Milestones (also known as Target loyalty)
This page provides you with information on Milestones, including details on what they are, how to configure them, where to configure them, and how to connect a loyalty promotion to a milestone.
The Milestones feature enables brands to set targets for their customers and reward them upon achieving the defined target. A pure gamification mechanism to increase user retention.
Benefits (aka rewards) needs to be configured seperately (in loyalty promotions) and cannot be configured along with the Milestone.
In a Milestone, the target value represents the specific objective or goal that users are required to achieve. This capability empowers brands to gamify their customers' user journey, aiding in user retention, enhancing regular sales, promoting cross-selling, and fostering enriched customer interactions.
With the help of Milestones, tracking can be done on almost any aspect of the user. The following examples help in understanding what variant type of tracking can be done using milestones:
Transactional type of milestones:
- The user must achieve 10,000 gross sales in a month to receive 100 points.
- The user has to make 5 transactions in a week to get a premium customer badge.
- The user has to purchase 5L of petrol of a specific type in a month to get a $5 coupon.
Behavioral type of milestones:
- The user must update their profile picture 3 times within a quarter to receive a $10 coupon.
- The user has to walk 5000 steps in a week to get the fitness-freak badge.
- The user has to give 3 product reviews in a quarter to get 10k points & exteem user badge.
Extended fields type of milestones:
- The user has to purchase $100k as a tax in a year to get the ultra-rich-high-value user badge, which gives exclusive access to company events, and sessions for free.
- The user has to purchase 13 grams of gold from a specific store in 6 months to get 15k points.
Other customer activities type of milestones:
- The user has to redeem the points 5 times in a quarter to get a $2 coupon.
- The user will be marked with the "fraud" label whenever a user does 10 returns in a quarter.
- The user has to refer 7 new users in a year to get the elite badge and 5k points.
Unified targets examples:
With the help of these, you'll not only be able to track any property of the customer using targets but also will be able to track multiple targets together which has many use cases.
Refer to this to learn more about the unified targets.
In all the above examples, each user is assigned a specific "target" to achieve to receive corresponding benefits. This process mirrors the structure of a game, where teams or players must meet predefined targets or goals to achieve rewards and others. Thus, milestones help in implementing gamification for your brand.
Accessing the Milestone configuration page
To configure a milestone, use the following direct links to access the Milestones product page:
Method 1: Clicking on the below appropriate links
- EU cluster: click on this link to open the EU cluster.
- India cluster: click on this link to open the India cluster.
- APAC2/SG cluster: click on this link to open the APAC2/SG cluster.
- USA cluster: click on this link to open the USA cluster.
Note: On the homepage, make sure to change the "org" to your org.
Method 2: Search from org settings
- Login into the homepage of the org where you want to create your milestones
- On the top-right corner, click on the "profile" symbol.
- Click on the "Organization settings"
- Search for "milestones", and that's it. You'll be taken to the home page of milestones.
Home page
After clicking on any of the above URLs depending on your cluster, you'll see the home of Milestones. On the homepage, from the drop-down at the top-left, select your organization to view existing Milestones and configure new Milestones for your organization.
The homepage displays a list of all the Milestones already configured for the brand. You can use the search option to search for a Milestone and can also filter the Milestone list based on:
- The name of the milestone
- Single targets or multiple targets (aka unified targets)
- Dual status of the milestone
- Timeline based: Live, Upcoming, Ended
- Activity-based: Active, Inactive
- Duration of the milestone (between the start date X - and end date Y)
- KPI on which the milestone is created (Net sales, Gross sales, Quantity, Transactions, etc..)
This landing page also provides the following abilities for the user to perform:
Activate/Deactivate a milestone
Once a milestone is deactivated, it will have the "inactive" chip & no longer the milestone can track the customers as per its configurations.
A deactivated milestone can be re-activated again as long as the milestone is not yet over.
Edit flow of the milestone
- Once a milestone is created, some aspects of the milestone (rules, scope, target value, etc...)can be edited but not all the items are editable. Click on the pencil icon to enter the edit flow.
- Once a milestone is created, some aspects of the milestone (rules, scope, target value, etc...)can be edited but not all the items are editable. Click on the pencil icon to enter the edit flow.
Creating a milestone
You can build the milestone from the beginning (build from scratch) or use existing templates.
Build from scratch
This option can be used if you cannot find a template that suits your requirements. To build a milestone from the beginning, perform the following:
- On the homepage, click New milestone.
- Select Build from scratch and click Next.
- Enter the following details:
- Click Done.
Milestone details
Enter the following details:
Name: Name for the Milestone. Always, try to provide a suitable name depending on your use case. This helps later in easily recognizing your milestone. Remember, the name of the milestone is not editable & so always think twice before providing the name for a milestone.
Description: A brief description of your use case. This helps to understand the purpose of Milestone in the future, and this can be edited later.
Duration: Start date & end date for the entire milestone. All the cycles of the milestone should present in this duration, and there could be a buffer between the milestone start date & 1st cycle's start date. Similarly, there could be a buffer between the milestone end date & last cycle's end date.
This will be helpful when you want your 1st cycle to start from some future date, but you want to create your milestone today itself. In that case, the milestone start date can be created today & 1st cycle's start date could be some future date. Tracking will only happen during the cycle's duration.
A milestone can be created with both start & end date in the past. This helps in creating backdated milestone type of promotions as when required.
For example, assume current date is 15th May 2024. On this current date:
Case 1: User could create a milestone whose start date is 1st Jan 2024, and end date is 1st June 2024. In this case, start date is in the past.
Case 2: User could create a milestone whose start date is 1st Jan 2024, and end date is 31st march 2024. In this case, both the start & end date are in the past.
Points to remember:
- Past transactions/events as per the date of creation of the milestone has to be re-processes again to consider that past date in the tracking of the milestone.
- In the case of 1st case, all the past data as per milestone's created date (1st Jan 2024 to 14th May 2024) has to be re-processed again for that data to be tracked. Transactions from 15th May 2024 to the end will be tracked automatically.
- In the case of 2nd case, all the past data as per milestone's created date (1st Jan 2024 to 31st March 2024) has to be re-processed again for that data to be tracked. As the milestone is ending on 31st March, there is nothing that will be tracked automatically here.
- User can create a past milestone upto 6 months in the past. For any use cases where higher limit is needed, reach out to product team.
- When APIs are being used to create past milestones, it may not throw the 6 months validation but be careful when using the APIs directly for compatibility issues.
- This past type of milestone will work only for the "immediate benefit rewarding" type of milestones and won't work for the "period end rewarding" cases.
Till code: This till code is used to attribute all the points that are being given from this milestone to a specific store. If you are a brand that doesn't have the till concept, please create a dummy till and select that here.
The target value for the customer: You can either configure it to be the same target for all the customers or a different target for each customer.
- Same target for all customers: Select this option to set the same target value for all the customers. This is generally the most used case.
- The different targets for each customer: Select this option to assign unique target values to different customers. If selected, a CSV file containing information on target values for each customer needs to be uploaded in the subsequent steps
Note: The target values are set in the subsequent steps.
Milestone cycle details
In this section, enter the details of the Milestone's cycles. A cycle in the context of milestones represents a recurring period during which users are expected to achieve a specific goal. For example, if you want your user to achieve $100 gross sales in a month, then the duration of that cycle will be a "month".
Fixed period cycle
In the fixed period cycle, each cycle runs for a defined period from the selected start date. A maximum of 100 different cycles can be configured. You can either define the same duration for each cycle or define a different duration for each cycle.
Same duration for each cycle
In this, each cycle of the Milestone will have the same duration. The supported cycle durations are Monthly, Quarterly, Half-Yearly, Yearly, Weekly & Daily. Also, all these cycle durations will be in continuous nature without any gap between them.
To define the same duration for each cycle, perform the following
- Select the option Same duration for each cycle
- From the drop-down, select the duration. The available options are Monthly, Quarterly, Half-yearly, Yearly, Weekly & Daily.
- Select Specific date to select and start the cycle from a specific date. If you select today's date, the cycle starts immediately. This is also called a "fixed calendar window"
- The fixed calendar window works exactly as per the calendar. The day will start at 00:00:000 & end at 23:59:599. For example, if a user created a milestone of fixed calendar window type (with frequency as daily) at 11:00:000, then the 1st cycle will only have 13 hrs for the user as the day ends sharply.
- Select the option After customer's 1st transaction post enrolment to start the cycle after the customer's first transaction/event within the milestone duration. This is also called a “cyclic calendar window”.
- The cyclic calendar window works on a "24 hours" basis. For the same example as above, if the user made 1st transaction at 11:00:000 (aka milestone starts), then the 1st cycle will extend exactly to 24 hours.
- In the Total cycles text box, define the number of cycles. The maximum number of cycles supported is 100.
Different duration for each cycle
This cycle type is suitable when the predefined cycle durations, such as Monthly or Quarterly, don't align with the brand's campaign strategy. Brands opt for customized cycle durations like weekly or every 10 days. This is supported only for the "fixed window" type of milestones, requiring users to manually provide the start and end dates for each cycle as per their use case.
To define different durations for each cycle, perform the following
- Select the option Different duration for each cycle.
- Enter the Start date and End date.
- To add more cycles, click +Add cycle.
Till target achievement cycle (Period agnostic cycle)
This is applicable only if the target is set as "same for all customers" in the Milestone details (aka, the config in the previous step).
Till target achievement also called a "period agnostic cycle" is a type of Milestone cycle where the cycle continues until the user achieves the specified target, and resets again immediately. In this configuration:
- The Milestone cycle doesn't have a predefined duration. Instead, the cycle runs until the user reaches the specified target or goal. You can also define a maximum number of cycles.
- The cycle starts after the customer's first transaction within the milestone duration.
- There is no fixed end date for each cycle; it dynamically adjusts based on individual user achievements.
- This type of Milestone cycle is particularly useful when the focus is on individual user progress toward a target rather than adhering to fixed time intervals.
To define a Till target achievement cycle, perform the following
- Select Till target achievement.
- Select Max limit, and in the Total Cycles text field, enter the maximum limit of cycle numbers to define the maximum number of cycles. The maximum number of cycles that you can set is 100.
Milestone window mapping - fixed window, cyclic window, and period agnostic window
These are the terminologies used in the legacy Milestone workflow and this information is provided for familiarisation purposes only.
- For configuring a fixed calendar window:
Select the combination: (Fixed duration - On a specific date) in this new flow.- For configuring a cyclic calendar window:
Select the combination: (Fixed duration - On the customer's first transaction) in this new flow.- For configuring a period agnostic window:
Select the combination: (Till target achievement) in this new flow.
Customer enrolment details
In this section, enter the details of the customers for whom you are creating the Milestones.
The option to enrol customers in this step depends on the selection made for the config "Target value" in the 1st step. The option "same for all the customers" has more enrollment options, whereas the "different for all the customers" will have only flow. More details below:
Same target value for all customers
When setting the same target value for all customers, you have two options to add customers:
All customers - All the loyal customers of the organization who make a transaction after this milestone is configured automatically become part of the milestones.
Audience group: This feature is the same as the feature available in Engage+. In this option, customers can be enrolled using:
- A CSV upload file: A list of all the target customers needs to be present in the CSV with their respective user identifiers. A sample CSV can be found in the same section.
- Audience filter: The audience can be enrolled into the Milestone based on various filters. This capability is the same as the capability present in Engage+. To create filters based on "targets", search for "target" in the search box. This will work only when the org is enabled for targets in Insights (please raise a ticket for the same if this is not available in your org).
- Merging the existing audience groups: The audience groups that are already created in the org can be merged to enroll all those customers into the Milestones. If you want to merge 3 groups, merge 2 groups first and then merge the 3rd group to it.
- A CSV upload file: A list of all the target customers needs to be present in the CSV with their respective user identifiers. A sample CSV can be found in the same section.
Example of an advanced audience enrollment:
There is a fuel brand that wants to create 3 different targets. However, they want to enroll their users into targets depending on the user's performance in some other target.
- Target 1: The user must purchase 100L of petrol.
- Target 2: The user must purchase 200L of petrol.
- Target 3: The user must purchase 300L of petrol.
The brand wants to enroll customers in each target as follows:
- All customers are part of Target 1.
- Target 2 customers: Only those who achieved Target 1.
- Target 3 customers: Only those who achieved Target 2.
In the Audience filter (search for "target" in the filter search box to use filters based on targets), provide values such as the minimum target value that needs to be achieved, time factor, target name, and cycle name (optional). Based on those values, customers are automatically filtered. See below image:
For more information, refer to the documentation on Audience group.
Different target value for all customers
When setting different target values for each customer, upload the customer details in a CSV file containing the customer identifier information, cycle, and target values, and map the corresponding fields in the UI.
Perform the following:
Upload the CSV file.
- Click sample.csv and download the sample CSV file.
- In the identifier type column, enter the customer identifier. You can change the column header as required.
- In the periodHeader column, enter the target value. You can change the column header as required. If you do not enter any target values, the default target value set in the Target section will be used as the target value.
- To add target details for additional cycles, add the necessary columns and enter the values.
- Drag and drop the CSV file or select the file and upload the file.
From the Unique identifier drop-down, select the identifier that is used to identify the customer.
In the Map fields section, map the fields in the CSV file to the Capillary identifiers.
Click Confirm & upload .
If the number of cycle defined is 1 but the csv contains two columns with the target values, the second target value should be mapped to Do not import.
For more information on the CSV upload, refer to the documentation on CSV upload.
Target details
This is the most important step in the entire flow. The target value determines the value that the customers need to achieve in a cycle to receive the associated benefits. You can add up to 50 targets under a target group.
For example, if a brand sets a $100 monthly purchase target for achieving certain additional benefits, $100 is the target value. To define the target value and other details, click Target and define the target details.
A preview of the "Target" section in the create flow:
Define the following values correctly to implement your use case successfully:
Target value for each cycle
There are two options for setting target values for cycles within a Milestone:
- The same target value for each cycle. For example, the brand wants its users to achieve the same 1000 gross sales in all the cycles. Choose this option if you have the same target value for each cycle.
- A different target value for each cycle. For example, the brand wants its users to achieve 1000, 1500, and 2000 gross sales in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cycles. This is a classic case of incremental/decremental targets.
Customer actions to achieve the target
In this section, the core tracking properties of the milestone need to be configured. They are:
- Tracking configurations
- Target value
- Filters (scope & rule-box)
- Sub-target
- Unified target (explained in detail in this page)
Tracking Configurations
The Milestone tracking configuration determines which entity and KPI should be used to monitor customer activities. Below are the three types of activities that encompass all customer interactions:
- Transactional Activities
- Behavioural Activities
- Other Customer-Level Activities:
- Number of returns made by the customer
- Number of points transferred by the customer
- Number of points redeemed by the customer
- Number of successful referrals made by the customer
- And other similar actions...
1. Transactional Activities: Tracking Key Transactional Metrics
Gross Sales (Bill Level & Line Item Level)
- Tracks the total gross sales made by the user during the cycle. Gross sales refer to the total amount before any discounts are applied.
Net Sales (Bill Level & Line Item Level)
- Tracks the total net sales made by the user during the cycle. Net sales are the final amount paid by the user, with discounts excluded from tracking.
Quantity Purchased (Line Item Level)
- Tracks the number of items purchased by the user during the cycle. This can be configured to track specific items when used with a line-item rule.
Transaction Count (Bill Level)
- Tracks the total number of transactions made by the user during the cycle.
Days of Activity (Bill Level)
- Tracks the total number of unique days on which the user made at least one transaction during the cycle.
Transactional Extended Fields
- Supports the following KPIs:
- COUNT: Tracks how many times a transactional extended field appears with a specific value.
- Example: The number of transactions where the extended field value is "Gold."
- SUM: Tracks the sum of a selected transactional extended field during the cycle.
- COUNT: Tracks how many times a transactional extended field appears with a specific value.
- Supports the following KPIs:
Line-Item Extended Fields
- Supports the following KPIs:
- COUNT: Tracks how many times a line-item extended field appears with a specific value.
- Example: The number of line items with the extended field value "edible food."
- SUM: Tracks the sum of a selected line-item extended field during the cycle.
- COUNT: Tracks how many times a line-item extended field appears with a specific value.
- Supports the following KPIs:
Reward Currencies (Points)
- Tracks the following types of points earned by the user during the cycle:
- Regular Points: The number of regular points earned.
- Promotional Points: The number of promotional points earned.
- Both: The total number of regular and promotional points earned.
- Tracks the following types of points earned by the user during the cycle:
The following image shows the screen when "transaction" is selected:
2. Behavioral Activities: Tracking Behavioral Events
A behavioural event can be configured as a target when creating a milestone. All the behavioural events configured for the organisation will be available for selection as a target. You can configure how the behavioural event is tracked and evaluated based on certain KPIs.
The following KPIs are supported for tracking behavioural events:
Count: Tracks the number of times a behavioural event has been triggered within a time period.
Example: If the behavioural event is "Product Purchased", the count KPI tracks how many times customers made a purchase within a given time period. -
Days of activity: Tracks the number of unique days the behavioural event has been triggered within a time period.
Example: If the behavioural event is "Store Visit", the visit KPI tracks the number of unique days customers visited the store. -
Sum : Tracks the total sum of a specific attribute value within the behavioural event. An attribute for the behavioural event is.
Example: If the behavioural event is "Added to Cart" with the attribute "price”, the sum KPI tracks the total price of all items added to the cart. -
Sum of highest value: Tracks the highest value of an attribute for each day. The highest value is counted and combined with the highest values from other days in the tracking period.
Example: If the behavioural event is "Added to Cart" with the attribute "price", the sum of highest value KPI tracks the highest price of an item added to the cart each day. If a customer adds items priced at ₹3000, ₹4000, and ₹3500 on the same day, only the highest price (₹4000) is counted for that day. This value is then summed with the highest prices from other days during the tracking period.
The following image shows the screen when the "behavioural event" is selected:
3. Other Customer-Level Activities:
This section helps track the frequency of various customer-level activities and events (referred to as customer-level events in the loyalty workflow) triggered for a user within a defined period. The following customer activities are supported:
- Points Redemptions
- Coupon Redemptions
- Return Transactions
- Points Transfers
- Transaction Updates
- Customer Profile Updates
- Promised Points Conversions
- Points Redemption Reversals
- Referrals
- Milestones Achieved: This tracking type is available exclusively for milestones created within a fixed calendar window (i.e., with a specific start date). It tracks how often a user achieves a specific target group.
Once this tracking is selected, a new drop-down menu will appear, prompting you to select the target group.
A target group will be shown in the drop-down only if it meets the following criteria:
- It must be associated with a fixed calendar window (with a specific start date).
- Its frequency must be lower than that of the current milestone.
- Its duration must fit within the current milestone's duration.
- It must be active.
- The tracking type should be either "default" or "unified".
This type of tracking is also supported in streaks, enabling "third-level tracking" use cases that are challenging to implement. Examples of such use cases include:
- Brush twice a day, six times a week, for ten weeks in a quarter.
- Walk 5,000 steps a day, five times a week, for three weeks in a month.
- Refer to this Confluence page for more information on "third-level tracking" use cases and how they work with simulations.
Supported KPIs for the Above Events:
- COUNT: Tracks the number of times a specific event is triggered within a cycle.
- VISIT: Tracks the number of unique days on which a specific event is triggered within a cycle.
Note: Tracking for other events will be available in the future releases.
The following example illustrates the screen when one of the EMF events (e.g., points redemption) is selected:
The following image provides a high-level overview of the above configurations:
Note: In the table above, EMF-level events refer to the customer-level events and activities described earlier.
Target Value Configuration
Once the above configurations are selected, the target value needs to be provided. This value represents the goal that the user must achieve in each cycle of the milestone.
- Same Target Value for Each Cycle:
- The target value needs to be filled in only once.
- If you select "different target value for all customers," and a value is not defined in the CSV for any customer, the value provided here will act as the default value.
- Different Target Value for Each Cycle:
- The target value for each cycle must be filled separately in the right pane after clicking "Add target values."
- In case of "different target value for all customers," if the value for a specific cycle is not given, the target value provided here will act as the default value.
Filter Activity
This section allows you to tailor the Milestones to meet specific needs and use cases for the brand. You can define the scope and filter criteria for the Milestone, ensuring it applies to the desired customer segments and activities.
Scope-Based Filtering:
- Stores: Limit the Milestone to specific retail locations.
- Zones: Apply the Milestone to defined geographical areas.
- Concepts: Limit the milestones to specific Organizational Units (OUs).
To define the Milestones for all stores, zones, and concepts, select All stores, zones, and concepts.
To define the Milestones for a specific store, zone, or concept, select Specific store, zone, and concept and then choose the relevant options.
Rule-Based Filtering:
For further refinement, you can define specific rules in the rule box. These rules can target particular line items, categories, minimum transaction amounts, etc.
- Categories: Target specific product categories within the Milestone.
- Line Items: Apply the Milestone to specific products or SKUs.
- Transaction Amount: Set minimum or maximum purchase amounts for Milestone progress.
- For line item-related rules, ensure that "lineitem" is selected as the target entity. Writing line item-related rules when "transaction" is selected as the target entity will lead to errors.
- Tender-based rules are not supported in the rule box of milestones. For use cases related to tender-based rules, please reach out to a member of the product team.
For more information on writing rules, refer to the Profiles documentation.
Creating a sub-target
Sub-targets are smaller goals configured within a larger target. This enables brands to nudge and motivate customers and reward them at smaller intervals during the target journey.
To create a sub-target, follow these steps:
Navigate to the target section of a milestone.
Click Add sub-target.
Enter a name for the sub-target.
Select the achievement criteria from the drop-down menu
The achievement criteria are as follows:
Achievement criteria | Description |
Percentage value | Define a percentage of the main target required to achieve the sub-target. This is applicable only for the following transactional activities: gross amount (total transaction amount excluding discounts) and net amount (total transaction amount with discounts applied). Example: Achieve 20% of the main target to receive a discount coupon. |
Absolute value | Define a specific achievement value required to achieve the sub-target. Example: Achieve ₹5000 in purchases to to receive a discount coupon |
- Select Continue to confirm the changes.
- Select Done to save the changes.
When editing a milestone, the sub-target achievement criteria type cannot be modified, and only the amount can be updated.
Use case:
Consider a scenario where a brand wants to incentivise customers for purchasing specific accessories at a store. A milestone with a target value of ₹10,000 is set and includes the following sub-targets:
- 20% Achievement (₹2000): Send a message acknowledging progress and encouraging further effort.
- 50% Achievement (₹5000): Incentivise the customer with a small reward, such as a discount or coupon code, to encourage continued progress.
- 100% Achievement (₹10,000): When the full target is reached, grant a substantial reward, such as a free accessory or an exclusive offer.
These sub-targets enable the brand to actively engage with customers throughout their journey, providing personalized communication and motivating them with timely rewards.
Creating milestones using templates
Templates are pre-configured milestones based on a pre-defined use case. These templates expedite the milestone creation process by automatically populating essential values for various use cases. As a user, you only need to provide the remaining information.
Note: Templates for all kinds of use cases might not be available.
For example, the following are some of the templates available:
Template on "Catalyze product sales
Whenever a brand wants to boost the sales of a particular product using the Milestone, they can choose this milestone template. This template comes pre-filled with all the essential information required to configure and achieve the intended use case. As a brand, your responsibility is to complete the remaining details, such as the number of cycles, dates, etc.
Template on "Boost customer spend
This template is tailor-made to increase customer spending and comes pre-filled with all the necessary information, including rules, filters, etc. As a brand, your task is to fill in the remaining details.
Note: Upon selecting a template, you can also edit the pre-filled data. As a brand, if you wish to change the pre-filled values to other specific values, that option is also available.
Cloning/Duplicating a Milestone
Once a Milestone is created, it can be cloned to create another Milestones. This helps the brands in saving time when they are creating similar milestones.
To clone a Milestone, hover over the Milestone that you want to clone and click the Duplicate icon.
For example:
A brand 'Jaffna' has created a milestone that a user has to achieve $100 gross sales in a month to get 100 points. For this milestone, they have configured 5 cycles. However, they also want to create another Milestone and the only difference is, this time the brand wants the KPI as $100 net sales.
Here, as the entire information is the same, now brand can clone the previous milestone and change the KPI from gross sales to net sales.
- Cloning can be done only from a Live/Upcoming Milestone.
- When the cloning is completed, the "customer enrollment" step won't be cloned. Customer enrollment details needs to be entered before saving the clone.
Advanced settings of milestones
The advanced settings is a page that contains advanced options for the milestone which brands can use to improve their gamification, enable default options, etc... This is how to go to advanced settings:
When the configurer clicks on the "advanced settings" on the top-right corner, the following page opens up:
Currently, this page contains the following advanced options:
- Enabling leaderboard on each milestone level
- Leaderboard is a concept that brands can use to improve their gamification by creating competition among the users for additional users.
- More information on the leaderboard can be found here
- Currently, the following are the 2 APIs that are supported for the leaderboard
- Fetching top-N customers
- Fetching the rank of a customer across target groups
- Currently, the following are the 2 APIs that are supported for the leaderboard
Viewing a milestone
The details of a milestone can be viewed by clicking on the milestone from the list.
The configuration tab displays configuration information of the milestone in view.
Field | Description |
Milestone details | View the name, duration, attributed store till and customer target value |
Cycle | View the cycle start, duration and number of cycles for the milestone. Refer to the milestone cyclessection for more information. |
Customer enrolment | View details on enrolled customers. |
Target | View details of the target attached to the milestone. |
The information tab displays information of the milestone in view.
Field | Description |
Target group ID | The ID of the target group attributed to the milestone. |
Target ID | The ID of the targets attributed to the milestone. |
Created on | Date the milestone was created. |
Created by (Role) | Name of the person who created the milestone. |
Configuring benefits
This step involves defining benefits for end-users upon achieving the configured milestone. The configuration is performed by setting upLoyalty promotions.
To create Milestone-related promotions, you need to use the "target period elapses" customer activity and define rules based on your Milestones to configure actions such as benefits, communication, etc.
How the EMF behaves b/w Milestones & Loyalty promotions
The below flow chart provides you with an overview of EMF (Engagement Metric Factor) flow in Capillary and how Milestones and loyalty promotions are connected via EMF.
In this flow, the orange line indicates that after milestone evaluation, if necessary, an event will be sent to promotions via EMF.
This happens in two ways:
Immediate effect - When a customer's "target achieved" surpasses the "target defined," the brand aims to provide benefits immediately. Therefore, an immediate event request will be sent only when "targetAchieved > targetDefined" is in this process.
End of the cycle - The milestone evaluation for all customers occurs only at the end of the cycle (and point allocation will also happen after the period ends aka the next day). This is similar to a scheduled task that runs after each cycle, triggering an event request. In this approach, an event request is sent even if "targetAchieved < targetDefined," enabling a broader range of use cases with the assistance of rules.
Generally, the B2C use cases follow method (1) where instant gratification is required and B2B use cases follow method (2) where instant gratification has no role & the brand wants to wait till the end of the cycle to let their customers achieve as high as possible so that they can be awarded accordingly.
As a brand, if you want to enable immediate effect (Immediate effect), make sure the following config is enabled (mark as "Active") in your org settings. When this config is enabled, only then, Milestone will send an event request to EMF as soon as a customer's "target achieved" is greater than "target defined".
When this config is "Inactive", no event request will be sent to EMF on immediate basis. By default, this will be in "Active" phase.
Once the event reaches loyalty promotions through either of the two methods mentioned above, the promotion undergoes evaluation based on the rules, scope, etc., specified in that promotion. After all evaluations are complete, the associated actions, such as awarding points, distributing coupons, communication, etc., will be triggered.
Rules for the Loyalty promotions about Milestones
This applies only to targets for which the benefits are not immediately provided.
- Make sure that the vertical 'Target Loyalty' is enabled. To add the vertical to enabled verticals, perform the following:
- Navigate to Organisation settings > Master Data Management> Extended Field > Extended Fields Vertical Mapping.
- Select Target Loyalty from Disabled Verticals.
- Click add to add it to the Enabled Verticals.
- Make sure the "ENABLE_AWARD_WHEN_TARGET_ACHIEVED" config is set as "active" in the EMF org settings page. Awards will be given to the user (for milestones/streaks) only when this config is set as "active". To enable this, visit the "EMF Configuration" page of org settings. If the access to the page is not given, write an email to the sustenance team.
All the rules related to milestones come under the "currentEvent" profile. This means that the "currentEvent" profile has many attributes about Milestones. They are:
- currentEvent.targetAchieved
- currentEvent.targetDefined
- currentEvent.isTargetAchievedEvent
- currentEvent.milestoneValueDefined
- currentEvent.targetGaps
- currentEvent.targetMilestoneTrigger
- currentEvent.targetName
- currentEvent.targetPeriod
This rule helps in getting the current target achieved value of the customer. Make sure that, you are entering the name of the milestone inside the parenthesis.
E.g: currentEvent.targetAchieved("ABC")
This rule helps in getting the target defined value by the brand for that Milestone. Similar to the above, make sure you are entering the name of the milestone in the parenthesis.
E.g: currentEvent.targetDefined("ABC")
For example, if you write a rule: currentEvent.targetAchieved("ABC")>currentEvent.targetDefined("ABC"), this rule will become true only when the customer's achieved value is more than the defined value.
This rule verifies whether the event that came to loyalty promotions (out of 100s of type of events that are possible) is the event that arrives whenever a user achieves the milestone (aka target).
For instance, if you've set up a Milestone where a user needs to achieve $1000 in sales from Jan 1st to Jan 20th. If the user reaches this target by Jan 5th, brands have two options:
- Instant Gratification: Provide benefits right away to the customer, which is common in B2C industries.
- End-of-Cycle Evaluation: Delays the evaluation until the end of the cycle, allowing customers to achieve more. This approach is common in B2B industries.
By including the "ENABLE_AWARDS_WHEN_TARGET_ACHIEVED" rule in the rule box (assuming it's marked as "Active" as shown above), benefits will be immediately given to customers when the target is achieved.
For example, if you write a rule: (currentEvent.targetAchieved("ABC") > currentEvent.targetDefined("ABC")) && (currentEvent.isTargetAchievedEvent == true), then the benefits will be given immediatley.
Please note that, if you want to do the evaluation ONLY at the end of the cycle, you have to make the "ENABLE_AWARD_WHEN_TARGET_ACHIEVED" as "Inactive" in the EMF configuration page of org settings.
ENABLE_AWARD_WHEN_TARGET_ACHIEVED (config) | isTargetAchievedEvent (rule expression) | The behavior of the EMF |
Active | true | The event will come to promotions twice. Once when the targetAchieved > target Defined. Again, at the end of the cycle/period. This means point allocation will happen after the period ends (aka the next day). The rule expression becomes true when the targetAchieved > target Defined. |
Active | false | The event will come to promotions twice. Once when the targetAchieved > target Defined. Again, at the end of the cycle. This means point allocation will happen after the period ends (aka the next day). The rule expression becomes true at the end of the cycle/period. |
Active | This rule is not written. | The event will come to promotions twice. Once when the targetAchieved > targetDefined. Again, at the end of the cycle. This means point allocation will happen after the period ends (aka the next day). However, because of not writing the rule in the promotions, the evaluation also happens twice. Once when achieved > defined, and again at the end of the cycle. So, a customer will get benefits twice. |
Inactive | true | The event will come to loyalty at the end of the cycle or period as the config is "Inactive". This means point allocation will happen after the period ends (aka the next day). |
Inactive | false | The event will come to loyalty at the end of the cycle or period as the config is "Inactive". This means point allocation will happen after the period ends (aka the next day). |
This rule configures actions for various triggers of the Milestone, such as "sub-targets."
For example, if you set a condition that "a user has to make 1000 gross sales in a month to get 100 points," and you also want to send a message when 70% of the target is achieved, you can use sub-targets.
If you have created one sub-target named "ABC1" at 30% & another sub-target named "ABC2" at 60%, the rule currentEvent.targetMilestoneTrigger.contains("ABC1") will be triggered when 30% is achieved and the rule currentEvent.targetMilestoneTrigger.contains("ABC2") will be triggered when 60% is achieved.
This rule provides the value of the sub-target configured on the total target. For instance, if you set a milestone that "a user has to make 20 transactions in a quarter to get 100 points" and configure a sub-target at 80% of the total target, this rule can be useful. Suppose a user has made 18 transactions in that quarter. A sub-target event will be sent to loyalty promotions from the milestones as the sub-target has been achieved.
In the event evaluation, the rule currentEvent.milestoneValueDefined
will return the value as 16 (80% of 20 is 16, the sub-target value). Brands can use this rule to achieve various use cases where the sub-target value is needed in their strategy.
This rule returns the difference between the "targetDefined" and "targetAchieved" values of the customer. Use this rule to address use cases where strategic decisions need to be made based on gaps.
For example, writing the rule currentEvent.targetGaps("ABC") where "ABC" is the name of the milestone will return the difference between these values. If user 'X' has achieved a target value of 700 while the defined value is 500, this rule will return the gap between those values.
This rule enables the creation of rules based on the names of milestones. For instance, as a brand, if you want to execute specific actions for a particular milestone, you can use this rule.
For example, if you have a milestone named "ABC" and you wish to perform specific actions exclusively for this milestone, you can utilize the rule currentEvent.targetName.contains("ABC")
This rule enables you to execute specific actions or implement particular strategies based on the name of the period. For instance, if you have a milestone named "ABC" with three periods—'X', 'Y', 'Z'—you may want to perform certain actions when the event for the period 'X' is sent to loyalty promotions. This rule, currentEvent.targetPeriod.contains("X")
, helps you achieve that.
Note: The target names and period names are unique across the entire organization, eliminating any duplication issues.
Sample use cases & their configuration
Use case 1: Instant benefit delivery
Step 1: Set the "ENABLE_AWARD_WHEN_TARGET_ACHIEVED" config to "Active".
Step 2:Configure the rules in the loyalty promotions.
Result: When a customer's "targetAchieved" exceeds "targetDefined," an event is sent to loyalty promotions, triggering configured actions.
Use Case 2: Delayed benefits at the end of the cycle
Step 1:Set the "ENABLE_AWARD_WHEN_TARGET_ACHIEVED" config to "Inactive".
Step 2: Configure the rules in the loyalty promotions.
Result: At the end of each cycle, an automated process will run, sending an event to the loyalty promotions for all customers associated with the milestones. Subsequently, the loyalty promotions module will assess the rules and activate the pre-configured actions.
Use Case 3: Sending a message at the end of a cycle
Step 1: Set the "ENABLE_AWARD_WHEN_TARGET_ACHIEVED" config to "Inactive".
Step 2: Configure the rules in the loyalty promotions.
Result: At the end of each cycle, a message will be sent to all the customers.
Use Case 4: Sending message immediately on achieving the target
Step 1: Set the "ENABLE_AWARD_WHEN_TARGET_ACHIEVED" config to "Active".
Step 2: Configure the rules in the loyalty promotions.
Result: A message will be sent immediately once the achieved value is more than the defined target value.
Use Case 5: Configuring two targets in a single promotion
The "immediate effect" method is used here. Make the necessary config & rule change for the "end of cycle" method, keeping the targetName rule intact.
Step 1: Set the "ENABLE_AWARD_WHEN_TARGET_ACHIEVED" config to "Active".
Step 2: Configure the rules in the loyalty promotions.
Result: Two milestones (ABC & XYZ) are defined and both of them are configured in a single promotion.
Having two milestones (ABC & XYZ) configured in a single promotion creates a challenge for auditing. It becomes difficult to determine the points allocated to each milestone as a liability.
Use Case 6: Configuring sub-Target actions
A brand configured a sub-target, that at 70% of the target achievement, they want to send a communication to their users.
A sub-target at 70% should be created first in the Milestone to achieve this use case.
Step 1: Set the "ENABLE_AWARD_WHEN_TARGET_ACHIEVED" config to "Active" or "Inactive' as required.
Step 2: Configure the rules in the loyalty promotions as follows:
In this case, the rule becomes "true" when the customer achieves 70% of the target, indicating the fulfillment of the sub-target. The configuration settings determine whether sub-target actions take effect immediately or at the end of the period.
The above usecases are some of the examples only. You can configure and achieve more usecases using these rules. Read the document and use cases properly before configuring the Mielstones.
Also, note that the adjustment of target-value upon return transaction work only when the "ALLOW_RETURN_ON_TARGET" config is enabled as true in the EMF configurations.
Updated 2 months ago