Update Transactions in Bulk

API to update transactions in bulk.

This API allows you to update transactions in bulk. You can update the following:

  • Loyalty transactions
  • Line item level extended fields
  • Transactional level extended and custom fields

Note: Other parameters/attributes cannot be updated because transactions are considered immutable (unchangeable). If you need to update an attribute, such as the transaction's bill number, you must first mark the transaction as deleted by setting its outlier status to 'DELETED'. Afterwards, re-import or add the transaction with the new bill number or other changes in the attributes.



For an overview on our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer to API overview and Make your first API call documentation.


Resource information

HTTP methodPUT
Rate limitNA
Batch supportNA

API endpoint example


Request body parameters

Parameter (Parameters marked * are mandatory)Data TypeDescription
identifierType*StringCustomer identifier type. Supported values: mobile, email, externalId, id, cardnumber, cardExternalId
identifierValue*StringValue for the identifier
source*StringCustomer registration source.
id*IntegerUnique identifier for the transaction. This is internally generated during the addition of a transaction.
extendedFieldsObjectExtended fields with the values that need to be updated.
customFieldsObjectCustom fields with the values that need to be updated.
lineItemsArray of ObjectsList of items in the transaction.
- itemCodeStringItem code for the item in the transaction. You can also use line item id. The ID is internally generated during the addition of a transaction.
- extendedFields (item level)ObjectLine item level extended fields and the values that need to be updated.

        "identifierType": "mobile",
        "identifierValue": "9199860005816",
        "source": "INSTORE",
        "id": 873552027,
        "extendedFields": {
            "ship_first_name": "SamUpdated",
            "ship_last_name": "SundarUpdated"
        "customFields": {
            "feedback": "niceUpdated",
            "store_experience": "abcUpdated"
        "lineItems": [
                "itemCode": "sku_486741_2",
                "extendedFields": {
                    "MetalRate": "100000",
                    "GrossWeight": "100000.50"
        "identifierType": "mobile",
        "identifierValue": "9199860002585",
        "source": "INSTORE",
        "id": 873552028,
        "extendedFields": {
            "ship_first_name": "22000.02",
            "ship_last_name": "10000.50"
        "customFields": {
            "feedback": "abcUpdated"
        "lineItems": [
                "itemCode": "sku_486741_2",
                "extendedFields": {
                    "MetalRate": "100000",
                    "GrossWeight": "10000.50"

Response parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idIntegerUnique identifier for the transaction.
customFieldsObjectContains key-value pairs for custom fields.
extendedFieldsObjectContains key-value pairs for extended fields.
identifierTypeStringThe type of identifier used.
identifierValueStringThe value of the identifier.
sourceStringThe source of the transaction, e.g., "INSTORE".
lineItemsArray of ObjectsList of items in the transaction.
itemCodeStringThe code for the item in the transaction.
extendedFields (item level)ObjectContains key-value pairs for extended fields specific to the line item.
errorsArrayList of errors encountered during the processing of the transaction, if any.
warningsArrayList of warnings encountered during the processing of the transaction, if any.
totalCountIntegerThe total number of transactions updated.
failureCountIntegerThe number of transactions that failed to update.

    "response": [
            "result": {
                "id": 873552027,
                "customFields": {
                    "feedback": "niceUpdated",
                    "store_experience": "abcUpdated"
                "extendedFields": {
                    "ship_first_name": "SamUpdated",
                    "ship_last_name": "SundarUpdated"
                "identifierType": "mobile",
                "identifierValue": "919986000586",
                "source": "INSTORE",
                "lineItems": [
                        "itemCode": "sku_486741_2",
                        "extendedFields": {
                            "GrossWeight": 100000.5,
                            "MetalRate": 100000
            "errors": [],
            "warnings": []
            "result": {
                "id": 873552028,
                "customFields": {
                    "feedback": "abcUpdated"
                "extendedFields": {
                    "ship_first_name": "22000.02",
                    "ship_last_name": "10000.50"
                "identifierType": "mobile",
                "identifierValue": "919986000585",
                "source": "INSTORE",
                "lineItems": [
                        "itemCode": "sku_486741_2",
                        "extendedFields": {
                            "GrossWeight": 10000.5,
                            "MetalRate": 100000
            "errors": [],
            "warnings": []
    "totalCount": 2,
    "failureCount": 0

Error codes

Error codeDescription
8084Customer details are not present. Make sure that valid customer identifiers are added.


  1. Can I update return transactions?
    No, only regular transactions can be updated.
  2. Can I update payment modes and attributes in a transaction?
    No, payment modes and attributes cannot be updated.
  3. Is it possible to update the outlier status at the line item and transaction level?
    No, the outlier status at both the line item and transaction level cannot be updated.
  4. Can I update the bill date and number in a transaction?
    No, the bill date and number cannot be updated once the transaction has been recorded. If you need to update an attribute, such as the transaction's bill number or date, you must first mark the transaction as deleted by setting its outlier status to 'DELETED'. Afterwards, re-import or add the transaction with the new bill number and date.
  5. What fields can be updated in a transaction?
    You can update line-level extended fields and transaction-level custom fields and extended fields.
  6. What happens if there are two or more transactions with the same bill number?
    If there are multiple transactions with the same bill number, the transaction first added is updated. It is recommended to use the unique transaction ID for updates.
  7. Can we update non-loyalty transactions?
    No, updates to non-loyalty transactions are not supported.
  8. Can I use this API in Connect+?
    Yes. You can change the API endpoint in the Add transaction template and use it.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!