Attribute - Line Item Information
Profile: CurrentLineItem (Current Line Item)
Data Type: Integer/ Alphanumeric
Sub-Attribute: NA
Operators : contains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, matches, and notExists.
Numerical Operator : “=,==”
Description: Item code of the line-item as assigned in the inventory.
Syntax: currentLineItem.code[Operators][Value]
Example : currentLineItem.code==“20170207120113”
Example: Write a rule to check if the items listed in the basket have an item with code 9989. |
Profile: currentLineItem Attribute: code Output type : Boolean Rule: currentLineItem.code==”9989” |
Example: Write a condition to check if the line item code is not equals to 2. |
Rule: currentLineItem.code!="2" |
Example: As a marketing manager, I want to reward points to the customer who is buying specific products with a code 10010 or 10008. Write a condition to check if the lineItem is eligible for the point allocation. |
Rule: currentLineItem.code=="10010"||currentLineItem.code=="10008" |
Example: Write a condition to check if the transaction has any lineitem whose products belongs to a specific code series PNR123 |
Rule: currentLineItem.code.contains(“PNR123”) |
Profile: CurrentLineItem (Current Line Item)
Attribute: Description
Data Type: String
Sub-Attribute: NA
Operators : contains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, matches, and notExists.
Description: The description specified for the line-item in the inventory, passed in the payloads.
Syntax: currentLineItem.description[Operator][Value]
Example : currentLineItem.description.contains("Carry Bag -Re-usable")
Example: Write a condition to check if the LineItem Description is Not Null. |
Rule: currentLineItem.description.isNotNull() |
Example: Write a condition to check if the lineItem Description is not null and contains a word “Saree” and write a condition if transaction value is greater than 4999. |
Rule: (condition 1 && condition 2)&& condition(3) Condition 1 and Condition 2 Profile: currentLineItem Attribute: description Operator: isNotNull() Condition3 Profile: currentTransaction (currentTxn) Attribute: description Operator: > Rule: ((currentLineItem.description.isNotNull() && currentLineItem.description.contains("SAREES")) && (currentTxn.value > 4999)) |
Example: As a Marketing Manager, write a condition to check if the line items description is not null and does not contain any description related in DIAMOND, COIN, PACKET, BULLION. |
Rule : ((((currentLineItem.description.isNotNull() && (currentLineItem.description.contains("DIAMOND") == false)) && (currentLineItem.description.contains("COIN") == false)) && (currentLineItem.description.contains("PACKET") == false)) && (currentLineItem.description.contains("BULLION") == false)) |
Profile: CurrentLineItem (Current Line Item)
Attribute: doesItemMatch()
Data Type: Boolean
Sub-Attribute: custom field Name and custom Field Value.
Description: Check if a code matches with the given code, so basically lets say the transaction bill has a column of product category and size too.
Syntax: currentLineItem.doesItemMatch(“custom field Name”,”custom field Value”)
Example : (currentLineItem.doesItemMatch("Shirt","L”))
Example: As a marketing manager I want to provide an offer if a customer is buying a Diamond from a specific category i.e Studded or Loose Diamonds. |
Syntax: currentLineItem.doesItemMatch(“Diamond”,”STUDDED”)||currentLineItem.doesItemMatch(“Diamond”,”Loose Diamonds”) |
Example: Write an expression to check if the Transaction bill consists of line Item with (No description and Zero discount ) and Line items with discount value greater than 0 and the cart consist of Product category consist of an item called Procco-gift card. |
Rule: ((currentLineItem.description=="N")&&(>0)&&(currentLineItem.doesItemMatch("Product","Procco - Gift Card")) |
Example: Write an Expression to check if the line item matches with the custom field: Product Category and the custom field Value: shoes. |
Rule: currentLineItem.doesItemMatch(“Product Category”,”SHOES”) |
Updated about 1 year ago