Coupons Fact Table
This table captures the event wherein coupons are issued to or redeemed by the customer. It captures the date and time of the coupon issual/ redemption, the associated bill amount, expiry date of the coupon, and the customer for which the coupon issual/ redemption has been done.
Databricks Table Name: coupons
Coupons - Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
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Coupons Fact Table
Column Name | Data Type | Description New | Linked Table | Availability for Export in the Coupons template |
auto_update_time _coupons | string | Date and time when the corresponding record in the coupons table available at the source was last updated. It is in the Unix timestamp format. | _ | Yes; Measure Name: Auto Update Time Coupons |
bill_id | bigint | Identifier for the bill against which the coupons have been issued or redeemed. | _ | Yes; Measure Name: Bill Id |
coupon_code | string | A unique identifier generated for the coupons. | _ | Yes; Measure Name: Coupon Code |
coupon_code_src | string | Represents the source coupon code. It is the same as the coupon code. | _ | Yes; Measure Name: Coupon Code Src |
dim_campaign_group_id | bigint | Identifier for the campaign group (test or control) for which the coupon has been issued or redeemed. | campaign_group | Yes; Dimension Name: Campaign Group |
dim_campaign_id | bigint | Identifier for the campaign for which the coupon has been issued or redeemed. | campaigns | Yes; Dimension Name: Campaign Id |
dim_coupon_issual _type_id | bigint | Identifier of the type of coupon issued. Possible values are - Single, and Bulk. Single: A single coupon is issued, in response to a specific event. Bulk: Multiple coupons are issued simultaneously. | coupon_issual _type Link | Yes; Dimension Name: Coupon Issual Type |
dim_coupon_series_id | bigint | Identifier of the coupon series against which the coupon has been issued or redeemed. | coupon_series | Yes; Dimension Name: Coupon Series |
dim_entry_type_id | bigint | Captures the entry type for the coupon, whether it is a manual entry or through Intouch. | entry_type | Yes; Dimension Name: Entry Type |
dim_event_date_id | bigint | Date when the coupon issual or redemption has occurred. | date | Yes; Dimension Name: Date |
dim_event_time_id | bigint | Time when the coupon issual or redemption has occurred. | time | Yes; Dimension Name: Time |
dim_event_user_id | bigint | Identifier of the user, set internally by Capillary. | users | Yes; Dimension Name: User Id |
dim_event_zone_till_id | bigint | Identifier assigned to the point-of-sale (POS) terminal within a store, where the coupon was issued/redeemed. It distinguishes one checkout location from another within the same store. | zone_tills | Yes; Dimension Name: Store Hierarchy > Till Id |
dim_expiry_date_id | bigint | Date when the coupon is set to expire. | date | Yes; Dimension Name: Expiry Date |
dim_issual_campaign _group_id | bigint | Identifier for the campaign group associated with the coupon issual. | campaign_group | Yes; Dimension Name: Campaign Group |
dim_issual_date_id | bigint | Date when the coupon has been issued. | date | Yes; Dimension Name: Issual Date |
dim_issual_time_id | bigint | Time when the coupon has been issued. | time | Yes; Dimension Name: Issual Time |
dim_issual_type_id | bigint | Captures the issual type. Possible values are store and customer. | coupon_issual _type Link | Yes; Dimension Name: Issual Type |
dim_issual_zone_till_id | int | Identifier assigned to the point-of-sale (POS) terminal within a store, where the coupon was issued. It distinguishes one checkout location from another within the same store. | zone_tills | Yes; Dimension Name: Issual Zone Till |
dim_issued_to_user_id | bigint | Identifier of the customer to whom the coupon has been issued. | users | Yes; Dimension Name: User Id |
dim_latest_updated _date_id | bigint | Date when the data corresponding to this event/row is changed in the source table. | date | Yes; Measure Name: Latest Updated Date |
dim_latest_updated _time_id | bigint | Time when the data corresponding to this event/row is changed in the source table. | time | Yes; Measure Name: Latest Updated Time |
event_id | bigint | Unique identifier of the coupons issual/redemption event, It is the primary key of this table. | _ | Yes; Measure Name: Event Id |
issual_coupon_id | bigint | Unique identifier assigned to the coupon which has been issued. | _ | Yes; Measure Name: Issual Coupon Id |
redemption_bill_amount | double | Total transaction amount of the bill against which the coupon has been redeemed. | _ | Yes; Measure Name: Redemption Bill Amount |
used_bill_number | string | Bill number used while redeeming the coupon. | _ | Yes; Measure Name: Used Bill Number |
year | int | Year when the coupon was issued/redeemed. | _ | Yes; Dimension Name: Year |
dim_coupon_event _type_id | bigint | Identifier for the coupons event type (issual, redemption). It is the primary key of this table. | redeemed_status | Yes; Dimension Name: Coupon Event Type |
Updated 5 months ago