Attributes - Transaction Number/ID

Attribute : Number

Profile: Current Transaction (currentTxn)
Data Type: Integer/ Alphanumeric
output Type: Boolean (True/False)
Operators: contains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, matches, and notExists.
Description: Transaction number/ID of the current transaction.
Syntax: currentTxn.number.[SUB-ATTRIBUTES/OPERATORS][VALUE]
Example : currentTxn.number.matches(“billNum20170207120113”)

ProfileAttributeOperatorsDescription of Operators
currentTxnNumbercontainsContains - used to see if the string contains the defined value, so it helps to check if a substring is a part of String or not.
currentTxnNumberexistsSome proper value exists for this string (i.e. source passed a value that was not an empty string)
currentTxnNumberisNotNullchecks if the string is Not Null i.e. it was passed from the source in the Payloads.
currentTxnNumberisNullchecks if the string is Null i.e. it was not passed from source in the Payloads.
currentTxnNumbermatchesThis is used to perform regular expression based matching on the string .
Example : write an expression to reward points if the current Transaction number contains the substring “PNR122”
Profile: currentTxn (i.e Current Transaction)
Attribute : Number
SubAttribute: contains
Rule : currentTxn.number.contains(“PNR122”)
Example: write an expression to check that the current Transaction number passed in the payloads is not null, and if the value exists send the communication that event is being registered.
Profile: currentTxn (i.e Current Transaction)
Attribute : Number
SubAttribute: isNotNull
Rule : currentTxn.number.isNotNull(“ ”)

If this condition is TRUE, an action will take place to send an SMS.
Example: As a marketing manager, I want to allocate points to all the customers whose transaction number has a particular series ID, i.e PNR123.
Profile: currentTxn (i.e Current Transaction)
Attribute : Number
SubAttribute: matches
Rule : currentTxn.number.matches(“PNR123”)
Matches will perform a regex match between the customer number passed via payloads and the sub string we have passed in the matches.
Example : write an expression for sending a SMS to the customer, whose transaction number is “TRN40” AND “PNR122”.
Profile: currentTxn (i.e Current Transaction)
Attribute : Number
SubAttribute: exists
Rule : currentTxn.number.exists(“TRN40”)&&(currentTxn.number.exists(“PNR122”))
If this condition is TRUE, an action will take place to send an SMS.