Payment Mode Standard Export Template

The Payment Mode template is based on the payment_details fact

  • Allows you to export payment data, including the modes of payment used.
  • Granularity at bill id level.
  • Only a detailed breakdown of payments made, not a summarized one.
  • Exports the payment mode details for each transaction. You can export transaction-level data, including a breakdown of payment modes.
  • A bill can be paid through cash, credit card, gift card, points or coupon redemption or some other means either fully or partially.


bill_amountThe net transaction amount.
bill_discountThe total discount on the bill amount.
bill_idA unique id generated for the bill internally by capillary system. It helps in differentiating one customer's bill with the other.
central_gstCentral GST (Goods and Service Tax) amount levied on the bill. GST is charged at state level and central level.
integrated_gstGST (Goods and Service Tax) amount levied by the central government in case of inter-state supplies and imports.
payment_mode_amountAmount paid through a specific payment mode.
payment_mode_details_idUnique id associated to a specific payment mode.
quantityQuantity of items purchased.
state_gstState GST (Goods and Service Tax) amount levied on the bill. GST is charged at state level and central level.
tax_amountTotal tax levied at the bill level.


Dimension NameDescription
Payment Mode AttributeGives the payment mode attributes such as the payment attribute name, value, and id.
UserUser details such as user id, source, slab name, external id, fraud status, mobile, email, etc.
User SegmentsSegment details of the customers such as valued customer, lapsed customer.
User AttributesUser attributes such as total visits, recent view.
NpsGives the Net Promoter Score (from 1 to 10) given by the customer.
Order ChannelIdentifier for the order channel with which the order is placed, such as online or in-store.
SourceIdentifier for the source of the bill, e.g., instore, e-comm, newsletter, campaigns.
LoyaltyIndicates the loyalty type of the customer.
DateDate attributes of the payment.
Store Hierarchy (zone till)Identifier for the store, till id.
Concept HierarchyIdentifier for the concept.
Ou HierarchyIdentifier for the organization unit.
TimeTime attributes of the payment.
Dim Bill Type IdCaptures the type of bill for which the payment has been made, e.g., Regular, Not interested.
Added On DateLinks to the date dimension.
Payment ModeIncludes the payment mode label and Id.
Bill OutlierOutlier status of the bill.
Cashier IdIdentifier of the cashier.
RepeatShows if the customer has made previous purchases or if it's their first transaction.
Latest Updated DateLatest date when the data is updated.
Latest Updated TimeLatest time when the data is updated.