Transactions Standard Export Template

The Transactions template is based on the Bill Lineitems fact.

This template lets you export transactions related details such as:

  • Bill and line-item level transactions
  • Member and non-member transactions
  • Store level transactions
  • Audience list (irrespective of selected date-range)
  • Transaction level points
  • Transactions of user segments
  • Transaction level custom fields, and extended fields
  • Line item level custom fields and extended fields
  • User level extended fields


Initial Bill ValueRepresents the original bill amount before any discounts are applied.
Bill NumberA unique number for a transaction that is either auto-generated at the POS machine or provided manually. The uniqueness of the bill number depends on the configurations.
Visit CountTotal number of visits made by a customer. It is based on the number of transactions recorded for the customer.
Bill AmountNet amount of the transaction made by the customer after discounts, taxes, etc. Represents the final amount the customer is required to pay.
Visit Day Countnth visit of the customer, based on ranking by dates. Even if the customer visits multiple times on the same day, it counts as one day in the visit count.
Bill DiscountTotal discount applied on the bill.
Redeemed PointsNumber of points redeemed for a specific transaction.
Days Since Last VisitThe number of days since the customer's last transaction.
Tax AmountTotal tax levied at the bill level.
Central GstGST tax levied by the Central Government.
Integrated GstGST levied by the Central Government for inter-state trade.
State GstTaxes levied by the State Government on the bill.
Auto Update Time BillDate and time when the record in the bill table was last updated, in Unix timestamp format.
Auto Update Time ShippingDate and time when the record in the shipping table was last updated, in Unix timestamp format.
Auto Update Time Combo DetailsDate and time when the record in the combo_details table was last updated, in Unix timestamp format.
Auto Update Time Bill Extended FieldsDate and time when the record in the bill extended fields table was last updated, in Unix timestamp format.
Total QuantityTotal number of line items in the bill.
ReasonCaptures the reason for the transaction.
NotesField for capturing important notes related to a line item, such as a custom description or specific details while recording line-item level data.
Converted Bill IdThe new bill id after conversion from non-loyal customer to loyal customer.
Allocated PointsNumber of loyalty points allocated to a customer for a specific transaction, either at the bill, line item, or customer level.
Bill IdA unique id generated for the bill internally by the system, helping differentiate one customer's bill from another.
RateTotal cost of a line item, obtained by multiplying the item price by the quantity purchased.
Line Item AmountTotal amount for the line item after discounts and taxes.
QuantityNumber of units/line items bought.
Initial Line Item ValueThe original value of a line item before discounts or taxes.
Item CodeUnique code assigned to a line item within the transaction.
Line Item DiscountDiscount applied to the specific line item.
Parent Line Item IdIdentifier for the parent line item in combo or add-on transactions.
Additional DiscountExtra discount applied, such as for combo or bulk items, based on user input.
Total Unit CostTotal price of the item, including taxes and other charges.
Auto Update Time LineitemDate and time when the line item table (e.g., product name, quantity, price) was last updated, in Unix timestamp format.
Auto Update Time Lineitem Extended FieldsDate and time when the line item extended fields table was last updated, in Unix timestamp format.
Lineitem UuidUniversal Unique Identifier (UUID) for the line item.
Lineitem Serial NumberUnique serial number for the line item.
Lineitem Vat Tax PercentagePercentage of VAT levied by the Central Government on the line item.
Lineitem Vat AmountAmount of VAT levied by the Central Government on the line item.
Lineitem Service Tax AmountAmount of service tax applicable to the line item.
Lineitem Service Tax PercentagePercentage of service tax levied on the line item.
Lineitem Central GstGST levied by the Central Government on the line item.
Lineitem State GstState GST applicable to the line item.
Lineitem Integrated GstIntegrated GST levied by the Central Government on the line item.
Lineitem SizeSize of the line item.
DescriptionDescription of the line items.
Items In Product SetCount of items within a product set.
Item Discount DescriptionDescription of the reason for applying the discount to the item.
Item Points DiscountDiscount applied to the line item using loyalty points.
Item Coupon DiscountDiscount applied to the line item using coupons.
Item Unit MarginProfit margin associated with the item.
Line Item IdUnique id generated by the system for the specific line item.


Dimension NameDescription
MembershipSpecifies the membership type and Id of the customer who completed the transaction.
UserUser details such as user id, source, slab name, external id, fraud status, mobile, email, etc.
User SegmentsSegment details of the customers such as valued customer, lapsed customer.
User AttributesUser attributes such as total visits, recent view.
TimeTime attributes.
Store HierarchyIdentifier assigned to the point-of-sale (POS) terminal within a store.
Concept HierarchyIdentifier for the concept.
Ou HierarchyIdentifier for the organization unit.
Line Item OutlierOutlier status of the bill at the line item level.
ProductProduct related attributes such as item code, category, item id, color, style, etc.
Product AttributesAdditional product attributes such as description, item sku and item Id.
Bill OutlierOutlier status of the bill.
DateDate attributes.
RepeatShows if the customer has made previous purchases or if it's their first transaction.
LoyaltyIndicates the loyalty type of the customer. Possible values are - loyalty, non loyalty, not registered (who have not provided their contact details).
SourceIndicates the source of the bill. Possible values are instore, e-comm, newsletter, campaigns, NCA, Wechat, Facebook, etc.
Line Item TypeType of the line item; such as an add on item, combo item, combo parent, and split.
Parent ItemProduct related attributes of the parent item, such as item code, category, item id, color, style, etc.
Order ChannelIt indicates the specific channel through which the transaction was completed. They include - online, in-store, through a mobile app, etc.
Special Lineitem TypeIdentifier for the special line item type. Possible values are - free item, and processing fee information.
NpsNet Promoter Score (NPS) for the transaction, where NPS is a measure for customer satisfaction, ranging from 1 to 10.
Cashier IdIdentifier of the cashier who processed the transaction.
Lineitem Cashier Discount ReasonIdentifier of the reason behind the discount applied to the lineitem.
Lineitem CashierIdentifier of the cashier who processed the transaction.
Lineitem External Coupon CodeCoupon code id if any external coupon has been applied on the lineitems.
Lineitem Return ReasonIdentifier of the reason for returning the lineitem.
Conversion Request DateDate when the request was raised to convert a bill from non-loyalty customer to loyalty customer status.
Conversion Request TimeTime when the request was raised to convert a bill from non-loyalty customer to loyalty customer status.
Bill Conversion DateDate of the bill conversion when the customer has been converted from non loyalty customer to loyalty customer.
Bill Conversion TimeTime of the bill conversion when the customer has been converted from non loyalty customer to loyalty customer.
Latest Updated DateLatest date when the data is updated.
Latest Updated TimeLatest date when the data is updated.
Cashier Discount ReasonIdentifier of the reason behind the discount applied to the bill.
Buyer TypeIdentifier for the type of buyer. Possible values are retail, and wholesale.
Membership Card PresentIndicates whether a membership card is present for the customer or not.
Item Tax CodeIndicates a specific tax category. Includes GST at the central and state levels, interstate GST, and taxes levied to the total bill.
Item Promotion CodeGives the line item promotion code information
Item Discount TypeIdentifier of the type of discount given to the customer.
Cashier NameName of the cashier who processed the transaction.
Card UsedIdentifier for the card used in the transaction.