Event schema (Payload)

This page provides the schema of transaction and customer events with sample data.


Customer Added Event (customerAdded)

Notifies when a user is added.

eventNameStringName of the event.
eventIdStringUsed by the consumer of the event notification for idempotency check, i.e., to check if the event is duplicate or unique before saving the event.
If duplicate, the consumer should ignore the event.
orgIdIntegerCapillary organization ID
refIdStringReference ID for the internal debugging purpose.
customerIdIntegerUnique identifier for the customer.
mobileIntegerMobile number of the customer.
emailStringEmail ID of the customer.
externalIdStringExternal ID associated with the customer.
card_numberIntegerCard number associated with the customer.
apiRequestIdStringInternal request ID generated for the API request.
createdAtIntegerUnix timestamp in milliseconds when the event was stored in Capillary.
  "eventId": "81b1f0ce-8119-4826-9cca-610bd31d4038",
  "eventType": "150698_customerAdded",
  "consumerGroupId": null,
  "actionType": "START",
  "timeStamp": 1683874799984,
  "attributes": {
    "createdAt": 1683874799971,
    "data": {
      "loyaltyType": "LOYALTY",
      "source": "instore",
      "firstName": "ROSMA",
      "lastName": "DEW I",
      "enteredAt": 1683883798000,
      "enteredBy": {
        "id": 200320889,
        "till": {
          "code": "kanmo.idn.mothercare.rpm",
          "name": "kanmo.idn.mothercare.rpm"
        "store": {
          "code": "kanmo.idn.mother care.rpm",
          "name": "Mothercare RSIA Paramount Makassar",
          "externalId": "MOTHERCARERPM",
          "externalId1": "",
          "externalId2": ""
      "customerIdentifiers": {
        "customerId": 164875382,
        "instore": {
          "mobile": "6282396092287",
          "email": "rosmadewidewi@gmail.com",
          "externalId": "226682932023"
    "eventName": "customerAdded",
    "refId": "150698_164875382",
    "apiRequestId ": "0c52fc98594959bf0d577218bf565798",
    "orgId": 150698

Customer Updated Event (customerUpdated)

Notifies when details of a user are updated. For example, name, extended fields, custom fields, and user status. User subscription updates are not supported.

loyaltyTypeEnumType of customer loyalty - LOYALTY, NON_LOYALTY
sourceStringCapillary organization ID
emailStringEmail ID of the customer.
mobileStringMobile number of the customer.
card_numberIntegerCard number associated with the customer.
enteredAtIntegerUnix timestamp in milliseconds when the event was stored in Capillary.
enteredByStringSource from which customer details are updated.
    "data": {
        "eventName": "customerUpdated",
        "data": {
            "loyaltyType": "IPIMVCSE",
            "source": "FVMC",
            "accountId": "XHMCBHK",
            "firstName": "CROGZH",
            "lastName": "XDZUDFIK",
            "enteredAt": 8519,
            "enteredBy": {
                "user": {
                    "username": "NEBCGT"
                "id": 3302,
                "till": {
                    "code": "QGPMVJF",
                    "name": "SSFQL"
                "store": {
                    "code": "VNYYC",
                    "name": "VVOWKI",
                    "externalId": "KTW",
                    "externalId1": "RUS",
                    "externalId2": "XCRLP"
            "updatedFields": [
                    "fieldName": "UCBKNQZ",
                    "previousValue": "EPOVY",
                    "currentValue": "JPCM",
                    "source": "CMXXMFXTEG",
                    "accountId": "YZVUEBN",
                    "fieldType": "StandardField"
            "customerStatus": {
                "previousStatus": "DGXG",
                "previousLabel": "SJRI",
                "currentStatus": "UTYFFKYB",
                "currentLabel": "AXHPKA",
                "reason": "BFZZLI"
            "triggeringActivity": {
                "name": "CMO",
                "requestId": "JYKMCXFCX"
            "customerIdentifiers": {
                "customerId": 9235,
                "firstName": "PVFQYAP",
                "lastName": "ZJNCBRHFI",
                "loyaltyType": "NZHNO",
                "instore": {
                    "id": 9823,
                    "mobile": "MGYFW",
                    "email": "RTWQP",
                    "externalId": "NPD",
                    "cardnumber": "VVANZ",
                    "cardexternalid": "IWYJO",
                    "cardNumbers": [
                "facebook": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "GRNVKKRKG",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "CLJJTOKIE",
                                    "identifierValue": "GLYPPQXW"
                "web_engage": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "XVCDUMKA",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "QIVENX",
                                    "identifierValue": "PJGZSWPMM"
                "wechat": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "TWRH",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "QUEU",
                                    "identifierValue": "MUJDXKCWCW"
                "martjack": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "OVPMWJWUN",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "WDRPKAQRND",
                                    "identifierValue": "DIKUY"
                "tmall": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "XQUO",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "GIZD",
                                    "identifierValue": "VFDTKVOE"
                "toabao": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "MIVKKQ",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "WIZ",
                                    "identifierValue": "SWWZZCUIL"
                "jd": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "DSKDMXU",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "IEUDXI",
                                    "identifierValue": "YPUM"
                "ecommerce": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "JVCS",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "ULAGXLJI",
                                    "identifierValue": "ABLFEUVI"
                "website": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "EZQ",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "ANPPKJDFYR",
                                    "identifierValue": "PKWIB"
                "line": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "QCQNIUW",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "KDMXDXM",
                                    "identifierValue": "XKMDQIEZEH"
            "customFields": [
                    "key": "DRQ",
                    "value": "HKH"
            "extendedFields": [
                    "key": "CZPZ",
                    "value": "HPXCM"
        "eventId": "KZQAVD",
        "orgId": 3399,
        "refId": "NJVVFHCX",
        "apiRequestId": "STYWAYRW",
        "createdAt": 1855,
        "loyaltyEventId": "YUTMAGMJ",
        "traceAttributes": {
            "XJE": "VFD",
            "OBW": "CDL",
            "JXICJ": "XPQXTC",
            "FGQKKGRAR": "TFDIZESZGO",
    "errors": null,
    "warnings": null

Customer Subscription Event (customerSubscription)

Notifies when a user's subscription status changes for transactional or promotional messages.

  "eventName": "customerSubscription",
  "data": {
    "customerIdentifiers": {
      "customerId": 3035,
      "firstName": "BTFVIQUN",
      "lastName": "SOGQBY",
      "loyaltyType": "RBPLQJBFL",
      "instore": {
        "id": 6642,
        "mobile": "ZHTTROEFB",
        "email": "DKGOLFALR",
        "externalId": "QMLY",
        "cardnumber": "GFEDIL",
        "cardexternalid": "EUMPR",
        "cardNumbers": [
      "facebook": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "EHMQPCFWAT",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "CWHTH",
                "identifierValue": "RUVDFD"
      "web_engage": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "HER",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "BPRE",
                "identifierValue": "TJLOFS"
      "wechat": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "XFGDQP",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "JXLHKMZOT",
                "identifierValue": "MACJWFUX"
      "martjack": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "IKN",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "LBGONQFJSJ",
                "identifierValue": "LQQZ"
      "tmall": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "XPRHVOZJU",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "OTUTY",
                "identifierValue": "ITT"
      "toabao": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "TIJCMFLJN",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "YAXUTNID",
                "identifierValue": "SADCL"
      "jd": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "PPJRM",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "DFIGGVIIQH",
                "identifierValue": "HYLWJUOCEW"
      "ecommerce": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "OFWX",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "KRQGML",
                "identifierValue": "JOC"
      "website": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "FJQGVP",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "YDUFXFGN",
                "identifierValue": "HPC"
      "line": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "KOP",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "EQSTIP",
                "identifierValue": "DEDR"
    "subscriptions": [
        "sourceAccountId": "TIYFBQ",
        "previousStatus": "MDDNR",
        "currentStatus": "SQXZFX",
        "channel": "XOLEFY",
        "sourceName": "BXCUZZ",
        "priority": "OOLRA",
        "ouId": 5905,
        "ouCode": "QFFGPEDKTK"
  "eventId": "EDEL",
  "orgId": 9907,
  "refId": "AKOZZ",
  "apiRequestId": "ACILCI",
  "createdAt": 4214,
  "loyaltyEventId": "FCW",
  "traceAttributes": {
    "YYRUWM": "XBSC",
    "JWYDT": "CYFW",
    "TWNX": "UHJIPUJ",


The below event notifications are applicable for family and friends groups. For user group, use the other events.

Group Created Event (groupCreated)

Notifies when a group has been created. Applicable for family & friends group.

        "eventName": "groupCreated",
        "data": {
            "groupId": 6454,
            "groupName": "TEIVJVUXCD",
            "primaryMember": {
                "firstName": "IPN",
                "lastName": "NSVYZ",
                "role": "ARL",
                "customerIdentifiers": {
                    "customerId": 6386,
                    "firstName": "QECMNT",
                    "lastName": "AWFW",
                    "loyaltyType": "IBZ",
                    "instore": {
                        "id": 5275,
                        "mobile": "AZOFWOKVNS",
                        "email": "FWEIJBQO",
                        "externalId": "QOIN",
                        "cardnumber": "XJMBDBLMK",
                        "cardexternalid": "DTLZYF",
                        "cardNumbers": [
                    "facebook": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "FVYERZD",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "web_engage": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "YXZS",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "wechat": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "RWDDQM",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "martjack": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "JJNGQIK",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "tmall": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "QCO",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "toabao": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "FPPAZ",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "jd": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "FNMWWC",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "ecommerce": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "HMFKARRKJ",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "website": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "KMEIOBBREK",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "line": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "CZQSEGODEF",
                                "identifiers": [
            "enteredAt": 8034,
            "enteredBy": {
                "user": {
                    "username": "QBICVZ"
                "id": 1936,
                "till": {
                    "code": "SELKEVQJQ",
                    "name": "QRMYMIOXD"
                "store": {
                    "code": "NHLLVNT",
                    "name": "YSUP",
                    "externalId": "WGKIFKEDLQ",
                    "externalId1": "KMWFAW",
                    "externalId2": "FGWMFPFFK"
        "eventId": "YZHXQUJIBQ",
        "orgId": 2975,
        "refId": "EUGDEXSXMZ",
        "apiRequestId": "KDKA",
        "createdAt": 5053,
        "loyaltyEventId": "XFCKEGMOT",
        "traceAttributes": {
            "UODI": "TSYZEWFYIC",
            "XAPFDNH": "QPXJNITT",

Group Updated Event (groupUpdated)

Notifies when a group has been updated. Applicable for family & friends group.

        "eventName": "groupUpdated",
        "data": {
            "groupId": 6155,
            "groupName": "FUEFW",
            "primaryMember": {
                "firstName": "IFNOWNRA",
                "lastName": "WPIZZOD",
                "role": "BWPA",
                "customerIdentifiers": {
                    "customerId": 3900,
                    "firstName": "LJPJXTIMJ",
                    "lastName": "WNPNFJMC",
                    "loyaltyType": "VEPTDQ",
                    "instore": {
                        "id": 6797,
                        "mobile": "TCOBX",
                        "email": "MSLEFNK",
                        "externalId": "EDJO",
                        "cardnumber": "TMRGHP",
                        "cardexternalid": "ROLLUYB",
                        "cardNumbers": [
                    "facebook": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "VQRPQ",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "web_engage": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "ACFDAVSVMU",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "wechat": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "LNWKPJL",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "martjack": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "DRZ",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "tmall": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "GVBLZBUHJ",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "toabao": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "RJNHE",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "jd": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "QQHHBNQUL",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "ecommerce": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "JAYKWH",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "website": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "WKIUPSKAQ",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "line": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "ANO",
                                "identifiers": [
            "enteredAt": 635,
            "enteredBy": {
                "user": {
                    "username": "RYLTNTEQCC"
                "id": 7017,
                "till": {
                    "code": "TGDLK",
                    "name": "DVEEEBG"
                "store": {
                    "code": "IJSXMEMFYH",
                    "name": "WSDHTBHBVN",
                    "externalId": "TBVJRW",
                    "externalId1": "AMXQAAEDC",
                    "externalId2": "HZOWPEUGE"
        "eventId": "VWPECGJC",
        "orgId": 5635,
        "refId": "SHLDGAJCRL",
        "apiRequestId": "KOKNJM",
        "createdAt": 3039,
        "loyaltyEventId": "UETYIKX",
        "traceAttributes": {
            "ATUN": "NKPUVYSD",
            "QVMUTCMH": "MSGVXGF",
            "DPMSGQ": "RCLEURMTOC",
            "JIKG": "CHTOAA",
            "EIS": "QFBLKTBB"

Group Member Removed Event (groupMemberRemoved)

Notifies when a member is removed from the group. Applicable for family & friends group.

        "eventName": "groupMemberRemoved",
        "data": {
            "groupId": 6815,
            "groupName": "XFU",
            "primaryMember": {
                "firstName": "JFFYAPX",
                "lastName": "EYPQYDAM",
                "role": "NECB",
                "customerIdentifiers": {
                    "customerId": 1757,
                    "firstName": "WCZY",
                    "lastName": "WZM",
                    "loyaltyType": "BYCMESBJO",
                    "instore": {
                        "id": 4820,
                        "mobile": "QFLAIVBPOF",
                        "email": "SGSHI",
                        "externalId": "OJAUIX",
                        "cardnumber": "FBVKZMMCWH",
                        "cardexternalid": "KBMXA",
                        "cardNumbers": [
                    "facebook": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "XOBBTVOP",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "web_engage": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "HUWGP",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "wechat": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "MHXETUZ",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "martjack": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "MKW",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "tmall": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "OSRJKWR",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "toabao": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "YHBBSXR",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "jd": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "MBGGPJQ",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "ecommerce": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "SIL",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "website": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "YVSMTR",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "line": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "ESTVMSHGIP",
                                "identifiers": [
            "memberRemoved": {
                "firstName": "JUYJ",
                "lastName": "YEW",
                "role": "ZQBBTQVFS",
                "customerIdentifiers": {
                    "customerId": 564,
                    "firstName": "COIIUVCDMR",
                    "lastName": "DXGFR",
                    "loyaltyType": "QDXULGXJ",
                    "instore": {
                        "id": 9506,
                        "mobile": "AGIV",
                        "email": "XAHP",
                        "externalId": "CINEHRP",
                        "cardnumber": "CFWBFLLDC",
                        "cardexternalid": "EYYPR",
                        "cardNumbers": [
                    "facebook": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "JUYMTCYIBO",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "web_engage": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "BXZDXE",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "wechat": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "UCHTLL",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "martjack": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "IEGJ",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "tmall": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "HXVTRWJUJM",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "toabao": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "FLB",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "jd": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "OMGB",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "ecommerce": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "JCWVA",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "website": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "TKS",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "line": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "QLM",
                                "identifiers": [
            "enteredAt": 6893,
            "enteredBy": {
                "user": {
                    "username": "ETP"
                "id": 9792,
                "till": {
                    "code": "TBMFUSQH",
                    "name": "XIN"
                "store": {
                    "code": "OEQ",
                    "name": "RCFBZV",
                    "externalId": "LZZOZ",
                    "externalId1": "WINYWG",
                    "externalId2": "AROPHIPG"
        "eventId": "XJJVON",
        "orgId": 6700,
        "refId": "HKA",
        "apiRequestId": "DEPY",
        "createdAt": 543,
        "loyaltyEventId": "MFVKRCLH",
        "traceAttributes": {
            "WFP": "THUQOWPZ",
            "TIFXANF": "YBOHTO",
            "MZGVLUZYW": "OJHW",

Group Member Added Event (groupMemberAdded)

Notifies when a user is added to the group. Applicable for family & friends group.

        "eventName": "groupMemberAdded",
        "data": {
            "groupId": 5322,
            "groupName": "CDNO",
            "primaryMember": {
                "firstName": "OWAXN",
                "lastName": "QFYKVMFT",
                "role": "EXWCSHZCE",
                "customerIdentifiers": {
                    "customerId": 7098,
                    "firstName": "PYBWGRLSL",
                    "lastName": "EYMPRNY",
                    "loyaltyType": "EYGPRF",
                    "instore": {
                        "id": 5240,
                        "mobile": "DTGWKBQ",
                        "email": "XEWHI",
                        "externalId": "WQMNTLMZH",
                        "cardnumber": "GFHGXTR",
                        "cardexternalid": "PFZXJLOU",
                        "cardNumbers": [
                    "facebook": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "IJRPPXDA",
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                    "web_engage": {
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                                "accountId": "NPNLNJU",
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                    "wechat": {
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                                "accountId": "HXZPIXO",
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                    "martjack": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "AIXMYREODW",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "tmall": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "VGWSDAD",
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            "enteredBy": {
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                    "externalId1": "XOAKCQX",
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        "eventId": "RHPEYLIWUE",
        "orgId": 6485,
        "refId": "KFLUYT",
        "apiRequestId": "ZHLGTI",
        "createdAt": 9743,
        "loyaltyEventId": "CWJWPBBF",
        "traceAttributes": {
            "JWE": "RHC",
            "TRRA": "DTQNZ",
            "NDKD": "RLXXDMAHL",
            "DICJW": "CUSFWKB",
            "LDJSKSIDO": "HAOW",
            "OQKQ": "BFHHQBEUHC"

Points Contribution to Group Event (pointsContributionToGroup)

Notifies when points are contributed to the loyalty group. Applicable for family & friends group.

        "eventName": "pointsContributionToGroup",
        "data": {
            "groupId": 2146,
            "groupName": "RRMB",
            "primaryMember": {
                "firstName": "AVQ",
                "lastName": "VQZZJL",
                "role": "QBZZKNJAXV",
                "customerIdentifiers": {
                    "customerId": 2828,
                    "firstName": "DVSKCOT",
                    "lastName": "HCBTOXKHQ",
                    "loyaltyType": "WIXGDVJST",
                    "instore": {
                        "id": 5646,
                        "mobile": "KMLCG",
                        "email": "OSONXRDAD",
                        "externalId": "LBJURY",
                        "cardnumber": "DTEVR",
                        "cardexternalid": "UZHJ",
                        "cardNumbers": [
                    "facebook": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "FXRBKNKWC",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "web_engage": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "XAVGDRVRL",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "wechat": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "PGXPKRE",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "martjack": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "DRDX",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "tmall": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "QSUJ",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "toabao": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "HZPT",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "jd": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "EXMG",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "ecommerce": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "TWYD",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "website": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "TAYEGETJO",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "line": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "YZOT",
                                "identifiers": [
            "contributingMember": {
                "firstName": "QPJ",
                "lastName": "SVCC",
                "role": "KDSM",
                "customerIdentifiers": {
                    "customerId": 6560,
                    "firstName": "IATIBBX",
                    "lastName": "IVRCV",
                    "loyaltyType": "JLZFVAQR",
                    "instore": {
                        "id": 8417,
                        "mobile": "JNQ",
                        "email": "BMXXM",
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                        "cardexternalid": "PXOVHLLQR",
                        "cardNumbers": [
                    "facebook": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "AAABR",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "web_engage": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "MDFUIIKPFO",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "wechat": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "APTV",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "martjack": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "CEKOFQIK",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "tmall": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "PBXDZ",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "toabao": {
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                                "accountId": "AUIXZI",
                                "identifiers": [
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                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "PVTZOPUTY",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "ecommerce": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "BUEGCQEW",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "website": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "REIRM",
                                "identifiers": [
                    "line": {
                        "accounts": [
                                "accountId": "MOEWWZNQM",
                                "identifiers": [
            "triggeringActivity": {
                "name": "SKYAQOEDX",
                "identifiers": [
                        "key": "EVRAA",
                        "value": "OZJUDQH"
                "enteredBy": {
                    "id": 4493,
                    "till": {
                        "code": "KJXTSY",
                        "name": "QLSEATML"
                    "store": {
                        "code": "KKX",
                        "name": "DSMKXKSK",
                        "externalId": "IAUSMDZCFY",
                        "externalId1": "JOZJBJZ",
                        "externalId2": "WYHERZQSN"
                "entityInformation": {
                    "entityType": "NBNCCMY",
                    "entityId": 4348
                "additionalAttributes": [
                        "key": "XIQUZ",
                        "value": "JKFVMCWXUZ"
            "loyaltyProgramDetails": {
                "id": 6178,
                "name": "XXYMNPPPF",
                "isDefault": true,
                "pointsToCurrencyRatio": 279.6401470769947,
                "tiers": [
                        "tierNumber": 8793,
                        "tierName": "HFT"
            "loyaltyProgramId": 3583,
            "pointsContributedToGroup": 446.36640823491007
        "eventId": "VTP",
        "orgId": 5150,
        "refId": "QRPNKMVSN",
        "apiRequestId": "DYUXNRF",
        "createdAt": 1845,
        "loyaltyEventId": "JBKIS",
        "traceAttributes": {
            "INZTJTF": "AMTYVL",
            "CXBYWD": "ZNQ",
            "SPQUS": "QEGKQSFPT",
            "ONLFEQEX": "PQDODJ",
            "PXYUL": "ZVZXMGQRLT"


Transaction Added Event (transactionAdded)

Notifies when a transaction is added. For example, a transaction is made by a user.

amountDoubleNet transaction amount.
billClientIdStringUnique id of the bill as per the client (org) end.
billNumberStringUnique transaction number. The uniqueness depends on the configuration.
enteredByobjDetails of the store at which the transaction happened.
transactionIdlongUnique transaction ID generated internally.
deliveryStatusEnumDelivery status of the order. Value: PLACED, PROCESSED, SHIPPED, DELIVERED, RETURNED.
billTypeEnumType of transaction. Supported value: regular for loyalty transactions. ‘RETURN’ for return transactions.
lineItemCountIntegerNumber of line-items in the transaction.
DiscountDoubleDiscount availed for the transaction (discount amount).
grossAmountDoubleTransaction amount before discount.
currencyCodeStringISO currency code that you want to update. For example EUR for Euro, SGD for the Singapore Dollar, CNY for China Yuan Renminbi, SAR Saudi Riyal. For more codes, see ISO currency codes.
  "eventId": "7a2716a8-9cc7-4beb-999a-a8f02ad9f02d",
  "eventType": "transactionAdded",
  "consumerGroupId": null,
  "actionType": "STA RT",
  "timeStamp": 1683874800103,
  "attributes": {
    "createdAt": 1683874800089,
    "data": {
      "amount": 89000.0,
      "billNumber": "2_134577_12591538_487122",
      "enteredAt": 1683880160000,
      "transactionId": 65658570,
      "billType": "REGULAR",
      "lineItemCount": 1,
      "discount": 0.0,
      "currencyCode": "IDR",
      "enteredBy": {
        "id": 200280487,
        "till": {
          "code": "prod.shell.id.12591538.1",
          "name ": "prod.shell.id.12591538.1"
        "store": {
          "code": "prod.shell.id.12591538",
          "name": "SHELL JABABEKA-1 BKS",
          "externalId": "12591538",
          "externalId1": "",
          "externalId2": ""
      "customerIdentifiers": {
        "customerId": 3122204,
        "loyaltyType": "loyalty",
        "instore": {
          "mobile": "6285692704128"
        "web_engage": {
          "accounts": [
              "accountId": "~1341059d8",
              "identifiers ": [
                  "identifierType": "cuid",
                  "identifierValue": "6285692704128"
                  "identifierType": "mobile",
                  "identifierValue": "6285692704128"
    "eventName": "transactionAdded",
    "refId": "151195_65658570",
    "apiRequestId": "e0c09ab511e9f942526944012967b5c4",
    "orgId": 151195

Transaction Updated Event (transactionUpdated)

Notifies when a transaction is updated. For example, a change to a line-item in a transaction.

amountDoubleNet transaction amount.
billClientIdStringUnique id of the bill as per the client (org) end.
billNumberStringUnique transaction number. The uniqueness depends on the configuration.
enteredAtLongDate and time when the transaction was entered in Epoch time format.
enteredByobjDetails of the store at which the transaction happened.
transactionIdlongUnique transaction ID generated internally.
deliveryStatusEnumDelivery status of the order. Value: PLACED, PROCESSED, SHIPPED, DELIVERED, RETURNED.
Delivery status of the order. Value: PLACED, PROCESSED, SHIPPED, DELIVERED, RETURNED.
billTypeEnumType of transaction. Supported value: regular for loyalty transactions. ‘RETURN’ for return transactions.
lineItemCountIntegerNumber of line-items in the transaction.
DiscountDoubleDiscount availed for the transaction (discount amount).
grossAmountDoubleTransaction amount before discount.
currencyCodeStringISO currency code that you want to update. For example EUR for Euro, SGD for Singapore Dollar, CNY for China Yuan Renminbi, SAR Saudi Riyal. For more codes, see ISO currency codes.
  "eventId": "b9383037-89ce-43a9-9db1-99c5ac96e2b9",
  "eventType": "transactionUpdated",
  "consumerGroupId": null,
  "actionType": "START",
  "timeStamp": 1683874807284,
  "attributes": {
    "createdAt": 1683874807271,
    "data": {
      "amount": 50.0,
      "enteredAt": 1683883802000,
      "transactionId": 65658586,
      "deliveryStatus": "DELIVERED",
      "billType": "REGULAR",
      "discount": 0.0,
      "grossAmount": 0.0,
      "enteredBy": {
        "id": 200315709
      "customerIdentifiers": {
        "customerId": 6675787,
        "instore": {
          "mobile": "609110544825 ",
          "externalId": "6018840184080212"
    "eventName": "transactionUpdated",
    "refId": "151229_65658586",
    "apiRequestId": "0cb47446178e9fa4d66b985087a0f6f5",
    "orgId": 151229

Not-Interested Bill Added Event (notInterestedBillAdded)

Notifies when a non-loyalty transaction is made by a user. A non-loyalty or not-interested transaction refers to a purchase made by a user who is not interested in registering for the organisation's loyalty program.

  "eventName": "notInterestedBillAdded",
  "data": {
    "amount": 9511.0960402456,
    "billClientId": "MZIMAB",
    "billNumber": "RGSMQ",
    "billDate": 1503,
    "enteredAt": 1733,
    "transactionId": 7378,
    "deliveryStatus": "DDRNZJM",
    "billType": "ZNGPNUHI",
    "lineItemCount": 6252,
    "discount": 5424.653652820183,
    "grossAmount": 1025.554923312577,
    "currencyCode": "BYULP",
    "enteredBy": {
      "user": {
        "username": "MFTQNKS"
      "id": 7668,
      "till": {
        "code": "PNJVSZF",
        "name": "LWXKSK"
      "store": {
        "code": "EHO",
        "name": "CWZJGRRFBP",
        "externalId": "ULALNJPS",
        "externalId1": "MYMCSLEBN",
        "externalId2": "GZD"
    "customerIdentifiers": {
      "customerId": 9191,
      "firstName": "AMXUQD",
      "lastName": "FIIG",
      "loyaltyType": "SZGSV",
      "instore": {
        "id": 6296,
        "mobile": "MPERH",
        "email": "NRDTCIPXRF",
        "externalId": "AYCRFBIYDP",
        "cardnumber": "XKWWFAHKYS",
        "cardexternalid": "DIVQ",
        "cardNumbers": [
      "facebook": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "ROL",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "RDCDIG",
                "identifierValue": "RYCSJLLF"
      "web_engage": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "GNNBOIEH",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "CNOBXSKXF",
                "identifierValue": "FSSJ"
      "wechat": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "RATNLSNXZB",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "HUNGZBIXGC",
                "identifierValue": "CYXGXRN"
      "martjack": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "WNTBGCPZ",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "GJPHRFZD",
                "identifierValue": "SYPRX"
      "tmall": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "PENK",
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                "identifierType": "ZFBXIOIP",
                "identifierValue": "ZDVGEVGM"
      "toabao": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "KFRNVWJ",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "GWPCHK",
                "identifierValue": "LEZVBXPS"
      "jd": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "ZBCPPDNCEE",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "SXQSLUJKR",
                "identifierValue": "SOR"
      "ecommerce": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "VVWU",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "ZQAQDU",
                "identifierValue": "YZKB"
      "website": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "TRTEMZ",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "KSAMFDO",
                "identifierValue": "GBNYYKLN"
      "line": {
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "UOULQ",
            "identifiers": [
                "identifierType": "MYVZHLDPZ",
                "identifierValue": "CMJ"
    "customFields": [
        "key": "DRSOD",
        "value": "FLBMAO"
    "extendedFields": [
        "key": "ZLPRWB",
        "value": "CCLW"
    "outlierStatus": "ULQMAHABTM"
  "eventId": "ZLPVW",
  "orgId": 6590,
  "refId": "FJGZUWELJ",
  "apiRequestId": "BSIYSAGPO",
  "createdAt": 8426,
  "loyaltyEventId": "HAHCUOJ",
  "traceAttributes": {
    "NNILCE": "AGLNT",
    "YLKNQYS": "RJDV",

Transaction Rejected Event (transactionRejected)

Notifies when a transaction is rejected.

        "eventName": "transactionRejected",
        "data": {
            "customerIdentifiers": {
                "customerId": 90,
                "firstName": "CNNQGEZ",
                "lastName": "PQXW",
                "loyaltyType": "DOZ",
                "instore": {
                    "id": 6608,
                    "mobile": "NSLUWGF",
                    "email": "XDQVVRLT",
                    "externalId": "EDGPJIAPSF",
                    "cardnumber": "HAQT",
                    "cardexternalid": "CLPASCFKA",
                    "cardNumbers": [
                "facebook": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "ASG",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "AGOAZGL",
                                    "identifierValue": "BWVUMDU"
                "web_engage": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "WRI",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "NAUUKTJPZ",
                                    "identifierValue": "HCBSJFBDW"
                "wechat": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "ZOLP",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "DANAXFPLF",
                                    "identifierValue": "DJEFIEZOR"
                "martjack": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "SYZVLWQGN",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "BHV",
                                    "identifierValue": "YNYYUJXJPR"
                "tmall": {
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                            "accountId": "DJXP",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "PMZMJ",
                                    "identifierValue": "XVKZRWJ"
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                            "accountId": "AQJD",
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                                    "identifierType": "UNKMR",
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                "jd": {
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                            "accountId": "TZGP",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "YZJHL",
                                    "identifierValue": "ZYHCUKZZ"
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                            "accountId": "BXTYHDI",
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                                    "identifierType": "BPZG",
                                    "identifierValue": "ATPZ"
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                    "accounts": [
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                                    "identifierType": "BYXFCPAEK",
                                    "identifierValue": "CKDMTRUBB"
                "line": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "NJD",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "ARGJJYWN",
                                    "identifierValue": "NDORVKDJAH"
            "eventDateTime": "JHSIB",
            "billNumber": "BWMIWH",
            "rejectionType": "NFJ",
            "rejectionDetails": [
                    "rejectionReason": "QITIFBIBDJ",
                    "reasonDetails": "TDZISVBS"
            "retrialCount": 6284,
            "triggeringActivity": {
                "name": "UTTUZSBS",
                "identifiers": [
                        "key": "QNAWENU",
                        "value": "FRGOFCKKSK"
                "enteredBy": {
                    "id": 2471,
                    "till": {
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                        "name": "KWVYCIVWBO"
                    "store": {
                        "code": "FYEOUL",
                        "name": "PAYDQ",
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                        "externalId1": "VYUZFCOD",
                        "externalId2": "ZLYY"
                "entityInformation": {
                    "entityType": "WWUWWPR",
                    "entityId": 1238
                "additionalAttributes": [
                        "key": "CIRLEOO",
                        "value": "ORDUGBVU"
        "eventId": "OALOT",
        "orgId": 8078,
        "refId": "NOE",
        "apiRequestId": "DZAMIMDS",
        "createdAt": 7772,
        "loyaltyEventId": "NGCGBPTBI",
        "traceAttributes": {
            "FANKP": "ANY",
            "CQMWGE": "HCGZ",
            "IBVHSDVRND": "JAN",
            "GSQD": "ONSGR"

Rejected Transaction Retrigger Event (rejectedTransactionRetrigger)

Notifies when a rejected transaction is attempted again.

        "eventName": "rejectedTransactionRetrigger",
        "data": {
            "customerIdentifiers": {
                "customerId": 9595,
                "firstName": "QEJGUGHY",
                "lastName": "THVC",
                "loyaltyType": "APQIUHE",
                "instore": {
                    "id": 2835,
                    "mobile": "FTUIGLWD",
                    "email": "ANIPX",
                    "externalId": "DFGJB",
                    "cardnumber": "EFQPZYZF",
                    "cardexternalid": "UAYUK",
                    "cardNumbers": [
                "facebook": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "OSNN",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "BAOL",
                                    "identifierValue": "MNOZBSFPAC"
                "web_engage": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "ZQFRLUM",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "RKGAZJT",
                                    "identifierValue": "TRPZ"
                "wechat": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "UKUDHYD",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "STWXLN",
                                    "identifierValue": "CGOCCBPS"
                "martjack": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "RYHBEYKGQ",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "DQDNYUIBL",
                                    "identifierValue": "DWQJRYQPR"
                "tmall": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "BRAVYC",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "QWHIIXCVF",
                                    "identifierValue": "PSPDV"
                "toabao": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "EECAGMAD",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "TFC",
                                    "identifierValue": "CFBSQNBQRD"
                "jd": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "VQZONUJIB",
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                                    "identifierValue": "XBICTDHNA"
                "ecommerce": {
                    "accounts": [
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                                    "identifierType": "WTPCZHBMJ",
                                    "identifierValue": "JNZ"
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            "billNumber": "JAMKHUFNOP",
            "rejectionType": "KNXUYAA",
            "rejectionDetailsOnRetrigger": [
                    "rejectionReason": "OBIL",
                    "reasonDetails": "LMQEYFF"
            "retrialCount": 866,
            "triggeringActivity": {
                "name": "HQTLAVU",
                "identifiers": [
                        "key": "JMHN",
                        "value": "WNZQEUF"
                "enteredBy": {
                    "id": 8342,
                    "till": {
                        "code": "RJLOI",
                        "name": "OBZAWOQDN"
                    "store": {
                        "code": "QIWLI",
                        "name": "AJMYRS",
                        "externalId": "VLNLOOWLL",
                        "externalId1": "PMZDHIY",
                        "externalId2": "HRI"
                "entityInformation": {
                    "entityType": "PYSJUYUXDN",
                    "entityId": 7530
                "additionalAttributes": [
                        "key": "DCI",
                        "value": "KDYCNBUFPZ"
            "retriggerId": 7372
        "eventId": "PVBYY",
        "orgId": 798,
        "refId": "XLA",
        "apiRequestId": "JQAN",
        "createdAt": 6409,
        "loyaltyEventId": "QWKWI",
        "traceAttributes": {
            "HNEHCDMBFQ": "AXCKBG",
            "VSEV": "RCO",
            "SDQLIPN": "IGYVFCJIPN"

Retro Bill Added Event (retroBillAdded)

Notifies when an older transaction is added against the user.

        "eventName": "retroBillAdded",
        "data": {
            "amount": 246.66453103260665,
            "billClientId": "EFJNGO",
            "billNumber": "XADYJHTNZ",
            "billDate": 1157,
            "enteredAt": 3765,
            "transactionId": 5650,
            "deliveryStatus": "BLQMATBU",
            "billType": "GMV",
            "lineItemCount": 8791,
            "discount": 8154.318560422623,
            "grossAmount": 8109.952753195439,
            "currencyCode": "YBND",
            "enteredBy": {
                "user": {
                    "username": "PDBLNVJOMJ"
                "id": 8822,
                "till": {
                    "code": "PYSIVN",
                    "name": "XLSCOHGLQX"
                "store": {
                    "code": "PSHIA",
                    "name": "GBJIQ",
                    "externalId": "IPHXYWR",
                    "externalId1": "YXAV",
                    "externalId2": "GVYYMAF"
            "customerIdentifiers": {
                "customerId": 7264,
                "firstName": "PVKZNFPPTL",
                "lastName": "TCJHTJY",
                "loyaltyType": "ZBLKXAQ",
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                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "CXTIKNECEZ",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "SUTZDRYYTL",
                                    "identifierValue": "QMTIN"
                "tmall": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "WHWJ",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "DOUSHFNSI",
                                    "identifierValue": "XEL"
                "toabao": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "IVHIFFM",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "VANKJHXR",
                                    "identifierValue": "UIZRV"
                "jd": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "BSFKRKK",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "WMZPVYCLNS",
                                    "identifierValue": "VOJ"
                "ecommerce": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "JUXCZQI",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "WJGCEWGRD",
                                    "identifierValue": "UCMPSQ"
                "website": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "TMUQQK",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "ITMASKHY",
                                    "identifierValue": "YGTPVBCNCW"
                "line": {
                    "accounts": [
                            "accountId": "CYQNJXF",
                            "identifiers": [
                                    "identifierType": "RKMW",
                                    "identifierValue": "AFXL"
            "customFields": [
                    "key": "CURI",
                    "value": "BSSCEBNI"
            "extendedFields": [
                    "key": "ZEEJJXW",
                    "value": "XSP"
            "outlierStatus": "WJLRMBFI"
        "eventId": "SZGDD",
        "orgId": 708,
        "refId": "GABCYPOGH",
        "apiRequestId": "JSNJHDS",
        "createdAt": 2888,
        "loyaltyEventId": "PZNF",
        "traceAttributes": {
            "DEH": "HEPGWRPKG",
            "SUUMEX": "YBNSTCBE",
            "AXSIBTZFR": "DLYRHXGN"


Points Issued Event (pointsIssued)

Notifies when points are issued to a user.

eventIdStringUnique identifier for the event.
eventLogIdIntegerUnique ID that is generated when the event is triggered.
eventTypeStringType of event, e.g., "50660_pointsIssued".
consumerGroupIdIdentifier for a consumer group (empty in this case).
actionTypeStringType of action, e.g., "START".
timeStampNumberTimestamp of the event.
attributesObjectAdditional attributes related to the event.
- createdAtNumberTimestamp when the event was created.
- dataObjectData related to the event.
-- customerIdentifiersObjectIdentifiers related to the customer.
--- customerIdNumberUnique identifier for the customer.
-- entityInformationObjectInformation about the entity involved in the event.
--- entityTypeStringType of entity, e.g., "USER".
--- entityIdNumberUnique identifier for the entity.
-- triggeringActivityObjectDetails about the activity that triggered the event.
--- nameStringName of the triggering activity.
--- identifiersArrayIdentifiers related to the activity.
---- keyStringKey identifier, e.g., "CustomerId".
---- valueStringValue of the key identifier.
--- enteredByObjectUser who entered the activity.
---- idNumberUnique identifier for the user.
--- additionalAttributesArrayAdditional attributes related to the activity.
---- keyStringKey attribute, e.g., "customerId".
---- valueStringValue of the key attribute.
-- loyaltyProgramDetailsObjectDetails about the loyalty program.
--- idNumberUnique identifier for the program.
--- nameStringName of the program.
--- isDefaultBooleanIndicates if it's the default program.
--- pointsToCurrencyRatioNumberPoints-to-currency conversion ratio.
--- tiersArrayList of program tiers.
---- tierNumberNumberTier number, e.g., 1.
---- tierNameStringTier name, e.g., "Silver".
-- loyaltyProgramIdNumberUnique identifier for the loyalty program.
-- programCurrentPointsNumberCurrent points in the loyalty program.
-- programLifetimePointsNumberLifetime points in the loyalty program.
-- totalPointsIssuedNumberTotal points issued in the event.
-- regularPointsIssuedNumberRegular points issued in the event.
-- regularPointsBreakupArrayBreakdown of regular points issued (empty in this case).
-- promotionalPointsIssuedArrayPromotional points issued in the event.
--- promotionIdentifierStringIdentifier for the promotion.
--- promotionTypeStringType of promotion, e.g., "CUSTOMER_PROMOTION".
--- promotionPointsNumberPoints awarded for the promotion.
--- promotionPointsExpiryDateStringExpiry date of the promotion points.
-- promisedPointsIssuedArrayPromised points issued in the event (empty in this case).
-- behavioralEventAttributes*ObjectAttributes related to behavioral events.
--- webhookIdStringIdentifier for the webhook.
--- event_flagNumberEvent flag.
--- identifier_valueStringIdentifier value, e.g., "unionId918821563441".
--- requestIdStringUnique identifier for the request.
--- event_nameStringName of the event.
--- startTimeNumberStart time of the event.
loyaltyEventIdStringIdentifier for the loyalty event.
eventNameStringName of the event, e.g., "pointsIssued".
refIdStringThis is a combination of org id and loyalty event ID and is used for internal debugging purposes.
apiRequestIdStringIdentifier for the API request.
orgIdNumberUnique identifier for the organization.

*The addition of behavioralEventAttributes is done on a demand basis. To enable it, you need to enable the configuration awardedReferenceEnrichmentEnabled . Raise a JIRA ticket with the sustenance team to enable this feature.

Example of points Issued on Transaction/Add

  "eventId": "a5557ce1-e364-4688-b7ed-f6e3324580b3",
  "eventLogId": 34804692,
  "eventType": "pointsIssued",
  "consumerGroupId": null,
  "actionType": "START",
  " timeStamp": 1683874800263,
  "attributes": {
    "createdAt": 1683874800251,
    "data": {
      "customerIdentifiers": {
        "customerId": 87884897,
        "instore": {
          "mobile": "84934720774"
      "entityInformation": {
        "entityType": "USER",
        "entityId": 87884897
      "triggeringActivity": {
        "name": "TransactionAdd",
        "identifiers": [
            "key": "BillId",
            "value": "330676226"
            "key": "BillLineItemId",
            "value": "983202640"
            "key": "billNumber",
            "value": "150956_1683874799412"
        "enteredBy": {
          "id": 200300301
        "entityInformation": {
          "entityType": "USER",
          "entityId": 87884897
        "additionalAttributes": [
      "loyaltyProgramDetails": {
        "id": 838,
        "name": "Jotun VNDefaultProgram",
        "isDefault": true,
        "pointsToCurrencyRatio": 1.0,
        "tiers": [
            "tierNumber": 1,
            "tierName": "New"
            "tierNumber": 2,
            "tierName": "Master Painter"
            "tierNumber": 3,
            "tierName": "VIP"
            "tierNumber": 4,
            "tierName": "Super VIP"
            "tierNumber": 5,
            "tierName": " Platinum"
      "loyaltyProgramId": 838,
      "programCurrentPoints": 165.0,
      "programLifetimePoints": 665.0,
      "totalPointsIssued": 60.0,
      "regularPointsIssued": 60.0,
      "regularPointsBreakup": [
          "po ints": 60.0,
          "expiryAt": "2024-05-31"
      "promotionalPointsIssued": [
      "promisedPointsIssued": [
    "loyaltyEventId": "tJVGuVbhdB",
    "eventName": "pointsIssued",
    "refId": "150956_tJV GuVbhdB",
    "apiRequestId": "2ba4294402c186d4eae95cb5b3c44dc7",
    "orgId": 150956

Points Redeemed Event (pointsRedeemed)

Notifies when a user has redeemed points.

ParameterData TypeDescription
eventIdStringUnique identifier for the event.
eventLogIdIntegerUnique ID that is generated when the event is triggered.
eventTypeStringType of event (e.g., "pointsRedeemed").
consumerGroupIdIntegerIdentifier for the consumer group (null if not applicable).
actionTypeStringAction type of the event (e.g., "START").
timeStampIntegerTimestamp of the event in milliseconds since epoch.
attributesObjectContains details about the attributes of the event.
- createdAtIntegerTimestamp when the event was created (milliseconds since epoch).
- dataObjectContains specific data related to the event.
-- customerIdentifiersObjectContains identifiers for the customer.
--- customerIdIntegerUnique identifier for the customer.
--- instoreObjectContains in-store customer information.
---- mobileStringMobile number of the customer.
---- emailStringEmail address of the customer.
-- entityInformationObjectContains information about the entity involved in the event.
--- entityTypeStringType of the entity (e.g., "USER").
--- entityIdIntegerUnique identifier for the entity.
-- triggeringActivityObjectIt contains information about the activity that triggered the event.
--- nameStringName of the triggering activity (e.g., "PointsRedemption").
--- identifiersArray of ObjectsList of identifiers related to the triggering activity.
---- keyStringKey identifier (e.g., "bill Id").
---- valueStringValue corresponding to the key (e.g., "-1").
--- enteredByObjectInformation about the user who entered the activity.
---- idIntegerUnique identifier for the user who entered the activity.
--- entityInformationObjectContains information about the entity related to the triggering activity.
---- entityTypeStringType of the entity (e.g., "USER").
---- entityIdIntegerUnique identifier for the entity.
--- additionalAttributesArrayAdditional attributes related to the triggering activity (empty in this case).
-- loyaltyProgramDetailsObjectContains details about the loyalty program.
--- idIntegerUnique identifier for the loyalty program.
--- nameStringName of the loyalty program (e.g., "Louis PhilippeDefaultProgram").
--- isDefaultBooleanIndicates if the program is the default program.
--- pointsToCurrencyRatioFloatPoints-to-currency conversion ratio..
--- tiersArray of ObjectsList of tiers in the loyalty program.
---- tierNumberIntegerNumber of the tier (e.g., 1 for Silver).
---- tierNameStringName of the tier (e.g., "Silver").
loyaltyProgramIdIntegerUnique identifier for the loyalty program.
totalPointsRedeemedFloatTotal points redeemed in this transaction.
redemptionSummaryIdIntegerUnique identifier for the redemption summary.
redeemedPointsCurrencyValueFloatCurrency value of the redeemed points.
redemptionNotesStringNotes regarding the redemption (empty in this case).
redemptionBillNumberStringBill number associated with the redemption.
isGroupRedemptionBooleanIndicates if the redemption is part of a group.
-- redemptionFromEarningProgramsArray of ObjectsDetails of redemption from earning programs.
--- programIdIntegerUnique identifier for the earning program.
--- points RedeemedFloatTotal points redeemed from the earning program.
--- programCurrentPointsFloatCurrent points in the program after redemption.
loyaltyEventIdStringUnique identifier for the loyalty event.
eventNameStringName of the event (e.g., "pointsRedeemed").
refIdStringThis is a combination of org id and loyalty event ID and is used for internal debugging purpose
apiRequestIdStringUnique identifier for the API request.
orgIdIntegerUnique identifier for the organization.

Sample schema of group program redemption.

  "eventId": "3b231837-db52-48cb-a405-cc162f2e1bd6",
  "eventLogId": 34805323,
  "eventType": "pointsRedeemed",
  "consumerGroupId": null,
  "actionType": " START",
  "timeStamp": 1683874869558,
  "attributes": {
    "createdAt": 1683874869545,
    "data": {
      "customerIdentifiers": {
        "customerId": 161943766,
        "instore": {
          "mobile": "917984690285",
          "email ": "amrinshekh157@gmail.com"
      "entityInformation": {
        "entityType": "USER",
        "entityId": 161943766
      "triggeringActivity": {
        "name": "PointsRedemption",
        "identifiers": [
            "key": "bill Id",
            "value": "-1"
            "key": "redemptionId",
            "value": "xMQy8y"
        "enteredBy": {
          "id": 200316761
        "entityInformation": {
          "entityType": "USER",
          "entityId": 161943766
        "additionalAttributes": [
      "loyaltyProgramDetails": {
        "id": 101,
        "name": "Louis PhilippeDefaultProgram",
        "isDefault": true,
        "pointsToCurrencyRatio": 0.5,
        "tiers": [
            "tierNumber": 1,
            "tierName": " Silver"
            "tierNumber": 2,
            "tierName": "Gold"
            "tierNumber": 3,
            "tierName": "Platinum"
      "loyaltyProgramId": 101,
      "totalPointsRedeemed": 1500.0,
      "redemptionSummaryId": 9547005,
      "redeemedPointsCurrencyValue": 750.0,
      "redemptionNotes": "",
      "redemptionBillNumber": "SA8269614",
      "isGroupRedemption": false,
      "redemptionFromEarningPrograms": [
          "programId": 101,
          "points Redeemed": 1500.0,
          "programCurrentPoints": 0.0
    "loyaltyEventId": "SHjlZN6x2e",
    "eventName": "pointsRedeemed",
    "refId": "150098_SHjlZN6x2e",
    "apiRequestId": "6f2131aeb479a10e5987a f16c915904b",
    "orgId": 150098

Sample schema of Participating Program Redemption

   "eventLogId": 34805312

Promised Points Conversion to Current Points Event (promisedToCurrentPointsConversion)

Notifies when promised points are converted to current points in a loyalty program.

ParameterData TypeDescription
eventIdStringUnique identifier for the event.
eventLogIdIntegerUnique ID that is generated when the event is triggered.
eventTypeStringIt combines the orgid and event name (e.g., "1000006_promisedToCurrentPointsConversion").
consumerGroupIdNullIdentifier for the consumer group (null if not applicable).
actionTypeStringAction type of the event (e.g., "START").
timeStampIntegerTimestamp of the event in milliseconds since epoch.
attributesObjectContains details about the event attributes.
- createdAtIntegerTimestamp when the event was created (milliseconds since epoch).
- dataObjectContains specific data related to the event.
-- customerIdentifiersObjectContains identifiers for the customer.
--- customerIdIntegerUnique identifier for the customer.
--- instoreObjectContains in-store customer information.
---- mobileStringMobile number of the customer.
---- emailStringEmail address of the customer.
-- entityInformationObjectContains information about the entity involved in the event.
--- entityTypeStringType of the entity (e.g., "USER").
--- entityIdIntegerUnique identifier for the entity.
-- earningActivityReferenceArray of ObjectsList of references to earning activities.
--- nameStringName of the earning activity (e.g., "TransactionAdd").
--- enteredAtFloatTimestamp of when the activity was entered (in milliseconds).
--- pointsConvertedFloatPoints converted during the activity.
--- identifiersArray of ObjectsList of identifiers related to the earning activity.
---- keyStringKey identifier (e.g., "billNumber").
---- valueStringThe value corresponding to the key.
---- key (second)StringSecond key identifier (e.g., "EventLogId").
---- value (second)StringThe value corresponds to the second key.
-- loyaltyProgramDetailsObjectContains details about the loyalty program.
--- idIntegerUnique identifier for the loyalty program.
--- nameStringName of the loyalty program (e.g., "Tata 1mg").
--- isDefaultBooleanIndicates if the program is the default program.
--- pointsToCurrencyRatioFloatPoints-to-currency conversion ratio.
--- tiersArray of ObjectsList of tiers in the loyalty program.
---- tierNumberIntegerNumber of the tier (e.g., 1 for Base).
---- tierNameStringName of the tier (e.g., "Base").
loyaltyProgramIdIntegerUnique identifier for the loyalty program.
pointsConvertedFloatTotal points converted in this transaction.
programCurrentPointsFloatCurrent points in the program.
programLifetimePointsFloatTotal points earned in the program lifetime.
pointsConversionSourceStringSource of the points conversion (e.g., "systemTrigger").
pointsConvertedBreakupArrayBreakdown of the converted points (empty in this case).
loyaltyEventIdStringUnique identifier for the loyalty event.
eventNameStringName of the event (e.g., "promisedToCurrentPointsConversion").
refIdStringThis is a combination of org id and loyalty event ID and is used for internal debugging purposes.
apiRequestIdStringUnique identifier for the API request.
orgIdIntegerUnique identifier for the organization.
  "eventId": "f993741a-89f3-46c8-b70f-6f45cfce7dba",
  "eventLogId": 34805016,
  "eventType": &q