Audience group filters

To create a new audience group:

  1. On the Engage+ page, click the Audience tab.
  1. Click Create New.
  2. Enter an Audience Group name.
  3. Select Apply filter condition, and then click Next.
  1. Click Filter to filter customers based on different parameters.


  1. Click Next to proceed.
  2. To add more customers, click Add more customers.
  3. Click Save Group.

Cart & catalog promotions

Promotions earned

The filter lets you create audience list with customers who earned specific number of promotions during a selected period.

For example, you wish to filter out users who have earned promotions more than three times in July. Assume the following data is available - Zoha earned 5 promotions in June, Raj earned 2 promotions in July, and Simran 4 promotions in June.

Here, Zoha will be selected as she is the only one who earned more than three promotions in July.

Basic filter options:

DateConsiders promotions earned in the specified period. You can choose duration either by Specific dates or Relative days.
Promotion earned countLets you filter customers whose number of earned promotions is in a specific range. You can select a range from minimum to maximum promotions.

For example, you can get customers who earned between 5 -10 promotions. You can also use the operators greater than equal, less than equal, equals and in range of.