Registration Event Standard Export Template

The registration event template is based on the registration_event fact.

Lets you export the details of the events in which an entity (customer/ store staff) registration takes place.


Measure NameDescription
ActivitySpecifies the source activity that triggered the registration event. Specifies the source activity that triggered the registration event. Possible values are - wechat_follow, wechat_register, tmall_register, system, website_register, ecommerce_register, and jd_register.
Registration Event RankRank for the event, computed on the Insights side.
Auto Update Time Entity Life CycleDate and time when the corresponding record in the entity life cycle table available at the source was last updated. It is in the Unix timestamp format.
Reference IdRepresents the request_id of the API call that resulted in the creation of this entity. For example, it could be the requestId from a customer update call.
IdUnique identifier of the table.


Dimension NameDescription
Entity TypeIdentifier for the entity type. Possible values are - Customer, and Store staff.
UserUser details such as user id, source, slab name, external id, fraud status, mobile, email, etc.
User SegmentsSegment details of the customers such as valued customer, lapsed customer.
User AttributesUser attributes such as total visits, recent view.
Channel AccountIdentifier for the channel where the customer's profile was created. These include Whatsapp, Web_engage, Mobile_app, Line, and WeChat.
StateIdentifier of the status of the registration. Possible values are - Completed, executing, int_wait, failed, queued, temporary failure, and ext_wait.
Store Hierarchy (zone till)Identifier for the store, till id.
Concept HierarchyIdentifier for the concept.
Ou HierarchyIdentifier for the organization unit.
DateDate attributes of the registration.
TimeTime attributes of the registration.
Latest Updated DateLatest date when the data is updated.
Latest Updated TimeLatest time when the data is updated.