Custom Field Data Fact Table

Custom fields are used to store organization-specific data for customers, transactions, line items, coupons, and more. These fields accommodate any data type and value, providing the flexibility to capture a wide range of information that doesn't fit into standard or extended fields. The custom field data fact table captures the custom field values, and is linked to date, time, and store dimension tables.

Databricks Table Name: custom_field_data

Custom Field Data - Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Zoom in the table for more clarity. Click the table title to view its details.

Custom Field Dataassoc_id: bigintauto_update_time_cf_data: bigintcf_value: stringdim_cf_id: bigintdim_event_date_id: bigintdim_event_time_id: bigintdim_event_zone_till_id: bigintdim_latest_updated_date_id: bigintdim_latest_updated_time_id: bigintPKid: bigintyear: intCustom Field Infoauto_update_custom_fields: bigintLKcf_id: bigintis_disabled: inttype: stringname: stringcf_scope: stringZone_tillsstore_country: stringexternal_id_1: stringstore: stringauto_update_till_parent: bigintarea: stringstore_name: stringstore_city: stringstore_state: stringtill: stringauto_update_till_store_relation: bigintis_ffc_enabled: stringLKtill_id: biginttype: stringtill_description: stringauto_update_till: bigintstore_channel: stringexternal_id: stringis_billable: stringstore_id: bigintis_active: stringauto_update_store: bigintstore_description: stringlatitude: stringtimezone: stringexternal_id_2: stringtill_name: stringzone_name: stringZone TillsdateLKdate_id: intday_of_month: intweek_of_year: intmonth: stringyear: intquarter: stringweek_number: intweek_start_date: stringweek_end_date: stringday_of_week: stringmonth_no: intmonth_no_of_year: intmonth_of_year: stringday_of_week_no: intquarter_no: intyearly_quarter_no: intdate: stringDateTimeLKtime_id: biginttime: stringhour_of_day: intminute_of_day: intday_shift: stringday_shift_no: inthour_range: stringTimeCustom Field DataCustom Field Info


PK   Primary Key

LK   Linking Key

Fact Table
Dimension Table

Custom Field Data Fact Table

Column NameData TypeDescriptionLinked Table
assoc_idbigintActs as a versatile linkage identifier that can reference different types of associations (e.g., user ID, bill ID) based on the context in which the custom fields are tagged._
auto_update_time_cf_databigintDate and time when the corresponding record in the custom field data table available at the source was last updated. It is in the Unix timestamp format._
cf_valuestringValue of the custom field._
dim_cf_idbigintUnique identifier for the custom field.custom_field_info
dim_event_date_idbigintDate when any associate like transaction/card/customer was attached to any custom
dim_event_time_idbigintTime when any associate like transaction/card/customer was attached to any custom field.time
dim_event_zone_till_idbigintIdentifier assigned to the point-of-sale (POS) terminal within a store. It distinguishes one checkout location from another within the same store, aiding in transaction tracking and management.zone_till
dim_latest_updated_date_idbigintDate when the data corresponding to this event/row is changed in the source
dim_latest_updated_time_idbigintTime when the data corresponding to this event/row is changed in the source table.time
idbigintUnique identifier of the table. It is the primary key for this table._
yearintYear when value was tagged to the custom field._