Attributes - KPIs (Customer Points)

AttributeData TypeExample


Profile : currentCustomer
Attribute : currentPoints
Meaning : Customer's current redeemable points.
Sub-Attributes : NA
Operator : isNull, isNotNull, Interval, >,<,=,>=,<=
Syntax : currentCustomer.currentPoints [Operators like >,<,>=,<=,==][VALUE]

current points = overall earned points - overall returned points - overall redeemed points - overall expired points.

Example 1: As a Marketing Manager I want to allocate points to the customer who has current redeemable points or currentPoints greater than 100.
Expression : currentCustomer.currentPoints>100
Example 2: As a Marketing Manager, you want to send communications regarding expiry conditions to the Customer, who has current Points greater than and equal to 1000 but less than 5000.
Profile -> currentCustomer
Attributes -> currentPoints
And -> &&
Expression : currentCustomer.currentPoints>=1000&&(currentCustomer.currentPoints<5000
Example 3: Write an expression to Issue a Coupon to the customers whose
Condition1 : current Transaction value is greater than 500
Condition 2: Current Transaction Basket Includes the item from category field, value lifestyle
Condition 3 : Current Points is greater than 400
Also Condition 1 AND condition 2 OR Condition 3
Ans: Profiles Included for Current Transaction -> currentTxn
Profiles Included for Current Points -> currentPoints
AND -> &&
OR -> ||
Example4: Suppose you want to issue coupons for customers whose current points is greater than 500, then use the following condition:
Profile: currentcustomer & Attribute: CurrentPoints

Let's see how we can use "Interval" operators:
To issue coupons to those customers whose current points fall in the third interval of 600 (the first interval being 1 to 100, the second interval being 101 to 400, the third interval being 401 to 600), then use the following condition:


Profile : currentCustomer
Attribute: initialCurrentPoints
Meaning: customer's current redeemable points before the current event or Active points of a customer before evaluating the event .
Data Type: BigDecimal
Sub-Attribute : NA
Syntax: currentCustomer.initialCurrentPoints [Operators like >,<,>=,<=,==][VALUE]

initial current points = overall earned points (before evaluating an event) - overall returned points(before evaluating an event) - overall redeemed points(before evaluating an event) - overall expired points(before evaluating an event)

Example 1: Write an expression to check the difference in currentPoints and initialCurrentPoints of a customer is greater than 120
Expression: ((currentCustomer.currentPoints)-(currentCustomer.initialCurrentPoints))>120
Example 2: Write an expression to check if customers lifetime points are equal to initial current points and number of transactions is equal to 1.
Expression: (currentCustomer.initialLifetimePoints==currentCustomer.initialCurrentPoints)&&(currentCustomer.numberOfTxns==1)


Profile: currentCustomer
Attribute: currentAllPoints
Data Type -> BigDecimal
Meaning -> Sum of all Points, redeemable as well as Promised Points.
currentAllPoints : customer's current redeemable points + customer's current promised points
Sub-Attribute:** NASyntax : currentCustomer.currentAllPoints [Operators like >,<,>=,<=,==][VALUE]**

Example1: Write an expression to check if Customer points earned till now irrespective of redeemable or promised points are less than 500.
Expression: currentCustomer.currentAllPoints<=500


Profile: currentCustomer
Attribute: lifetimePoints
Data type: BigDecimal
Meaning : Total points earned by a customer from the date of registration.
lifetime points = overall redeemable points earned - overall returned points.
Sub-Attribute : NA
Syntax : currentCustomer.lifetimePoints [Operators like >,<,>=,<=,==][VALUE]

Example1: Write an expression for a current Customer if LifetimePoints are greater than 500 and the current Txn bill includes Shirt.
Example2 : Write an expression for a current Customer if LifetimePoints are less than 1000
Example 3: Write an expression for a current Customer to check if lifetimePoints are greater than and equal to 50 OR current Transaction value is greater than 500.
OR -> ||
Profile for lifetimePoints : currentCustomer
Profile for Transaction: currentTxn
Rule -> currentCustomer.lifetimePoints >= 50||currentTxn.value >500


Profile: current customer
Attribute : lifetimeNonRedeemablePoint
Data Type: BigDecimal
Sub-Attributes : NA
Meaning: customer earned promised points - returned points since the registration date.
Syntax : currentCustomer.LifetimeNonRedeemablePoints [Operators like >,<,>=,<=,==][VALUE]

lifetime non redeemable points = overall non redeemable points earned - overall non redeemable returned points.

Example : Example : Write an expression to check if customers lifetimeNonRedeemablePoints are equal to initial current points and number of transactions is equal to 1.
Example : Write an expression to Issue a Coupon to the customers whose
Condition1 : current Transaction value is greater than 500
Condition 2: Current Transaction Basket Includes the item from category field, value lifestyle
Condition 3 : lifetime Non Redeemable Points
Also Condition 1 AND condition 2 OR Condition 3


Profile: current customer
Attribute : lifetimeAllPoints
Data Type: BigDecimal
Meaning -> sum of lifetimePoints and lifetimeNonRedeemablePoints
Sub-Attributes : NA
Syntax: currentCustomer.LifetimeAllPoints [Operators like >,<,>=,<=,==][VALUE]
lifetimeAllPoints = lifetimePoints + lifetimeNonRedeemablePoints

Example : Write an expression to check if customers lifetimeAllPoints are equal to initial current points and number of transactions is equal to 1.
Rule :(currentCustomer.lifetimeAllPoints==currentCustomer.initialCurrentPoints)&&(currentCustomer.numberOfTxns==1)


Profile: current customer
Attribute : initiallifetimePoints
Data Type -> BigDecimal
Meaning -> customer's lifetime redeemable points before the current event.
Syntax : currentCustomer.initiallifetimePoints [Operators like >,<,>=,<=,==][VALUE]
initialLifetimePoints = customer lifetime earned redeemable points - returned points since start(before evaluating an event)

Example: write to rule to return false if the current customer initialLifetimePoints are greater than 500.
Rule: currentCustomer.initiallifetimePoints>500
Example: write to rule to return false if the current customer's current points are between 200 and 500 OR initialLifetimePoints are greater than 100.
Rule: (currentCustomer.currentPoints>200&&(currentCustomer.currentPoints>500))||currentcustomer.initiallifetimePoints>100