Getting Started


Before implementing push notifications, ensure the following prerequisites are met for both Android and iOS platforms.

  • FCM server API key
  • Requesting notification runtime permission (Android 13+)
  • Push token registration configuration
  • Notification configuration
  • Implementing callback listeners
  • Configuring the call to action (CTA)
  • Deeplink configuration
  • Rich push notifications

Refer to the Capillary developer documentation for detailed steps on configuring push notifications on Android.

  • Install firebase SDK
  • Initialise notifications core
  • Trigger HydraPushNotifications API
  • Send FCM token to SDK
  • Create a push notification service extension target
  • Add HydraPushNotificationServiceExtension framework to extension target
  • Make changes to the UNNotificationServiceExtension class
  • Gateway configuration

Refer to the Capillary developer documentation for detailed steps on configuring push notifications on iOS.

Obtaining Push Permissions

Both Android and iOS require explicit opt-in permissions from users through an OS-level prompt. Users have the final decision to opt in or out of push notifications. Utilizing a Push Primer in-app message can boost opt-in rates effectively.

Creating a Push Notification Template

A push notification template allows you to design and organize reusable notifications.
With pre-made templates, you can quickly deploy consistent and effective push notifications across various campaigns and journeys.

To create push notification templates, follow these steps:

  1. In the Creatives section on Engage+, choose Push notification from the options.

  2. Choose the Mobilepush Account to send the content.

  3. Create a new template by clicking on Create new.

  4. Name your template and choose the type of push notification (Image or Text)
    Click on Continue.

  5. Follow these steps for Android:

    1. From the menu, choose Android and create the template for it.
    2. Enter the Title, Message and Cover Image (if required).
    3. Check Add action link to content if you want to include a Deep Link or an External Link and add the button label.
  6. Follow these steps for iOS:

    1. From the menu, choose iOS and create the template for it.
    2. Enter the Title, Message and Cover Image (if required).
    3. Check Add action link to content if you want to include a Deep Link or an External Link.



  • Click on Copy Title and Content from Android to quickly copy the content.
  • There is no character limit for push notifications. However, ensure the content is added appropriately and displays correctly.
  1. Click on Create to create to save the changes and create the template.