Get all badges

This API is used to retrieve all badges for the org.



For detailed information about our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer documentation in API overview and step-by-step guide on making your first API call in Make your first API call .


  • Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
  • Default access group

Resource information

HTTP methodGET
Pagination supportedYes
Rate limitNA
Batch supportNA

API endpoint example,UPCOMING

Request query parameters

statusEnumThe badge can have three statuses upon creation.
LIVE: The badges which are in live state and can be earned.
UPCOMING: The badges which are upcoming on a further date.
EXPIRED/ENDED: The badges which have expired and cannot be earned.
earnTypeEnumThe method the brand can issue the badge.
Supported values: EARN, ISSUE_EARN.
Earn: The selected customers are enrolled for the badge and upon fulfillment of the earn condition, the badge is issued.
Issue Earn: The Badges are issued directly to the customer who fulfills the earn condition.
actionEnumIndicates if the badge is active or not. Supported values: ACTIVATED and DE_ACTIVATED
badgeTypeEnumThe type of badge to display. Supported values: ISSUE_EARN, EARN.
ownerEnumThe module for which the badge is being created.
Supported values: Loyalty/Referral_Campaigns/Journeys/Audience_Campaigns/
Rewards_Catalog/ Goodwill_Module/ Milestones/ Loyalty_Promotion
claimedByStringModules that have claimed the badge. Example: Loyalty/Referral_Campaigns/Journeys/Audience_Campaigns/
Rewards_Catalog/ Goodwill_Module/ Milestones/ Loyalty_Promotion
unclaimedBooleanA boolean variable to flag unclaimed badges. Default: False.
nameStringName of the badge.
limitIntegerNumber of results. For example, number 10 retrieves the first 10 rows of the query results. Default value: 10.
sortOnEnumThe supported values are: ID/NAME/START_DATE. Default value: ID.
startOnDate TimeFilter badges based on start time. Timestamp in the ISO 8601 standard format format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ. Example: 2023-02-16T00:00:00Z
expiresOnDate TimeFilter based on expiry of the badge. Timestamp in the ISO 8601 standard format format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ. Example: 2024-01-01T00:00:00Z,UPCOMINGstartOn=2023-02-16T00:00:00Z&expiresOn=2024-01-01T00:00:00Z

Response parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idStringUnique identifier for the badge.
orgIdIntegerOrganization ID associated with the badge.
nameStringName of the badge.
descriptionStringDescription of the badge.
startOnDateStart time of the badge.
expiresOnDateExpiration time of the badge.
statusEnumStatus of the badge. Supported values: UPCOMING, LIVE, ENDED)
tagsArrayProvides the details of the tags that are attached to the badges during creation of the badge. Tags are used to store additional information about the badge which can help to identify or categorize the badge.
nameStringName of the tag.
valueStringValue of the tag.
earnTypeStringType of earning associated with the badge
earnedBadgeExpiryObjectDetails of earned badge expiry
expiryTypeEnumType of expiry, supported values: RELATIVE,ABSOLUTE,NEVER
Relative expiry is based on when the badge was issued.
Absolute expiry is based on the fixed date from the badge issual.
Never means, the badges will never expiry after issual.
relativeExpirytypeStringType of relative expiry. Supported values: DAYS,WEEKS, MONTHS
valueIntegerValue indicating the duration of expiry
expireWithBadgeMetaBooleanIndicates if expiry is associated with badge meta
ownershipObjectOwnership details of the badge
restrictedToOwnersStringLists owner categories that are allowed to claim the badge.
claimsObjectList of claims associated with the badge
badgeMetaIdStringBadge metadata ID
ownerTypeEnumThe module for which the badge is being claimed.
referenceIdStringReference ID associated with the claim.
benefitsObjectList of benefits associated with the badge.
benefitTypeStringType of benefit, these can be of the form of coupons, points etc.
seriesIdIntegerSeries ID for the benefit
programIdIntegerProgram ID for loyalty points
promotionIdIntegerPromotion ID for loyalty points
allocationStrategyIdIntegerAllocation strategy ID
expirationStrategyIdIntegerExpiration strategy ID
defaultTillIdIntegerDefault till ID
issuedCountIntegerCount of issued badges
earnedCountIntegerCount of earned badges
createdOnDateCreation timestamp
createdByIntegerID of the user who created the badge
lastUpdatedOnDateLast update timestamp
lastUpdatedByIntegerID of the user who last updated the badge
customFieldsObjectList of custom fields associated with the badge.
customFieldNameStringName of the custom field.
customFieldValueStringValue of the custom field.
activeBooleanIndicates if the badge is active
badgeGroupIdStringUnique group ID associated with the badge.
To add the badge to a group, pass badgeGroupId value.
badgeRankIntegerBadge rank is the rank of a badge within a group, the user can define the badge rank even if the group is not linked with the badge.
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Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!