Attributes - KPIs (Transaction Data)

Attributes covered: avgBasketSize , avgSpendPerVisit, clusterValueIncludes, clusterValueExcludes, numberOfTxns, numberOfTxns, numberOfVisits

1. avgBasketSize

Profile: currentCustomer()
Attribute: avgBasketSize
Sub-Attributes: NA
Data type -> Int (Integer)
Operator: <(less than),>(greater than),<=(less than or equal to),>=(greater than or equal to),==(compare the LHS with RHS),!=(not equal to).

Meaning: The ratio of total line items purchased till date to the number of transactions/bills till date of a particular customer.
avgBasketSize = (Sum of total line items)/Number of Transaction (aka Count of transaction)

Syntax: currentCustomer.avgBasketSize[Operators][Value]

Example 1 : Write a rule to check if the average basket size is greater than 10.
Profile: current customer
Attribute: avgBasketSize
Operator: ">"
Rule: currentCustomer.avgBasketSize>10
Example 2: Write a rule to check if the average basket size is equal to 10 and avg spend per visit is 80.
Rule: Condition 1 && Condition 2
Profile: current Customer
Attribute: average Basket Size
Operator: ==
Profile: current Customer
Attribute: averageSpendPerVisit
Operator: ==
Rule: currentCustomer.avgBasketSize==10&&(currentCustomer.avgSpendPerVisit)==80
Example 3: Write a rule to check if the average Basket Size is less than or equals to 203.
Profile: current Customer
Attribute: average Basket Size
Operator: "<=" i.e "less than or equal to"
Rule: currentCustomer.avgBasketSize<=203

2. avgSpendPerVisit

Profile: currentCustomer()
Attribute: avgSpendPerVisit
Sub-Attributes: NA
Data type -> BigDecimal
Operator: <(less than),>(greater than),<=(less than or equal to),>=(greater than or equal to),==(compare the LHS with RHS),!=(not equal to).

Meaning: This is the average amount a customer is spending on a transaction.

Formula: AvgSpendPerVisit = lifetimePurchase / numberOfVisits

Syntax: currentCustomer.avgSpendPerVisit[Operators][Value]

Example 1: Write a rule to check if the average Spend per customer is greater than 5000 and currently all points are greater than or equals to 1000.
Rule: Condition 1 && Condition 2
Profile: current Customer
Attribute: average Spend per customer
Operator: >
Profile: current Customer
Attribute: currentAllPoints
Operator: >=
Rule: currentCustomer.avgSpendPerVisit>=5000&&(currentCustomer.currentAllPoints>=1000)
Example 2: Write a rule to check if the average basket size is equal to 10 and avg spend per visit is 10.
Rule: Condition 1 && Condition 2
Profile: current Customer
Attribute: average Basket Size
Operator: ==
Profile: current Customer
Attribute: averageSpendPerVisit
Operator: ==
Rule: currentCustomer.avgBasketSize==10&&(currentCustomer.avgSpendPerVisit==10)

3. numberOfTxns

Profile: Current Customer (currentCustomer)
return data type -> Integer
Attribute Label -> numberOfTrnx
Meaning -> number of transactions since start for a customer
Sub-Attributes: NA
Syntax: currentCustomer.NumberOfTxns[operators][Value]
Example: currentCustomer.numberOfTxns==1

Example: Write a rule, to check the condition that total number of Transactions made by the customer is greater than or equals to 10.
Profile: current Customer
Attribute: numberOf Trnx
Sub-Attribute: NA
Rule: currentCustomer.numberOfTxns >=10

4. numberOfTxnsToday

Profile: Current Customer (currentCustomer)
return data type: Integer
Attribute Label: numberOfTrnxToday
Meaning: Number of transactions made by a customer the current day
Sub-Attributes: NA
Syntax: currentCustomer.NumberOfTxnsToday[operators][Value]
Example: currentCustomer.numberOfTxnToday==1

Example: Write a rule, to check the condition that total number of Transactions made by the customer in the current date is greater than or equals to 1.
Profile: current Customer
Attribute: numberOf Trnx
Sub-Attribute: NA
Rule: currentCustomer.numberOfTxnsToday >= 1

5. numberOfVisits

Profile: Current Customer (currentCustomer)
return data type: Integer
Attribute Label: numberOfVisits
Meaning: number of unique days when customer made transaction
Sub-Attributes: NA
Syntax: currentCustomer.NumberOfVisits[operators][Value]
Example: currentCustomer.numberOfVisits==10

Example: Write a rule, to check the condition that total number of Visits made by the customer is greater than or equals to 11.
Profile: current Customer
Attribute: numberOf Trnx
Sub-Attribute: NA
Rule: currentCustomer.numberOfVisits >= 11
Example: Write a rule to check if the average Spend per customer is greater than 5000 OR number of transaction done on unique days is greater than 15.
Rule: Condition 1 || Condition 2
Profile: current Customer
Attribute: average Spend per customer
Operator: >
Profile: current Customer
Attribute: numberOfVisits
Operator: >=
Rule: currentCustomer.avgSpendPerVisit>=5000||currentCustomer.numberOfVisits>=1000

6. lifetimePurchase

Data Type: BigDecimal
Description: customer's purchase since start including current transaction's purchase
Formula : lifetime purchase = [ sum of all purchase - sum of refund amount ]
Syntax: currentCustomer.lifetimePurchase[Operators like <,>,>=,<=,=][VALUE]

Example1. Write a rule for current customers to check if LifetimePurchase is greater than 1000.
Example 2: check if LifetimePurchase is less than or equal to 1000.
Example3: write a rule to check if LifetimePurchase is between 1500 to 3000 and the customer did transaction only once till now.
Example 4: write an expression for current customer to check if current slab number is less than 2 and lifetimePurchase is between 5000 to 15000.
Rule: Profile: currentCustomer
Attribute to check Slab number: slabNumber
Attribute to check lifetime Purchase: lifetimePurchase
And -> &&
Less than (>)
Expression: ((currentCustomer.slabNumber<2)&&((currentCustomer.lifetimePurchase > 5000)&&(currentCustomer.lifetimePurchase <= 15000))

7. InitialLifetimePurchase

Data Type: BigDecimal
Description: customer's purchase since start before current transaction's purchase
Formula : Initial lifetime purchase = [ sum of all purchases - sum of refund amount ] before evaluating the current transaction.
Syntax: currentCustomer.initialLifetimePurchase[Operators like <,>,>=,<=,=][VALUE]**

Example 3: write a rule to check if initialLifetimePurchase is greater than 3000 and the customer did the transaction only twice.