SFTP to SFTP with Headers Definition

Use this template to download a single file from the SFTP server, unzip, remap the headers, zip and push to the FTP server.

Use case

Scenario 1

Consider that you are transferring a file named abc.csv from the Capillary server to a brand's server. The file abc.csv columns have headers named Transaction_value and Bill_ID. However, the brand requests Capillary to send the file abc.csv with column header names TAmount and Bill_No respectively.

With the SFTP to SFTP with Headers Definition template, you can change the column header name in the file during file transfer from one location to another.

Scenario 2

Consider you are transferring a file named abc.csv from the Capillary server to a brand's server. The columns in the file abc.csv do not have header names. However, the brand requests Capillary to send the file abc.csv with column header names.

With the SFTP to SFTP with Headers Definition template, you can add header names in the file during file transfer from one location to another.

Configuring SFTP to SFTP with Headers Definition

Below is the screenshot of the template showing the different steps.

To configure SFTP to SFTP with Headers Definition dataflow, the following are the steps:

  1. In the Connect-to-source block, enter the source server details where the source data is present and the location for saving the processed file. See Connect to source.
  2. In the Connect-to-destination block, enter the destination SFTP server details. See Connect to destination.
  3. In the Define-headers-and-transform-data block, enter header mapping. See Rebuild headers / Define headers and transform data.
  4. If the files are encrypted, enter the details to decrypt the data. For information on configuring this block, refer to Decrypt data .
  5. In the Encrypt-data block, enter the encryption details to encrypt the file. See Encrypt data
  6. In the Trigger-block, enter the details to schedule the trigger. See Trigger.

Connect to destination

This block enables you to define the destination server details. Below is the screenshot showing the fields in the Connect to destination step.

Below are the fields in the block.

Field NameDescription
HostnameURL (address) of the SFTP server from where the source file is available. For example, data.capillarydata.com.
Username and PasswordCredentials to access this SFT server. This provides read/write access to the files on the server.
Remote PathDirectory path in the destination server where the file is transferred. For example, /APAC2Cluster/A_Connect
Create Remote DirectoryChoose this option to create a directory at the destination if it does not already exist.
Zip FilesChoose this option to zip the output file.
Output File NameName of the output file with extension. Extensions allowed: .txt, .csv
Conflict ResolutionSpecifies how to manage conflicts when a file with the same name exists in the destination path.
Replace - Replace the old file with the new file.
Rename - Rename the old file.
Ignore - Retain the new file name. A new file with the same name is created.
Fail - Fails the file transfer.
None - System decides to either Fail or Ignore.
PortThe destination SFTP port number. Generally, 22 for SFTP.

Example use case

Transfer a file named transactions.csv from the Capillary server to Brand X's server. The file should be encrypted, the delimiter should be changed from a comma (,) to a pipe (|), and header mapping needs to be done.


  1. Connect-to-source:

    • Hostname: capillary.server.com
    • Username: cap_user
    • Password: cap_password
    • Remote Path: /source_path/transactions.csv
  2. Connect-to-destination:

    • Hostname: brandx.server.com
    • Username: brandx_user
    • Password: brandx_password
    • Remote Path: /destination_path/
    • Create Remote Directory: Yes
    • Zip Files: Yes
    • Output File Name: transactions.csv
    • Conflict Resolution: Replace
    • Port: 22
  3. Define-headers-and-transform-data:

    • Headers Mapping:
        "TransAmount": "Transaction_value",
        "BillNumber": "Bill_ID"
    • Output Headers Order:
    • Input File Delimiter:
    • Output File Delimiter:
    • Output Filename:
    • Is the file headerless?:
  4. Encrypt-data:

    • Encryption Method: AES-256
    • Encryption Key: brandx_encryption_key
  5. Trigger:

    • Schedule: Daily at 12:00 AM
    • Trigger Condition: File presence in the source directory

Example Configuration

  1. Connect-to-source block:

    Hostname: capillary.server.com
    Username: cap_user
    Password: cap_password
    Remote Path: /source_path/transactions.csv
  2. Connect-to-destination block:

    Hostname: brandx.server.com
    Username: brandx_user
    Password: brandx_password
    Remote Path: /destination_path/
    Create Remote Directory: Yes
    Zip Files: Yes
    Output File Name: transactions.csv
    Conflict Resolution: Replace
    Port: 22
  3. Define-headers-and-transform-data block:

    Headers Mapping: {"TransAmount": "Transaction_value", "BillNumber": "Bill_ID"}
    Expressions: {"TransAmount": "exp{hdr'Transaction_value'+1}"}
    Output Headers Order: TransAmount,BillNumber
    Input File Delimiter: ,
    Output File Delimiter: |
    Output Filename: transactions.csv
    Is the file headerless?: No
  4. Encrypt-data block:

    Encryption Method: AES-256
    Encryption Key: brandx_encryption_key
  5. Trigger block:

    Schedule: Daily at 12:00 AM
    Trigger Condition: File presence in the source directory

Detailed Explanation:

  • Connect-to-source: This block configures the details of the source SFTP server where the file is located.
  • Connect-to-destination: This block configures the details of the destination SFTP server where the file will be transferred. It includes options for creating directories, zipping files, and handling file conflicts.
  • Define-headers-and-transform-data: This block handles the header mapping and data transformation. It changes column headers, modifies data using expressions, and sets the file delimiters.
  • Encrypt-data: This block encrypts the file using the specified encryption method and key.
  • Trigger: This block schedules the file transfer to occur daily and checks for the file's presence in the source directory.

This configuration ensures that the file is transferred securely, with the specified header mappings and delimiter changes, meeting Brand X's requirements.