Data fields

There are two types of data fields:

  • Standard fields
  • Custom fields

Standard fields

These fields are created to capture basic details and are defined at entity level such as customer level, transaction level, line-item level, coupon level and so on. These fields are created by Capillary and are available by default for each module.



Standard fields are used in reporting and cannot be edited or removed.

Extended fields

These are standard fields that are specific to particular business verticals. For example, fields unique to the food and beverage industry, hospitality sector, aviation industry, jewellery sector, and so on. These fields capture values based on specified rules, which can be either logical or regex expressions.

Extended fields are utilized in various operations, including customer registration, profile updates, transactions, and transaction line items. These fields accommodate data types such as int, double, enum, etc, and are used for reporting purposes.

Creating extended fields

To create an extended field, contact the Capillary support team.
Extended fields are available in your org by default, You can hide unused extended fields on the UI.

Viewing extended fields

To view the default extended fields for your org, perform the following:

  1. On InTouch navigate to Settings > Master Data Management > Data Model > Extended Fields.
  1. To view all extended fields, click All Extended Fields. Expand the verticals to see the extended fields enabled for your org.

Updating extended fields

You can update an extended field to show/hide it, set the position on the UI, choose if they are mandatory or optional, and add enum values.

  1. Click on the extended field to edit.
  1. Configure the extended field as required.
Insert Enum Values (applicable for fields with datatype enum)Enter each supported value for the field and click Add.
New Enum Values (applicable for fields with datatype enum)Click on the value to select and click Remove, to remove any value from the list.
Hide DisplaySelect the Hide Displaycheckbox to hide the extended field from InTouch.
Is MandatorySelect the Is Mandatory checkbox to make the extended field mandatory.
Is UpdatableSelect the Is Updatable checkbox to allow updating the extended field values once entered.
PositionEnter the position of the extended field on the InStore UI. 1 for the top, 2 for the second, and so on.
Default ValueEnter the default value for the extended field.
Enable audit trailSelect the checkbox to enable audit logging of the extended field. You can add up to 5 extended fields for audit logging.
Is it PII dataSelect the Is it PII data to classify the extended field as PII data.
Reject txn on invalid valueSelect Reject txn on invalid value checkbox to reject the transaction if the values are invalid.
  1. Click Submit.

Configuring org extended fields through API

You can configure extended field for your org through the Configure org extended fields API. Refer the API documentation here.

Custom field

These fields are used for storing org-specific custom data across customers, transactions, line items, coupons, etc, that do not fit into standard or extended fields and can have any data type and value, offering flexibility to capture varied data related to customers, transactions, or coupons.
Reporting is not possible on custom field values due to the lack of control over the values entered.

Creating a new custom field

To create a new custom field, perform the following:

  1. On InTouch, navigate to Organization Settings > Master Data Management > Data Model > Custom Fields.

  1. Click Add New Custom Field.

  1. Configure the new custom field.
Disabled ?Select the Disabled? checkbox to hide the custom field from the UI.
Is Compulsory?Select the Is Comulsory?checkbox to make the custom field mandatory.
Is Updatable?Select this checkbox to allow updating the custom field values once entered.
Disable Custom Field ?Select this checkbox to delete the custom field.
Field NameEnter the custom field name.
Field TypeSelect the type of custom field from the dropdown.
Data TypeSelect the data type of custom field from the dropdown.
Field ScopeSelect the type of field scope of the custom field from the dropdown.
LabelEnter the field name to appear on the UI
Default Value(s) (CSV)Enter a default value to the custom field.
PhaseSelect the phase for the custom field from the dropdown.
PositionEnter the position of the custom field on the InTouch UI. 1 for the top, 2 for the second.
Rule (Infix form)Configure regex for the field value in the case of the free text field.
Server Rule (Infix form)Enter the error message to show in case of regex failure.
Regular Expression for verificationEnter the regular expression of the custom field.
Error message for Regex FailureEnter the error message to be displayed.
Help Text For The FieldEnter the help text you want to show for the field.
Enable Audit Trail ?Select the checkbox if you want to enable audit logging of the custom field. You can add up to 5 custom fields for audit logging.
Is this pii data ?Select the checkbox if you want to classify the custom field as PII data.
  1. Click Submit.
  2. To view the new custom field, navigate to Organization Settings > Master Data Management > Data Model > Custom Fields.
  1. Click the custom field and expand the dropdown to view additional custom field information.

Updating a custom field

To create a custom field, perform the following:

  1. On InTouch, navigate to Organization Settings > Master Data Management > Data Model > Custom Fields.
  1. Select the field you want to modify.
  2. Click Edit.

  1. Update the custom field according to your requirements.
  2. Click Submit.

Deleting a custom field

To delete a custom field, perform the following:

  1. On InTouch, navigate to Organization Settings > Master Data Management > Data Model > Custom Fields.
  2. Click the field you want to delete.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Select the Disable Custom Field.
  1. Click Submit.

After you make changes in a custom field:

  • For Store Server, perform a complete sync from Settings or wait till the next auto-sync completes.
  • For Thin Client, restart your thin client and check if you are able to view the changes.

Converting custom field to extended field

To convert a custom field to an extended field, raise a ticket to the Platforms team requesting the conversion. The converted extended field is be used in reports and campaigns.



  • The Platforms team verifies if the conversion is necessary, if not the request is rejected.
  • The mapping of custom field to extended field is carried out by the Platforms team.