This table captures the details of customer account merges within the system. It includes information about the accounts involved, the reason for the merge, and the date and time details of various events related to the merge process.
Databricks Table Name: customer_merge_log
Customer Merge Log - Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
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Customer Merge Log auto_update_time: bigint details: string dim_event_date_id: bigint dim_event_time_id: bigint dim_event_user_id: bigint dim_latest_updated_date_id: bigint dim_latest_updated_time_id: bigint dim_merged_by_admin_id: bigint dim_merged_by_zone_till_id: bigint dim_victim_user_id: bigint PK merge_event_id: bigint merge_reason: string victim_external_id: string victim_mobile: string year: int Admin Users is_active: int is_deleted: int middle_name: string first_name: string email: string LK id: bigint last_name: string date LK date_id: int day_of_month: int week_of_year: int month: string year: int quarter: string week_number: int week_start_date: string week_end_date: string day_of_week: string month_no: int month_no_of_year: int month_of_year: string day_of_week_no: int quarter_no: int yearly_quarter_no: int date: string Date Time LK time_id: bigint time: string hour_of_day: int