Return Transaction

Lets you submit a return transaction of any transaction type.

The following are different return types supported for a transaction.

  1. Full Return: To return an entire transaction and exchange with different items
  2. Line-item Return: To return line-item(s) of a transaction and exchange with other items
  3. Mixed Return: To exchange one or more line items of a transaction (line-items)
  4. Amount Return: To return the entire transaction amount


For return transactions, it is required to pass return item’s purchased transaction number and purchase_ time . Purchase time: The date and time of the actual transaction * Billing time: The date and time of the return transaction

Before using this API, you need to know the configurations set of the Return Transactions page of InTouch Settings > Systems & Deployment > InTouch POS Configuration.

Request URL


Request Body Parameters

type*enumType of transaction. RETURN for loyalty transaction return, NOT_INTERESTED_RETURN for not-interested return, MIXED for exchange (involves both return and purchase). You will also need to pass type for MIXED transaction both at bill level (MIXED) and line-item level (regular for new transaction item and return for return item).
return_typeenumType of return. Value: AMOUNT to return transaction or line-items for money, LINE_ITEM to return one or more line-items of the transaction, FULL to return complete transaction.
number*stringSale transaction number of the return bill.
idlongTransaction ID of the transaction that needs to be returned.

Identifies the specific transaction to be returned when identical bill numbers exist across different transactions.
This is applicable when the CONF_LOYALTY_BILL_NUMBER_UNIQUE_ONLY_STORE configuration is enabled, and the same bill number is used for transactions at different stores.
Store A: Customer transaction with bill number B1
Store B: Different transaction also with bill number B1
In this scenario, you can include the transaction ID in the return transaction payload to:

- Distinguish between transactions with identical bill numbers
- Prevent failures in return transactions due to duplicate bill numbers
parent_bill_numberstringReturn transaction number.
billing_time*date-timeDate and time of the return transaction in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
purchase_time*dateActual transaction date of the returning bill in YYYY-MM-DD format.
notesstringAdditional information about the transaction.
amount*doubleSum of regular line items of the current transaction after discount.
qty*intQuantity of the current line-item.
ratefloatPrice of each line-item.
valuefloatGross transaction amount (transaction amount excluding discount).
amount*doubleNet return transaction amount.
sourceenumSource from which the transaction is made. Values: INSTORE( for InStore), WECHAT (WeChat), MARTJACK(AnywhereCommerce), WEB_ENGAGE (Web-engage integration), ECOMMERCE(“ECOMMERCE”), JD (JD), TAOBAO (Taobao), TMALL (TMall), FACEBOOK (Facebook), WEBSITE (other website), OTHERS (any other source).
customerobjCustomer details associated to the transaction. Not applicable for not-interested transactions.
mobile/email/external_idstringPass any of the registered identifiers of the customer. Required for regular transaction returns.
firstnamestringFirst name of the customer.
lastnamestringLast name of the customer.
extended_fieldsobjValid transaction level extended field details in name and value pairs. You can also pass line-item level extended field details in line_item object.
custom_fieldsobjTransaction level custom field details. Pass line-item level custom field details in line_item object.
line_itemsobjDetails of transaction line-items.
seriallongSerial number of the line-item.
descriptionstringDescription of the line-item.
item_codestringUnique line-item code.
variantstringVariant code of the item. Applicable for variant product.
addon_itemsobjDetails of add-on items. For example, pizza with extra cheese, and personalized toppings.
combo_itemsobjDetails of combo or bundle items. For example, buy 1 shirt get one free, shirt+pant, pack of 5 soaps.
split_itemsobjDetails of split items. For example, a necklace having gold rate, store rate, making charge, and wastage charges.
item_codestringUnique code of the add-on, split, or combo item. For example, combo-22, pizza01_addon.
quantitydoubleQuantity of the current add-on, split, or combo item.
associate_detailsobjDetails of store associate or cashier who did the transaction.
codestringUnique code of the store associate.
namestringName of the store associate.


Parameters marked with * are mandatory.

Response Parameters

idlongUnique transaction ID generated internally for return.
customerobjDetails of the customer associated to the transaction. Not applicable for NOT_INTERESTED transactions.
lifetime_pointsintTotal loyalty points earned by the customer to date.
lifetime_purchasesintTotal purchases amount (loyalty or non-loyalty transactions) of the customer across all stores of the org.
loyalty_pointsintCurrent active loyalty points (neither redeemed nor expired) of the customer.
typeenumType of transaction. Value: return for loyalty transaction, not_interested_return for non-loyalty or not-interested transactions.
sourceenumSource from which the transaction is made. Values: INSTORE( for InStore), WECHAT (WeChat), MARTJACK(AnywhereCommerce), WEB_ENGAGE (Web-engage integration), ECOMMERCE (ECOMMERCE), JD (JD), TAOBAO (Taobao), TMALL (TMall), FACEBOOK (Facebook), WEBSITE (other website), OTHERS (any other source).
current_slabstringCurrent loyalty tier of the customer.
tier_expiry_datedate-timeExpiry date of the current tier in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
points_summariesobjShows the details of the loyalty points.
programIdlongUnique ID of the loyalty program associated to the points summary.
redeemedintIn total points earned from the program, the total number of points that are redeemed.
expiredintIn total points earned from the program, the total number of points that are expired.
returnedintIn total points earned from the program, the total number of points that are returned. Usually, for transaction returns.
adjustedintPoints that are either credited to or debited from the customer account in adjustments. The value will be negative if debited points are more than credited, and positive if credited points are more than debited.
cumulativePurchasesdoubleTotal purchases amount of the customer in the stores associated to the current loyalty program.
currentSlabstringCurrent tier of the customer in the loyalty program.
nextSlabstringNext loyalty tier of the customer.
nextSlabSerialNumberintSerial number of the next tier. Lowest tier will have 1, succeeding tier will have 2 and so on.
nextSlabDescriptionstringDescription of the next tier as saved in the loyalty program.
slabSNointSerial number of the current tier of the customer. Lowest tier will have 1, succeeding tier will have 2 and so on.
slabExpiryDatedate-timeExpiry date of the current loyalty tier of the customer in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
registered_ondate-timeDate on which the customer is enrolled in the org’s loyalty.
updated_ondate-timeRecent date on which the customer details are updated.
typeenumLoyalty type of the customer. LOYALTY if the customer is enrolled in the org’s loyalty program, NON_LOYALTY if customer has not enrolled in the loyalty program but registered mobile number or email id with the org.
custom_fieldsobjTransaction or line-item level custom field details - field name (name) and field value (value).
extended_fieldsobjTransaction or line-item level extended field details - extended field name (name) and extended field value (value).