This table captures the event when a customer note is created. It has additional information about the customer. The table captures the date and time when the customer note was created, store at which the note was created, and details of the customer for whom the note is added.
Databricks Table Name: customer_notes
Customer Notes - Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Zoom in the table for more clarity. Click the table title to view its details.
Customer Notes auto_update_time_customer_note: bigint customer_note: string dim_event_date_id: bigint dim_event_time_id: bigint dim_event_user_id: bigint dim_event_zone_till_id: bigint dim_latest_updated_date_id: bigint dim_latest_updated_time_id: bigint PK note_id: bigint year: int Date LK date_id: int day_of_month: int week_of_year: int month: string year: int quarter: string week_number: int week_start_date: string week_end_date: string day_of_week: string month_no: int month_no_of_year: int month_of_year: string day_of_week_no: int quarter_no: int yearly_quarter_no: int date: string Time LK time_id: bigint time: string hour_of_day: int minute_of_day: int day_shift: string day_shift_no: int hour_range: string Zone_tills store_country: string external_id_1: string store: string auto_update_till_parent: bigint area: string store_name: string store_city: string store_state: string till: string auto_update_till_store_relation: bigint is_ffc_enabled: string LK till_id: bigint type: string till_description: string auto_update_till: bigint store_channel: string external_id: string is_billable: string store_id: bigint is_active: string auto_update_store: bigint store_description: string latitude: string timezone: string external_id_2: string till_name: string zone_name: string Date Time Zone Tills users auto_update_merged_customer: bigint auto_update_loyalty: bigint fraud_status: string test_control_bucket: string is_merged_customer: string subscription_status_email_bulk: string first_name: string slab_name: string subscription_status_wechat_bulk: string email: string last_name: string merged_user_id: bigint LK user_id: bigint subscription_status_wechat_trans: string subscription_status_sms_bulk: string ndnc_status: string subscription_status_email_trans: string test_control_status: string auto_update_fraud_user: bigint is_inactive: string source: string