Members Standard Export Template

This export template is based on the customer_summary fact table. It contains details of members (loyalty and non-loyalty customers) and non-members based on the last updated date or event date (registration date).


Measure NameDescription
Redeemed PointsTotal points redeemed by the customer since registration.
First Visit Basket SizeNumber of items purchased during the customer's first transaction.
Number Of Visit DaysTotal number of different days on which the customer has visited the store, since registration.
Returned Bill AmountThe total amount corresponding to the items returned by the customer, since registration.
Loyalty PointsTotal number of points that the customer can redeem as of today.
Expired PointsTotal points that have expired for the customer since registration.
First Visit Bill AmountTotal amount spent by the customer during their first transaction.
Average Spent Per VisitAverage amount of money a customer spends during each visit they make to the store (total amount spent divided by number of visits).
Redeemed Voucher CountTotal number of vouchers redeemed by the customer, since registration.
Lifetime PointsTotal points accumulated by the customer since registration.
Number Of VisitsTotal number of transactions made by the customer since registration.
Lifetime PurchasedTotal amount spent by the customer since registration.
Sku PurchasedTotal number of different product types (SKUs) purchased by the customer, since registration. Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is a unique identifier assigned to each distinct product or item in inventory.
Average Spent Per SkuAverage amount spent by the customer on each product type (that is, per SKU). Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is a unique identifier assigned to each distinct product or item in inventory.
Returned Bill CountTotal number of bills for which the items have been returned by the customer, since registration.
Total Bill AmountTotal amount spent by the customer across all the bills, since registration.
Total Line Item AmountTotal amount spent on all line items purchased by the customer across all the bills, since registration.
Total Returned Line Item AmountTotal amount refunded for all individual line items returned by the customer, since registration.
Total Bill CountTotal number of transactions made by the customer since registration.
Skus ReturnedTotal number of different product types (SKUs) returned by the customer, since registration.
Line Item CountTotal number of items purchased by the customer, since registration.
LatencyAverage number of days between two successive visits made by the customer.
Dim Preferred Store IdPreferred store where the customer performs most of the transactions.
Auto Update Time LoyaltyDate and time when the corresponding record in the loyalty table available at the source was last updated. It is in the Unix timestamp format.
Auto Update Time CpsDate and time when the corresponding record in the customer_point_summary table available at the source was last updated. It is in the Unix timestamp format.
Auto Update Time ExtndDate and time when the corresponding record in the extended field table available at the source was last updated. It is in the Unix timestamp format.
Last Visit Bill AmountTotal amount spent by the customer during their most recent transaction.
Max Bill AmountHighest amount spent by the customer in a single transaction, since registration.
Max Bill Count In WeekMaximum number of transactions made by the customer in a week, since registration.
Max Bill Count In DayMaximum number of transactions made by the customer in a single day, since registration.
Redeemed Visit DaysTotal number of days on which the customer redeemed points during visits, since registration.
Redemption LatencyAverage number of days between two successive point redemptions by the customer.
Redeemed VisitsTotal number of visits during which the customer redeemed points, since registration.
Points Awarded DaysTotal number of days on which the customer received points, since registration.
Redeemed RateRatio of redeemed transactions to the total transactions, since registration.
Total Points RedeemedTotal points that have been redeemed by the customer, since registration.
Loyalty IdUnique identifier for the loyalty source table.
Last Updated By Till IdRecords the till id (point of sale) where the customer details were last updated.
Has Spike BillRecords whether the customer has ever made a purchase that is 10 times greater than their average spending. It is mainly used for detecting fraud.
Max Zones With Billing On Same DayMaximum number of zones where the customer made a transaction in a single day, since registration.
Cancelled PointsCancelled points are the number of reverted points. That is, issued points that were reverted due to reasons like transaction return.
Max Bill Hour Count In DayMaximum number of transactions made by the customer in an hour in a single day, since registration.


Last Purchased Store; Last Purchased Concept Store; Conversion Date; Last Txn Date; User; User Segments; User Attributes; Store Hierarchy; Concept Hierarchy; Ou Hierarchy; Conversion Time; First Txn Date; First Redemption Date; Loyalty; Date; Last Redemption Date; Lapsation Date; Preferred Order Channel; First Purchased Till; First Purchased Concept Store; Dob; Wedding Date; First Points Redemption Date; Last Points Redemption Date; Repeat; First Awarded Date; Voucher Redemption Status; Points Redemption Status; Latest Updated Date; Latest Updated Time; Joined Date; Source; Time