Contacted Standard Export Template

The Contacted template is based on the Contact Info fact table.

This template consists of details of customers that were contacted for a specific campaign, except for timeline campaigns.


auto_update_time_comm_detailsDate and time (in Unix timestamp) when communication details table is updated.
auto_update_time_contactDate and time (in Unix timestamp) when the contact table is updated.
message_bodyTemplate of the campaign message.
msg_idThis is the template id generated for each message template of a campaign. For example, if there are 5 types of messages sent in a campaign, it will have 5 msg_ids.
nsadmin_idCommunication id corresponding to a specific communication to a customer. This represents a granular level view of a specific communication.
open_countNumber of times the email message has been opened.
total_link_click_countTotal number of times the links within an email have been clicked by the customer.
unsubscribedCaptures the subscription status of the customer. If the customer has unsubscribed, it will be marked as "Yes"; if not, it will be marked as "Not yet".
yearYear of the communication.


Dimension NameDescription
Communication TypeIdentifier for the type of communication received by the customer.
UserUnique identifier assigned to the customer by Capillary.
Campaign GroupUnique identifier assigned to the campaign group. Possible values are - Test, and Control.
Store Hierarchy (zone till)Identifier assigned to the point-of-sale (POS) terminal within a store.
Concept HierarchyIdentifier for the concept.
Ou HierarchyIdentifier for the organization unit.
Communication ChannelIndicates the channel used for communicating with the customer. Possible values are - SMS, email, voicemail, etc.
DateDate when the communication with the customer was done.
TimeTime when the communication with the customer was done.
Campaign Contact DateDate when the customer was contacted.
Campaign Contact TimeTime when the customer was contacted.
Unsubscription StatusUnique ID for the unsubscription status, indicating whether the customer has opted to unsubscribe or not.
Link Open DateDate when the email within a campaign was accessed.
Link Open TimeTime when the email within a campaign was accessed.
CampaignUnique identifier assigned to the campaign.
Campaign MessageUnique identifier assigned to the message sent for the campaign.
Campaign Delivery StatusUnique identifier assigned to the campaign delivery status. Possible values: Sent, Delivered, Not Delivered, Failed.
Latest Updated DateLatest date when the data is updated.
Latest Updated TimeLatest time when the data is updated.
Journey BlockIdentifier of the journey block. It is the combination of journeyMetaId - journeyVersion - blockId.