transactional communication. Note that we don't currently override NDNC status, but this will be available soon.

Link Tracking Settings:

By default, we have enabled CTA tracking for all messages within journeys. We also provide a setting to enable URL shortening for links used in messages in a journey.

You can find more information here.

New gateway onboarding: ICS for Whatsapp

We have now integrated with ICS for Whatsapp.



Version 1.5.8 (October 29, 2024)

  • Improvements to notification handling and display

    Key Updates:

    • Shared User Defaults Accessibility:
      • Updated the shared user defaults to "No Protection," allowing access in the Notification Service Extension even when the device is locked. This ensures notifications are processed and displayed correctly in locked states.

Version 1.5.7 (October 21, 2024)

  • Significant updates and enhancements for notification handling and data management

    Key Updates:

    • Notification Sync & Pull:

      • Added functionality to store and fetch the last sync time for pull message requests.
      • Enhanced the notification database to support updates within sync operations.
      • Established a structured process for pulling undelivered notifications and updated status parsing logic.
    • Core Data & Database Management:

      • Executed migrations between non-shared and shared persistent stores, especially for logs and notification data.
      • Enabled log data to be shared across different environments.
      • Applied migration steps using app group identifiers to transition data from non-shared to shared persistent stores.
    • Notification Event Handling:

      • Extended HydraNotificationType enum with a new type: NC.
      • Utilized HydraNotificationsReceiverProtocol for receiving undelivered in-app and push notifications.
      • Added logic to refresh the inbox upon user interaction with a notification.
    • New Domains & Protocols:

      • Introduced a new domain for the Pull Approach, extending its logic for more efficient notification management.
      • Optimized NotificationCore+PullApproach.swift to handle pull requests on a separate serial queue, improving performance and preventing queue blocking.
    • Miscellaneous Improvements:

      • Added Codable support to store server configurations in shared user defaults.
      • Refactored and removed redundant code for better readability.
      • Updated EventScheduler.swift and HydraDBFactory.swift with performance optimizations.
      • Added support for handling notification badge updates on the app icon and reporting DLR (Delivery Receipt) for push notifications.


Optimize your rewards budget & catalog inventory

With recent changes in reward restrictions, you can now lay down the below limits for the rewards:

  • Maximum value that a single customer can snag during the reward for reward types like miles or gift cards
  • Maximum value that can be snatched up by all your amazing customers combined for reward types like miles or gift cards

This new update allows for more equal opportunities for customers to avail benefits while also optimizing spending at the reward level.

Refer to the documentation here.

Enhancements in getPurchasedRewards API

The Get Purchased Rewards for User API now supports additional query parameters to enable advanced filtering. These new filters provide greater flexibility in retrieving rewards data based on categories, vendors, group names, reward types, and purchase date ranges. This helps brands to better manage and display purchased rewards.

For more information, refer to the documentation here.

Idempotency check in issue reward

​​When issuing rewards in bulk via EMF, retries due to circumstances such as partial failures (e.g, due to processing delays) resulted in duplicate issuance of rewards. To address this issue, an Idempotency check has been introduced during the reward issuance process.

With this enhancement:

  • Repeated requests will no longer result in duplicate issuance of rewards.
  • A new parameter, requestId, has been added to the Issue Reward API.
  • The requestId ensures that each request is uniquely identified and processed only once, even if the request is retried.

For more information, refer to the documentation here.

Allow Multiple Coupon Codes for a Single User in a File Upload

The system now supports the ability to assign multiple coupon codes to a single customer within the same offer or coupon series in a single file upload. This enhancement eliminates the need for uploading multiple files to manage multiple coupon codes for the same customer.

Refer to the documentation here.

Issue Multiple Coupons from Loyalty workflows and Loyalty promotions on an event

You can now issue multiple coupons directly from Loyalty Workflows and Loyalty Promotions. This functionality lets you issue coupons either in fixed quantities or based on specific transaction events, offering more flexibility for rewards.

Fixed Quantity Coupon Issuance : Issue a pre-determined number of coupons either uniformly across all tiers or uniquely for each tier.

Refer to the documentation here.