Coupons Standard Export Template
The coupons template is based on the Coupons fact.
The template lets you export details of:
- Coupons issued at customer level and transaction level;
- Transaction numbers along with coupon details, redeemed and expired coupons, and coupon level custom fields.
- While using the coupons template, you need to select custom fields manually.
- Coupons that are issued or redeemed will be tagged to a transaction, only if both the transaction and coupon issual or redemption occurs within the span of +/- 15 minutes.
Measure Name | Description |
Bill Id | Identifier key for the bill against which the coupons have been issued or redeemed |
Redemption Bill Amount | Total transaction amount of the bill against which coupon has been redeemed |
Issual Coupon Id | Unique Id assigned to the coupon which has been issued |
Used Bill Number | Bill_number used while the redeeming the coupon |
Auto Update Time Coupons | Date and time when the coupons table is recently updated (Unix timestamp) |
Coupon Code Src | It is same as coupon code |
Coupon Code | A unique id generated for the coupons |
Event Id | A unique id generated for the coupon's event by capillary system |
Dimension Name | Description |
coupon_event_type | Identifier for the coupons event type, such as issuance or redemption. |
User | Identifier of the user involved in the coupon event, set internally by Capillary. |
User Segments | Segment details of the customers involved in the coupon event, such as valued customer or lapsed customer. |
Date | Date attributes of the coupon issuance or redemption. |
Time | Time attributes of the coupon issuance or redemption. |
Store Hierarchy (zone till) | Identifier for the store, till id. |
Concept Hierarchy | Identifier for the concept associated with the coupon event. |
OU Hierarchy | Identifier for the organization unit where the coupon event occurred. |
coupon_series | Coupon series against which the coupon has been issued or redeemed. |
expiry_date | Date when the coupon is set to expire. |
issual_date | Date when the coupon has been issued. |
issual_time | Time when the coupon has been issued. |
issual_type | Captures the issuance type, with possible values such as store or customer. |
campaign_group | Identifier for the campaign group associated with the coupon issuance. |
campaign | Identifier for the campaign under which the coupon is issued. |
Issual Zone Till | Captures the store till where the coupon has been issued. |
entry_type | Captures whether the coupon entry is manual or through Intouch. |
latest_updated_date | Latest date when the data is updated. |
latest_updated_time | Latest time when the data is updated. |
Updated 4 months ago