Configure Validity and Renewal Conditions

Configuring validity period

To configure validity period, perform the following steps:

  1. In Edit tier, enable Validity. Once this is enabled in any of the tiers, the validity options will get enabled for you in advanced settings.
  1. In Advanced settings, under "Validity", select Validity Period.

As you can see here, The Validity section provides three options.

  1. If you select:
  • Until Tier upgrade or Fixed Duration, in the Fixed duration, enter the months after which the tier expires.
  • Until next registration date of customer, check Add minimum duration box to set the minimum duration.


Minimum Duration in case of Registration date

By setting a minimum duration, the tier stays valid for that 
minimum duration during the first cycle, the validity check will
begin from the customer’s registration date every year.

  • Until Fixed Date, in the Fixed date, you can set the date for which the tier expires.


Minimum Duration in case of Fixed date

By setting a minimum duration, the tier stays valid for that minimum duration during the first cycle, and the validity check will begin from the fixed date every year.

Check tier expiry on a daily basis

Enabling this option allows you to validity check the renewal conditions and corresponding downgrades daily.



By default, the validity check of the renewal conditions and corresponding downgrades happens only on the last day of each month.

Configuring renewal conditions

To configure renewal conditions, perform the following steps:

  1. In Edit tier, enable the Renewal conditions.
  1. In Renew current tier if any of the following conditions are true from, perform the following steps:
  • Enable Purchases and enter the purchase value.
  • Enable No of visits and enter the number of visits that the customer has to make within the validity period of the tier.
  • Enable Points earned and enter the number of points that the customer needs to earn within the validity period.


You can also add tracker as an renewal condition on selecting +Add tracker .

  1. Select "Done".


Tier renewal happens if any of the when conditions enabled are satisfied.

Configuring validity extension

To configure validity extension, perform the following steps:

These options are only available if you choose "Until Tier upgrade or Fixed Duration", as the validity period.

  1. In How will it get extended, select when to validate tier downgrade conditions.


Validity extension is the same for all tiers.

  1. Select Done.
  • If you choose Till Next Registration Date of Customer

Tier will renew on the next registration date of the customer and will be valid till the next registration date (12 months).

  • If you choose Until Fixed Date

The tier will renew on the selected fixed date and will be valid till the next fixed date.