Attributes - Transaction Number/ID
Attribute : Number
Profile: Current Transaction (currentTxn)
Data Type: Integer/ Alphanumeric
output Type: Boolean (True/False)
Operators: contains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, matches, and notExists.
Description: Transaction number/ID of the current transaction.
Syntax: currentTxn.number.[SUB-ATTRIBUTES/OPERATORS][VALUE]
Example : currentTxn.number.matches(“billNum20170207120113”)
Profile | Attribute | Operators | Description of Operators |
currentTxn | Number | contains | Contains - used to see if the string contains the defined value, so it helps to check if a substring is a part of String or not. |
currentTxn | Number | exists | Some proper value exists for this string (i.e. source passed a value that was not an empty string) |
currentTxn | Number | isEmpty | |
currentTxn | Number | isNotNull | checks if the string is Not Null i.e. it was passed from the source in the Payloads. |
currentTxn | Number | isNull | checks if the string is Null i.e. it was not passed from source in the Payloads. |
currentTxn | Number | matches | This is used to perform regular expression based matching on the string . |
Example : write an expression to reward points if the current Transaction number contains the substring “PNR122” |
Profile: currentTxn (i.e Current Transaction) Attribute : Number SubAttribute: contains Rule : currentTxn.number.contains(“PNR122”) |
Example: write an expression to check that the current Transaction number passed in the payloads is not null, and if the value exists send the communication that event is being registered. |
Profile: currentTxn (i.e Current Transaction) Attribute : Number SubAttribute: isNotNull Rule : currentTxn.number.isNotNull(“ ”) If this condition is TRUE, an action will take place to send an SMS. |
Example: As a marketing manager, I want to allocate points to all the customers whose transaction number has a particular series ID, i.e PNR123. |
Profile: currentTxn (i.e Current Transaction) Attribute : Number SubAttribute: matches Rule : currentTxn.number.matches(“PNR123”) Matches will perform a regex match between the customer number passed via payloads and the sub string we have passed in the matches. |
Example : write an expression for sending a SMS to the customer, whose transaction number is “TRN40” AND “PNR122”. |
Profile: currentTxn (i.e Current Transaction) Attribute : Number SubAttribute: exists Rule : currentTxn.number.exists(“TRN40”)&&(currentTxn.number.exists(“PNR122”)) If this condition is TRUE, an action will take place to send an SMS. |
Updated about 1 year ago