Send OTP

Lets admin users to create a staff account for the organization.

To complete a staff account creation, you (admin users) need to validate the mobile number and email id through OTP sent to the registered identifiers to complete the account creation.

Query parameter

otpPurpose of the OTP validation.

Body parameter

idUnique id of the staff.
usernameRegistered username of the staff.
mobileRegistered mobile number of the staff to send OTP. You can use this to validate your mobile number and also to authenticate your login.
emailRegistered email id of the staff to send OTP. You can use this to validate email id and also to authenticate login.

Response parameter

entityAn identifier or ID related to a specific entity in the system.
warningsA list containing any warnings related to the operation or request.
errorsA list containing any errors related to the operation or request.
successIndicates whether the operation or request was successful.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!