Invitation Sent Standard Export Template

This export template is base on the invitation_sent fact table. Lets you export details of events related to the sending of invitations during a referral campaign. They include fields such as the date and time at which the invitation was sent, identifiers for the campaign, client, and invitee, type of identifier and the status of the invitee.


Measure NameDescription
Client TypeReferrers to the client type from where the invitee came.
Identifier TypeType of identifier used for the invitee (e.g., email, mobile).
Invitee IdentifierIdentifier for the invitee, such as mobile number.
Client CodeReferrers to the store code.
Auto Update TimeDate and time when the corresponding record in the invitation_sent table available at the source was last updated. It is in the Unix timestamp format.
Invitee NameName of the invitee.
Invitee IdUnique identifier for the invitee.


Latest Updated Date; Latest Updated Time; Date; Time; Store Hierarchy; Concept Hierarchy; Ou Hierarchy; Campaign; User; User Segments; User Attributes.