Registration Event Fact Table

Each row in this table represents an event in which an entity (customer/ store staff) registration takes place. It captures information like the channel where the profile was created; the type of entity registered; date and time of the registration; and the store identifier for the registration.

Databricks Table Name: registration_event

Registration Event - Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Zoom in the table for more clarity. Click the table title to view its details.

Registration Event Factactivity: stringauto_update_time_entity_life_cycle: bigintdim_channel_account_id: bigintdim_entity_type_id: bigintdim_event_date_id: bigintdim_event_time_id: bigintdim_event_user_id: bigintdim_event_zone_till_id: bigintdim_latest_updated_date_id: bigintdim_latest_updated_time_id: bigintdim_state_id: bigintPKid: bigintPKreference_id: stringregistration_event_rank: bigintyear: intEntity TypeLKid: biginttype: stringChannel Accountchannel: stringLKchannel_account_id: bigintauto_update_channels: bigintaccount_name: stringauto_update_org_channel_accounts: bigintStateLKid: intvalue: stringusersauto_update_merged_customer: bigintauto_update_loyalty: bigintfraud_status: stringtest_control_bucket: stringis_merged_customer: stringsubscription_status_email_bulk: stringfirst_name: stringslab_name: stringsubscription_status_wechat_bulk: stringemail: stringlast_name: stringmerged_user_id: bigintLKuser_id: bigintsubscription_status_wechat_trans: stringsubscription_status_sms_bulk: stringndnc_status: stringsubscription_status_email_trans: stringtest_control_status: stringauto_update_fraud_user: bigintis_inactive: stringsource: stringslab_number: intauto_update_users: bigintregistered_till_id: bigintauto_update_customer_enrollment: bigintslab_expiry_date: stringcustomer_external_id: stringsubscription_status_sms_trans: stringmobile: stringloyalty_type: stringauto_update_ndnc_status: bigintUsersZone_tillsstore_country: stringexternal_id_1: stringstore: stringauto_update_till_parent: bigintarea: stringstore_name: stringstore_city: stringstore_state: stringtill: stringauto_update_till_store_relation: bigintis_ffc_enabled: stringLKtill_id: biginttype: stringtill_description: stringauto_update_till: bigintstore_channel: stringexternal_id: stringis_billable: stringstore_id: bigintis_active: stringauto_update_store: bigintstore_description: stringlatitude: stringtimezone: stringexternal_id_2: stringtill_name: stringzone_name: stringZone TillsdateLKdate_id: intday_of_month: intweek_of_year: intmonth: stringyear: intquarter: stringweek_number: intweek_start_date: stringweek_end_date: stringday_of_week: stringmonth_no: intmonth_no_of_year: intmonth_of_year: stringday_of_week_no: intquarter_no: intyearly_quarter_no: intdate: stringDateTimeLKtime_id: biginttime: stringhour_of_day: intminute_of_day: intday_shift: stringday_shift_no: inthour_range: stringTimeChannel AccountEntity TypeState


PK   Primary Key

LK   Linking Key

Fact Table
Dimension Table
Registration Event Fact

Registration Event Fact Table

Column NameData TypeDescriptionLinked TableAvailability for Export in the Registration Event Log Template
activitystringSpecifies the source activity that triggered the registration event. Possible values are - wechat_follow, wechat_register, tmall_register, system, website_register, ecommerce_register, and jd_register._Yes; Measure Name: Activity
auto_update_time_entity_life_cyclebigintDate and time when the corresponding record in the entity life cycle table available at the source was last updated. It is in the Unix timestamp format._Yes; Measure Name: Auto Update Time Entity Life Cycle
dim_channel_account_idbigintIdentifier for the channel where the customer's profile was created. Possible values are - Whatsapp, Web_engage, Mobile_app, Line, and WeChat.channel_accountYes; Dimension Name: Channel Account > Channel Account Id
dim_entity_type_idbigintIdentifier for the entity type. Possible values are - Customer, and Store staff.entity_typeYes; Dimension Name: Entity Type > Id
dim_event_date_idbigintDate when the registration was done.dateYes; Dimension Name: Date > Date
dim_event_time_idbigintTime when the registration was done.timeYes; Dimension Name: Time > Time
dim_event_user_idbigintIdentifier of the customer who has registered. It is an internally assigned value by Capillary for user identification.usersYes; Dimension Name: User > User Id
dim_event_zone_till_idbigintIdentifier assigned to the point-of-sale (POS) terminal within a store. It distinguishes one checkout location from another within the same store, aiding in transaction tracking and tillYes; Dimension Name: Store Hierarchy > Till Id
dim_latest_updated_date_idbigintDate when the data corresponding to this event/row is changed in the source table.dateYes; Dimension Name: Latest Updated Date > Date
dim_latest_updated_time_idbigintTime when the data corresponding to this event/row is changed in the source table.timeYes; Dimension Name: Latest Updated Time > Time Id
dim_state_idbigintIdentifier of the status of the registration. Possible values are - Completed, executing, int_wait, failed, queued, temporary failure, and ext_wait.stateYes; Dimension Name: State > Id
idbigintUnique identifier of the table. It is the primary key of the table._Yes; Measure Name: Id
reference_idstringRepresents the request_id of the API call that resulted in the creation of this entity. For example, it could be the requestId from a customer update call. This is the primary key for this table._Yes; Measure Name: Reference Id
registration_event_rankbigintThis field is computed on the Enhanced Insights side._Yes; Measure Name: Registration Event Rank
yearintYear of registration._Yes; Dimension Name: Year