Email Click Stats Fact Table

This fact table represents the event where the customer clicks the link in the campaign email. It captures information like the number of times links within emails were clicked; the link and message id; date and time of the click; etc. It is linked to the campaign, users, date and time dimension tables which provide other relevant attributes.

Databricks Table Name: email_click_stats

Email Click Stats - Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Zoom in the table for more clarity. Click the table title to view its details.

Email Click Statsauto_update_time_link_redirection: bigintauto_update_time_link_redirection_stats: bigintclicks: intdim_campaign_id: bigintdim_event_date_id: bigintdim_event_time_id: bigintdim_event_user_id: bigintdim_latest_updated_date_id: bigintdim_latest_updated_time_id: bigintPKid: bigintPKlink_id: bigintmsg_id: bigintyear: intCampaignsis_recurring: stringcampaign_end_date: stringis_migrated: stringauto_update_campaign: bigintLKcampaign_id: bigintcampaign_type: stringroi_type: stringcampaign_start_date: stringname: stringdateLKdate_id: intday_of_month: intweek_of_year: intmonth: stringyear: intquarter: stringweek_number: intweek_start_date: stringweek_end_date: stringday_of_week: stringmonth_no: intmonth_no_of_year: intmonth_of_year: stringday_of_week_no: intquarter_no: intyearly_quarter_no: intdate: stringDateTimeLKtime_id: biginttime: stringhour_of_day: intminute_of_day: intday_shift: stringday_shift_no: inthour_range: stringTimeusersauto_update_merged_customer: bigintauto_update_loyalty: bigintfraud_status: stringtest_control_bucket: stringis_merged_customer: stringsubscription_status_email_bulk: stringfirst_name: stringslab_name: stringsubscription_status_wechat_bulk: stringemail: stringlast_name: stringmerged_user_id: bigintLKuser_id: bigintsubscription_status_wechat_trans: stringsubscription_status_sms_bulk: stringndnc_status: stringsubscription_status_email_trans: stringtest_control_status: stringauto_update_fraud_user: bigintis_inactive: stringsource: stringslab_number: intauto_update_users: bigintregistered_till_id: bigintauto_update_customer_enrollment: bigintslab_expiry_date: stringcustomer_external_id: stringsubscription_status_sms_trans: stringmobile: stringloyalty_type: stringauto_update_ndnc_status: bigintUsersCampaignsEmail Click Stats


PK   Primary Key

LK   Linking Key

Fact Table
Dimension Table

Email Click Stats Fact Table

Column NameData TypeDescriptionLinked Table
auto_update_time_link_redirectionbigintDate and time when the corresponding record in the link redirection table available at the source was last updated. It is in the Unix timestamp format._
auto_update_time_link_redirection_statsbigintDate and time when the corresponding record in the link redirection stats table available at the source was last updated. It is in the Unix timestamp format._
clicksintNumber of times the link in the email was clicked._
dim_campaign_idbigintIdentifier for the campaign in which the email message is configured.campaigns
dim_event_date_idbigintDate when the email was accessed by the
dim_event_time_idbigintTime when the email was accessed by the customer.time
dim_event_user_idbigintIdentifier of the customer associated with the email click.users
dim_latest_updated_date_idbigintDate when the data corresponding to this event/ row is changed in the source
dim_latest_updated_time_idbigintTime when the data corresponding to this event/ row is changed in the source table.time
idbigintUnique identifier of the table. It is the primary key of the table._
link_idbigintUnique identifier of the link. It is the primary key of the table._
msg_idbigintIdentifier of the email message._
yearintYear when the email was clicked._