Simulation transaction add

Lets you perform the simulation of the Transaction Add.

This API enables the workflow simulation of a transaction and helps to demonstrate the benefits that the customers will receive with the transaction. It functions as a wrapper for the existing transaction add v2 API, allowing this process without performing any database writes. For more information on workflow simulation, refer to the workflow simulation documentation.


For detailed information about our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer documentation in API overview and step-by-step guide on making your first API call in Make your first API call .


  • Write access to the Event simulation access group. For information on access groups, refer to the access group documentation.

Rate limit

Refer to rate limit documentation.

API endpoint example[email protected]

Request body parameters

(Parameters marked with * sign are mandatory)
type*EnumType of transactions - Regular, Return, Mixed
billAmount*stringTotal bill amount
billNumber*stringBill number
addWithLocalCurrencybooleanIndicates local currency usage
lineItemsV2arrayAn array containing item-level parameters
customFieldsobjectAn object containing custom field parameters.
Note: The custom fields are not taken into consideration for simulation.
extendedFieldsobjectAn object containing extended field parameters



You can include all the body parameters permitted in the regular transaction add API except rawSideEffects and use_async query param. Please note that the list provided above is not exhaustive and does not include all allowable body parameters.

Request query parameters

(Parameters marked with * sign are mandatory)
identifierName*EnumPass any of the registered identifier name of the customer.
Values: mobile, email, externalId, id, wechat, martjackId, fbId (Facebook ID), cardnumber, cardExternalId.
identifierValue*stringPass the respective identifier value. For example if identifierType is mobile, identifierValue is mobile number.
sourceEnumPass the source from which the transaction is made. Values: INSTORE(for InStore), WECHAT (WeChat), MARTJACK(AnywhereCommerce), WEB_ENGAGE (Web-engage integration), ECOMMERCE (ECOMMERCE), JD (JD), TAOBAO (Taobao), TMALL (TMall), FACEBOOK (Facebook), WEBSITE (other website), OTHERS (any other source).
accountIdstringFor sources with multiple accounts (such as MARTJACK, WECHAT), pass the respective account ID. Not applicable for INSTORE source.

Response parameters

warningsArrayAn array containing any warnings related to the simulation.
errorsArrayAn array containing any errors encountered during the simulation.
simulatedPointsBreakupObjectAn object providing a breakdown of points earned from the simulation event.
eventDetailsObjectDetails about the simulation event, such as max conversion date, event time, and till ID.
billDetailsObjectDetails about the bill associated with the simulation, including bill type, number, and amount.
pointsEarnedObjectInformation about the points earned during the simulation.
promisedArrayAn array of promised points, including their value, conversion date, program ID, and name.
lineItemsArrayAn array of line items associated with the bill, each containing details and earned points.
regularArrayAn array of regular points earned, including their value, expiration date, program ID, and name.
customFieldsArrayAn array of custom fields associated with the simulation event.
Note: The custom fields are not taken into consideration for simulation.
extendedFieldsArrayAn array of extended fields, such as "room_nights_count," with their respective values.
paymentModesArrayAn array containing information about payment modes used in the simulation.
pointInTimeSlabsArrayAn array of point-in-time slabs, including slab number, name, program ID, and default status.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!